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Messages - JonnyB

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General Discussion / Re: Investigating the reasons for BitUSD GS
« on: December 08, 2018, 11:26:05 pm »
Global settlement happens when collateral is not maintained by bitasset shorters.

Bitshares has a built mechanism to punish them to maintain their collateral and also incentivise would be margin call buyers.

The bitasset shorter is punished by selling his collateral at a 10% discount.
The margin call purchaser is incentivised to buy BTS at a 10% discount from feed price.

This system is called MSSR and is currently set at 10%

All we need to do is increase it to 20% and bit asset shorters are more likely to maintain their collateral.

What about raising MSSR to 20% and decreasing MCR to 1.50 for start... ?  The market should revive MUCH easier.

PS Or temporary decrease MCR to 1.3 to insta-revive ... am I missing something?

I agree that the MSSR should raised to at least 20% maybe higher so that margin calls are bought more promptly.

I really like the fact the bot is built into the GUI.
great work!

BSIP42 is a total disaster. It was always going to be. I have always been strongly against it.

feed prices should be the real honest traded prices taken from external exchanges.

General Discussion / Re: Somebody might enlighten me why BSIP42 on BitUSD ?
« on: September 29, 2018, 01:52:51 pm »
BSIP42 = You can't settle your bit assets for their face value anymore.

If you are against inaccurate price feeds you need to actively vote against it not just abstain.  BSIP42 basically says witnesses can feed in manipulated prices.

@bitcrab @abit
I think most people agree the GUI should prompt the user to buy BTS with BitAsset when they try and force settle but only when the price is better.

General Discussion / Re: Margin Call stopped working
« on: September 15, 2018, 06:09:23 pm »
you were right

Disable force settlement and global settlement, Are you mad?

You initially said the 5% force settlement was a temporary measure,  that was a year ago.  Bitshares is a protocol you can't keep changing the rules for your own interests even as a big whale.

As someone else said, make your own CNY smartcoin don't try and change the committee assets.

How can someone have faith in a stablecoin when the rules change every year.

General Discussion / Re: SMARTASSETS SCAMS
« on: August 20, 2018, 03:48:47 pm »
Yes you are correct and the only smartcoins I have ever trusted are bitUSD and BitCNY.
Even these have issues with lack of liquidity and short squeezes.
The price feed accuracy, decentralisation and reliability are so so important.
Even BitBTC has blackswanned.

General Discussion / Re: Consider derailing feed price
« on: August 20, 2018, 12:34:18 pm »
The GUI should be changed so that when you click force settle it prompts you with "you can get a better price by selling, do you wish to sell now"

General Discussion / Re: Consider derailing feed price
« on: August 20, 2018, 11:46:11 am »
I really think Bitshares needs to find a way to collateralise with bitcoin instead of BTS. (don't worry BTS will still have value because its need to pay fees)
You can just create another (private) MPA e.g. YOUR.USD backed by YOUR.BTC. But BTC can be in a bear market as well ..

Anyway, I think this is out of scope of this thread.

Yes we could create bitUSD backed by OPEN.BTC but as a centralised IOU people won't trust it. Hence the need for a trustless BTC / sidechain.

General Discussion / Re: Consider derailing feed price
« on: August 20, 2018, 11:44:03 am »
The hope was that when volume grows, the premium may go down, but apparently, the incentives of shorters are not sufficiently aligned for traders to sell into margin calls at 10% mssr, hence the premium in bear markets.

Bitcoin is such a deep liquid market with huge volume on hundreds of exchanges. Makes the price harder to manipulate to attack BitUSD shorters.  Also Bitcoin has lower volatility meaning either less chance of black swan with current settings or we could reduce the collateral required to back bitUSD.

Millions of people hold Bitcoin and may be interested in borrowing interest free against it. The number of BTS holders comparatively tiny.

General Discussion / Re: Consider derailing feed price
« on: August 20, 2018, 11:13:28 am »
Yes I have said this for years. 
In a BTS bear market BitUSD trades at a premium.

This is essentially a BitUSD short squeeze.

There is no way to reliably swap real dollars for BitUSD because the quantity of BitUSD is limited by the price of BTS.

I really think Bitshares needs to find a way to collateralise with bitcoin instead of BTS. (don't worry BTS will still have value because its need to pay fees)


FFS bitcrab, I thought BitShares was supposed to be decentralised.

You adjust all the parameters to suit your whale positions.

you run the open market operations (a major conflict of interest.)

you got the committee to change force settlement on BitCNY to 5%(supposedly temporarily) when all other bitassets are 1%

now you want to change MSSR for your own ends.

lets just rename it Crabshares

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