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Messages - battleaxe

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BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: March 29, 2014, 07:42:07 pm »
So did anyone figure out how to adjust two or more AMD cards in Linux while using this miner?

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: March 11, 2014, 12:56:06 pm »
Does anyone know why they won't change the diff on this coin? Seems the high diff is what is killing PTS, or am I wrong?

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: March 05, 2014, 03:01:33 am »
Well. Suck.

Is PTS dead and gone? Who's still mining this?

Are there any other coins we can mine that pay better that use this miner?

This sucks.

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 26, 2014, 02:57:33 am »
I finally got it all working and overclocked. I'm getting 4150cpm with these settings on stock volts. This set of script will overclock your 290/or 290x.

The first line is the core clock, memory clock, powerlevel, and powertune I believe. The max was 2 on the last number. I tried that but a 1 worked better for me so I stuck with that. If I'm doing something that will blow up my card, someone let me know. Temps are under 50c on core all the time and the VRM sinks are barely warm to the touch. When I was on Windows my VRM's were under 50c on VRM1 and under 40 on VRM2, so I should be good.

Here's my OC config if someone wants to try it on theirs:

aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-setclocks=1110,1415,150,1

aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-commitclocks
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-gettemperature
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-getclocks

this is for Linux of course.

when i copy paste this: aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-setclocks=1110,1415,150,1   and i am getting:
ERROR - Set clocks failed for Adapter 1 - AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
        Please check that input values were valid

Try chaging to adapter 0 instead of 1. Mine would only work with "1", but its in the 0 slot. I have no idea why, so yours might react totally different. IDK.

so it might look like this instead: (or you could even try 2 I suppose also) you may also need lower values. I seem to have a decent card here. Set your clocks lower and see if they will take. I also changed the adapter to "0" but you may need to try "1" again. Hard to tell.

aticonfig --adapter=0 --od-setclocks=1050,1375,150,1

aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-commitclocks
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-gettemperature
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-getclocks

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 26, 2014, 02:54:22 am »
I finally got it all working and overclocked. I'm getting 4150cpm with these settings on stock volts. This set of script will overclock your 290/or 290x.

The first line is the core clock, memory clock, powerlevel, and powertune I believe. The max was 2 on the last number. I tried that but a 1 worked better for me so I stuck with that. If I'm doing something that will blow up my card, someone let me know. Temps are under 50c on core all the time and the VRM sinks are barely warm to the touch. When I was on Windows my VRM's were under 50c on VRM1 and under 40 on VRM2, so I should be good.

Here's my OC config if someone wants to try it on theirs:

aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-setclocks=1110,1415,150,1

aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-commitclocks
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-gettemperature
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-getclocks

this is for Linux of course.

when i copy paste this: aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-setclocks=1110,1415,150,1   and i am getting:
ERROR - Set clocks failed for Adapter 1 - AMD Radeon R9 290 Series
        Please check that input values were valid

Try chaging to adapter 0 instead of 1. Mine would only work with "1", but its in the 0 slot. I have no idea why, so yours might react totally different. IDK.

so it might look like this instead: (or you could even try 2 I suppose also) you may also need lower values. I seem to have a decent card here.

aticonfig --adapter=0 --od-setclocks=1110,1415,150,1

aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-commitclocks
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-gettemperature
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-getclocks

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 25, 2014, 09:42:37 pm »
I finally got it all working and overclocked. I'm getting 4150cpm with these settings on stock volts. This set of script will overclock your 290/or 290x.

The first line is the core clock, memory clock, powerlevel, and powertune I believe. The max was 2 on the last number. I tried that but a 1 worked better for me so I stuck with that. If I'm doing something that will blow up my card, someone let me know. Temps are under 50c on core all the time and the VRM sinks are barely warm to the touch. When I was on Windows my VRM's were under 50c on VRM1 and under 40 on VRM2, so I should be good.

Here's my OC config if someone wants to try it on theirs:

aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-setclocks=1110,1415,150,1

aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-commitclocks
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-gettemperature
aticonfig --adapter=1 --od-getclocks

this is for Linux of course.

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:19:34 pm »
@Nan. I looked at the README and didn’t find any commands to increase GPU clocks and Memory clocks. I tried the cg miner codes but they don't work. Is there something I'm missing? This in Linux/Ubuntu of course.

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 22, 2014, 07:50:20 pm »
@Nan. I looked at the README and didn’t find any commands to increase GPU clocks and Memory clocks. I tried the cg miner codes but they don't work. Is there something I'm missing?

