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Messages - bitcoinerS

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In the short term cherry picking some improvements from EOS and integrating them into Bitshares 2 may make sense. Long term Bitshares 2 will not be able to compete with BEOS, as the latter will have a superior foundation with many significant advantages over Bitshares 2.

And what are those features that make EOS absolutely superior and essential? we should remember that the most capitalized currency has no relevant technical characteristics. I suspect that all those characteristics are beads and colored glasses to deceive the unwary.

Technically inferior technology can lead in capitalization, maybe even for a long time. However superior tech will succeed and will likely win out in the end. EOS is Dan Larimer's 3rd blockchain and is being built with lessons learned from the first two, Bitshares being the first.  EOS is a natural upgrade path for Bitshares.

Some of the most significant advantages BEOS will have over BTS 2:
  • Smart contract support
  • Compatibility with EOS Dapps
  • Massive scalability
  • Low latency (likely sub-second)
  • Free transfers


subject to stakeholder approval.
work can't start, there is nothing to work on.

Yes, stakeholder approval is what this proposal is seeking.
Work on BEOS begins with discussion, planning, approval of the plan by the community, securing development funding, assembling a team of qualified devs to work on it.
Coding can not start yet, but discussion and planning of this project can and should start now.

Given zero BSIPs on the routes to EOS integration, this isn't a serious proposal

BSIP for this proposal has not been created yet, it will be written once there is a discussion of the proposal and general approval of the idea from stakeholders.
My goal here is to ignite this discussion and see how much support this idea gets from stakeholders.

won't make it in time for the ICO.
Which ICO?

Perhaps bringing some of EOS' functionality to BTS is plausible, but BTS merging into/onto EOS is highly unlikely.

In the short term cherry picking some improvements from EOS and integrating them into Bitshares 2 may make sense. Long term Bitshares 2 will not be able to compete with BEOS, as the latter will have a superior foundation with many significant advantages over Bitshares 2.

We don't know, may be Larimer's team is already working on this right now.

There is a basic sample exchange smart contract  developed by EOS team.
It can be used as a starting point for porting Bitshares to EOS.


and it's still nothing they can work on right now.

Not a fact.
Current Bitshares functionality will need to be implemented as an EOS native smart contract. This work can start now.


they already addressed this in the last post, you did not read this either.

The only comment addressing BEOS proposal I see, is that @ivandev thinks EOS is not ready. 
In my opinion EOS is ready to start developing BEOS, to be launched when EOS is released in june of 2018.
In any case it is up to the community to decide which proposal to support.
Adding BEOS option to the poll allows community to voice its support.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares as a platform for ICOs?
« on: October 25, 2017, 03:11:27 am »
What changed?
Captain (Dan) left the ship.

Why not add BEOS (Bitshares on EOS) option to the poll?
Seems this option has some support in the community.

See  "BEOS - Alternative proposal for Bitshares 3.0"

General Discussion / BEOS - Alternative proposal for Bitshares 3.0
« on: October 24, 2017, 05:20:40 am »

In this post I described
BEOS - Alternative proposal for Bitshares 3.0

Basic idea is to upgrade Bitshares with latest in blockchain tech by cloning EOS and making BTS base token of the new blockchain. Current Bitshares functionality would need to be implemented as a native contract on BEOS.
Follow the link to read details of this proposal.

General Discussion / Re: OpenLedger propose Bitshares 3.0 enhancements
« on: October 24, 2017, 01:38:27 am »
I proposed Bitshares adopt EOS blockchain tech in this post
It is relevant to this discussion. Please comment with your ideas.

I think Bitshares should migrate to EOS blockchain tech by cloning it and making BTS base token.
This can be done in steps. Both Bitshares 2.0 and Bitshares 3.0 (on EOS) can run in parallel during transition phase.
BTS tokens on both blockchains would be interchangeable 1 to 1.

BEOS - Alternative proposal for Bitshares 3.0

General Discussion / Bitshares as a platform for ICOs?
« on: June 22, 2017, 03:43:35 am »
Someone I know is planning an ICO for his offline company. He is considering launching an erc20 token on etherium which seems to be a popular option lately. Should he consider Bitshares for his ICO? Is Bitshares suitable, ready?

Technical Support / Re: shorts and NOTEs missing after migration
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:02:08 am »

The shorts were converted to seperate accounts. you there should be some other accounts with collateral in the name in your wallet. Each represents an open short.

I am not seeing it.. Is there more info on shorts migration?

Technical Support / Re: shorts and NOTEs missing after migration
« on: December 01, 2015, 12:35:37 am »

How about missing open short orders?

Technical Support / shorts and NOTEs missing after migration
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:32:10 pm »
After I migrated to Bitshares 2 my existing Bitshares Music NOTEs and active shorts did not migrate into new wallet. Anything I should do to get them imported? Thanks.

Try with --resync-blockchain as I said (it is different from replay)

Same error with --resync-blockchain

Try to launch the witness node with --resynch-blockchain.
This will redownload all the blocks, it could take a while...
If those are your public & private keys, you should change the private asap.

How do I change those keys..?
And I tried starting with
$ ./programs/witness_node/witness_node --replay-blockchain

Getting the same error again.

Code: [Select]
$ ./programs/witness_node/witness_node
921223ms th_a       application.cpp:233           reset_websocket_serv ] Configured websocket rpc to listen on
921223ms th_a       application.cpp:438           startup              ] 13 N11websocketpp9exceptionE: Underlying Transport Error
Underlying Transport Error:
    {"what":"Underlying Transport Error"}
    th_a  application.cpp:236 reset_websocket_server
921223ms th_a       application.cpp:984           startup              ] 13 N11websocketpp9exceptionE: Underlying Transport Error
Underlying Transport Error:
    {"what":"Underlying Transport Error"}
    th_a  application.cpp:236 reset_websocket_server
    th_a  application.cpp:438 startup
921223ms th_a       main.cpp:192                  main                 ] Exiting with error:
13 N11websocketpp9exceptionE: Underlying Transport Error
Underlying Transport Error:
    {"what":"Underlying Transport Error"}
    th_a  application.cpp:236 reset_websocket_server
    th_a  application.cpp:438 startup
921406ms th_a       thread.cpp:115                ~thread              ] calling quit() on p2p
921406ms th_a       thread.cpp:160                quit                 ] destroying boost thread 140527597115136
921406ms p2p        thread.cpp:246                exec                 ] thread canceled: 9 canceled_exception: Canceled

    p2p  thread_d.hpp:461 start_next_fiber

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