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Messages - LoveYouMakMak

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Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Tired of waiting for any dev't WTS MUSE
« on: November 30, 2016, 10:56:45 pm »
Any takers? 20k muse @300 sats each

How about 30 sats instead? :)

MUSE is already market-driven. I'm not that stupid. So get a life.

You are right, 30 might be too optimistic. I will wait for 10.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: My update on the Slack channel
« on: November 23, 2016, 10:44:27 am »
I'm sorry cob, but it's getting kinda hard to believe your shit.

Why I don't visit this place anymore. No point.

which is your fault to begin with. closing your eyes now won't help you, it looks like the pitch forks are already out

He sucked money out of this community and then decided it's not worth his time to explain his lies. Class.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: My update on the Slack channel
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:32:40 am »
I'm sorry cob, but it's getting kinda hard to believe your shit.

Why I don't visit this place anymore. No point.

You don't visit anymore because you are running out of believable bs to sling. You took a lot of money out of this community with nothing to show but endless lies and excuses.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: is muse die?
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:10:09 pm »
So many lies from Cob, waiting for upset investors to go after them legally.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Tired of waiting for any dev't WTS MUSE
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:50:24 pm »
Any takers? 20k muse @300 sats each

How about 30 sats instead? :)

MUSE is already market-driven. I'm not that stupid. So get a life.

That's questionable, nobody is going to buy your bag for that insane price. Best of luck. :)

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Tired of waiting for any dev't WTS MUSE
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:56:50 am »
Any takers? 20k muse @300 sats each

How about 30 sats instead? :)

We had done much work,we just want to hear more voice.

What about the licensing?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Community sentiment - cob screwed us?
« on: July 30, 2016, 08:32:54 am »
I'd hate to bring water to the mill but I'd like to respond to concerns.

This isn't or wasn't a scam. We aren't anonymous guys. Funds were spent where they appeared required.
And we were INVITED to "those fancy events" they didn't incur huge expenses. I almost regret sharing the pictures the events, but I don't (:
The project got industry attention. Delivery is what is missing.  Luckily Troopeers has started being demo'd. We'll soon have the metrics (users, income, eyeballs) required to move onto the next phase.

Ben is correct I'm not at the helm,  I initiated the project and a week later, Daniel introduced me to Eddie, PeerTracks CEO... possibly reptilian.

A brief update from Eddie then?

Good luck with that one.

I like it. Isn't this what Peertracks is trying to do?

The sour grapes here is funny. ByteMaster gave each of you an opportunity to get into Steem early. Now its a few people that are focused on getting work done, Peertracks scams and the test holding their Bitshares bags upset about Steem's success. Thank you anti dillusion crowd for forcing ByteMaster's hand, we owe you big time. :)

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Why so silent?
« on: July 11, 2016, 10:46:18 pm »

I solved two birds with one stone by focusing on Troopeers. It's a single pitch. "Whoever you are, if you have or want an engaged fanbase, sign the hell up!"
The onramping is easy with a centralized DB as a back end. We will then snapshot all token balances to MUSE once the blockchain is to a point we are happy with.

This means that Troopeers can do its thing, irrespectively of MUSE. MUSE can be upgraded to something much more viable. Only then will the music branch launch (

We simply can't afford a giant team though, so progress is slow. Troopeers' success should allow us a much much bigger budget.

ATM ressources are focused on Troopeers. Shortly switching gears to MUSE. Then we hook up Troopeers to MUSE, followed by PeerTracks.

I do not quite get it. What is the part that MUSE broadchain needs to be upgraded to 'something more viable'?  MUSE broadchain is a decentralised database which you can use store the token balances.  Why do we need a big team for that?

I'm not at liberty to disclose this quite yet. Ping me in 4 weeks!

4 weeks. And ?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Why so silent?
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:28:16 pm »

I solved two birds with one stone by focusing on Troopeers. It's a single pitch. "Whoever you are, if you have or want an engaged fanbase, sign the hell up!"
The onramping is easy with a centralized DB as a back end. We will then snapshot all token balances to MUSE once the blockchain is to a point we are happy with.

This means that Troopeers can do its thing, irrespectively of MUSE. MUSE can be upgraded to something much more viable. Only then will the music branch launch (

We simply can't afford a giant team though, so progress is slow. Troopeers' success should allow us a much much bigger budget.

ATM ressources are focused on Troopeers. Shortly switching gears to MUSE. Then we hook up Troopeers to MUSE, followed by PeerTracks.

I do not quite get it. What is the part that MUSE broadchain needs to be upgraded to 'something more viable'?  MUSE broadchain is a decentralised database which you can use store the token balances.  Why do we need a big team for that?

I'm not at liberty to disclose this quite yet. Ping me in 4 weeks!

So we should expect some secret sauce in the next few days?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Why so silent?
« on: June 15, 2016, 06:56:43 pm »

I solved two birds with one stone by focusing on Troopeers. It's a single pitch. "Whoever you are, if you have or want an engaged fanbase, sign the hell up!"
The onramping is easy with a centralized DB as a back end. We will then snapshot all token balances to MUSE once the blockchain is to a point we are happy with.

This means that Troopeers can do its thing, irrespectively of MUSE. MUSE can be upgraded to something much more viable. Only then will the music branch launch (

We simply can't afford a giant team though, so progress is slow. Troopeers' success should allow us a much much bigger budget.

ATM ressources are focused on Troopeers. Shortly switching gears to MUSE. Then we hook up Troopeers to MUSE, followed by PeerTracks.

I do not quite get it. What is the part that MUSE broadchain needs to be upgraded to 'something more viable'?  MUSE broadchain is a decentralised database which you can use store the token balances.  Why do we need a big team for that?

I'm not at liberty to disclose this quite yet. Ping me in 4 weeks!

Is that 4 normal weeks or Peertracks 4 weeks?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Community sentiment - cob screwed us?
« on: June 15, 2016, 06:55:54 pm »
Look at the good news, Muse is now extremely affordable leaving the top 100. At this rate, under 20 satoshi might be worth reinvesting.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Early 2nd quarter 2016 update
« on: June 07, 2016, 11:15:27 pm »

If he hasn't just left and went silent he's actually better than all your scammers. If you think he is teasing you just sit on your tokens. There has to be some reason he sticks around.

Butterfly Labs. Excuse after excuse.

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