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 22, 2014, 01:42:39 pm »
NaN. I just wanted to let you know that I got it working using your last advice. Sending some PTS your way soon as I make something on this thing. :) Thank you!

Okay. Now can someone tell me how to overclock this thing in Linux? I'm fine with using the Terminal to set the OC so I just need your commands if someone wouldn't mind helping me.

Use the CGminer Command ,google how use it.

I did. It didn't work for some reason. Man this thing has been so much trouble. At least its working now. But I know my GPU can clock way higher than 945/1250, so I know I could do much better.

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 22, 2014, 12:47:44 pm »
NaN. I just wanted to let you know that I got it working using your last advice. Sending some PTS your way soon as I make something on this thing. :) Thank you!

Okay. Now can someone tell me how to overclock this thing in Linux? I'm fine with using the Terminal to set the OC so I just need your commands if someone wouldn't mind helping me.

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 22, 2014, 03:02:59 am »
If you wanna install the Catalyst driver on Ubuntu, then please use the following guide:
Make sure that you run sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial after the installation and reboot after that. --buildpkg Ubuntu/saucy has to be replaced by the name of your Ubuntu distro e.g. --buildpkg Ubuntu/raring.

This is the version of Ubuntu I just installed. How do I confirm which distro it is? I looked on the page but didn't find anything to lead me which distro....

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 21, 2014, 09:29:46 pm »
@battleaxe: Your GPU is not recognized by the OpenCL implementation. I guess that the easiest way to fix the driver is to do a clean install of Ubuntu and after that only install the Catalyst driver 13.12 WITHOUT the APP SDK. To install the driver you have to download the driver from the AMD website and create a package for your Ubuntu version. After that install the packet using apt-get.
Your fix not work. Same truble with no connected display to videocard (likely X-Server not start). Rig controled via RDP. If connect display on start-> no this errors. Without display ati --odg not work, but cgminer work (with ADL and temp control).

Having trouble understanding this. Can someone help understand his English? Right now I'm reinstalling Ubuntu fresh. Gonna try that.

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 21, 2014, 02:08:25 pm »
I wasn't implying it was a miner bug. I was able to get the miner to fire up on a 5770, even though it couldn't do anything. But when I put the 290 in the machine, then I get this code. I reinstalled the drivers, but same thing. I get this error. So I've got something wrong with the software installation otherwise. Been Googling for two days now. Nothing seems to work. This is the full error. Running AMD 13.12 drivers. And AMD APP SDK 2.9

** clpts - OpenCL PTS Pool Miner v0.2.2 ( only)
** by NaN - based on xptMiner by jh00 (clintar's code v1.1)
** If you like this software, please consider sending tips to:
** PTS:  PajuVUWrcPn5ksCFfrBiWQXvpwtE29dcN2
** BTC:  1AumJ5uzz1nuER7pBA6Bh4gNusaxhN85rc
** Your donations will encourage further optimization and development
** press CTRL+C to exit

Vendor of used platform (#1 / 1): Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
error in xptMiner/clInit.cpp, line 96: Method clGetDeviceIDs(...) failed (errorcode -1)

Had a few work colleague fix this for me. 

I was just told AMD forgot some stuff when they released 13.12 and that was causing the problem. 

Instead of patching it, just use the AMD 14.1 beta instead and it should work.

Seems they didn't fix it in 14.1 either. I'm getting the exact same error in 14.1.

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 21, 2014, 02:46:33 am »
Here are the code lines I'm trying to start in the Terminal. Maybe there's something wrong here. I am on water. Could the absence of a fan be the culprit? I know on Windows I had to add a line to get it to work. Sure its different in Linux if this is the issue. Anyway, here's the code:


./clpts -u username.minername -p password -t 0 -a 1

BitShares PTS / Re: fast AMD OpenCL PTS miner released
« on: February 21, 2014, 02:32:17 am »
Rewrite your xorg.conf by running sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial -f and reboot.

I did this. No dice. Then I uninstalled and re-installed the 14.1 Catalyst drivers 3 times tonight hoping it would work. Still getting the same message. Error -1 on line 96 whatever that means. My 290 is fine, I can mine in windows, but I want to get this working in Linux. I'm really liking Linux other than this issue.

Well, crud. Seems my miner will not start in Linux. Stupid error code. There's nothing on the web about this either. The card shows up fine when running aticonfig --list-adapters. Everything else works as well it seems. I need some ideas if anyone has something for me to try?

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