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Messages - DACSunlimited

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General Discussion / Re: Dry Run 15: Fifteen ( Market GUI ! )
« on: August 20, 2014, 12:46:26 am »
except the average price.
I think the other important thing is about the method to create asset.

for safe reason, we have to set a maximum price limit for short.
for now, the short price means  two things:
1. how much XTS do you need to freeze , for  lend the assets from BTS bank.
2. how much XTS can you buy , with these assets you just lend out.

In fact , we only want to set a limit for the first thing, how much you can lend from the bank.
we don't need  set a limit for the second thing.

but now, we have limit both. so something maybe not work find. for example:
at the first day, delegate set a price about 0.1 bitgold/XTS. we have more than 25 assets, maybe nobody short bitgold bitgold issued.
at the second day, the price of XTS is double.
what situation we will have to face? people want to sell/bid/short XTS at price 0.2biggod/XTS, but no bitgold issued, so nobody can bid. and nobody can short, from the  system limit of the price, you can only short at price 0.13bitgod/XTS. If the price never down, the trade maybe never active.

So I prefer to change the short  operation to only issue asset, without must bid XTS immediately. you can bid anytime.
and some other  advantages with this change.
for example, I think USD will up from GOLD. so I can lend bitGOLD, and use this bigGOLD to buy USD directly.

If the price of XTS double, I think the delegate's can update their feeds to start, maybe I did not get your idea?

Is 0.4.3 source code ready for us to upgrade our delegates?



You are saying only people who have these skills/tools are allowed to be delegates?  I know there are more than just myself who are current delegates that probably need the GUI.

If this is a requirement, please vote me out. I would prefer that route rather than to start missing blocks because I am late to the game. Plus I could kill my VPS sooner.


I'm OK with anyone voted in being delegate. However it depends on dacsunlimited to provide gui or binary before the fork. Maybe they should respond.

respond: 0.4.3 with binary is coming in next few hours

BitShare X 0.4.3 with binary is coming...

BitShares X 0.4.2 is out, all delegates and seed nodes, upgrade your engine:

Delegates and other interested users make sure to subscribe to the delegate notification thread:

This is a version only for delegates, exchanges, and seed nodes. GUI version will be provided later.

All Delegates and seed nodes should upgrade their nodes to this version. The hard fork number keep unchanged.

Delegates do NOT publish price feeds until confident all delegates and users are upgraded. Publish price feed operation will officially hardfork the chain and freeze old clients. We recommended all delegates wait until latest XTS testnet is thoroughly tested before publishing price feed.

GUI will be provided soon. All clients must upgrade before hardfork is initiated or syncing will freeze.

Download and build from:

1. Active Delegate, be careful and make sure you are producing blocks during upgrading.
2. There will be re-indexing.

Change Log:
- [0.4.2 REQUIRED HARDFORK UPDATE] New market engine fixes[/b]
- [HARDFORK] Block 274000 - Old clients will no longer sync after 2014-08-20 15:30:00 UTC[/b]
- Wallet transaction fee now defaults to 0.5 BTSX
- Upgrade requires re-indexing

0.4.2 is coming soon, all delegates need to update it.

There will be a new version 0.4.2 which is for all the delegates to update their nodes.
0.4.2 is coming soon.

General Discussion / BitShares Upgrade Announcements
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:46:22 pm »
All upgrades and other important announcements will be posted in this thread.

All delegates, exchanges, seed nodes, and other services should subscribe to this thread by clicking the NOTIFY button at the top of the page.

The latest official release can always be found at this URL:

0.4.1: Fixes missed blocks problem due to hardfork changes.

*This is a version only for delegates, exchanges, and seed nodes.*

Delegates should not upgrade unless they want to help test and are prepared to upgrade one more time before wednesday.   Delegates that want to be lazy and upgrade only once should not try this release.

Updates from bytemaster:
After discussions going on I have tweaked the bitasset FDIC system so the hardfork will be slightly different than we see in this release.  In fact, we may want to push the hard-fork back a few days so that all the issues can be worked out.

Do not publish price feeds until after hardfork and all clients are upgraded. This is a new operation that is part of the hardfork. All old clients will reject blocks containing publish price feed operation. This is the reason for missed blocks.

Large transaction and block sizes are also part of the hardfork, and could result in missed blocks.

We will release a patch ensuring all hardfork changes take effect at the same time.

Delegates are still free to upgrade but must be aware that a crashing issue has been identified. Brave delegates can upgrade and run client in a debugger to help us get a stack trace of the crash.

GUI will be provided soon. All clients must upgrade before hardfork or syncing will freeze.

Download and build from:


1. Active Delegate, be careful and make sure you are producing blocks during upgrading.
2. Delegates, publish your price feeds.

Refer bytemaster's post about price feeds:

Change Log
- [HARDFORK] Block 274000 - Old clients will no longer sync after 2014-08-20 15:30:00 UTC
- [CHECKPOINT] Block 225000 - ID: 2e09195c3e4ef6d58736151ea22f78f08556e6a9

- [EXCHANGES] wallet_transfer API now returns a wallet_transaction_record which includes the transaction ID
- Database will re-index on launch
- Market has been overhauled and market-pegged BitAssets have been added
- Max block size increased from 2560 bytes to 51200 bytes
- Transaction size limit has been removed
- Size-based transaction fee requirement has been removed
- Wallet will no longer automatically relock if it contains any enabled delegates
- Chain server mode has been added to allow for improved initial syncing speeds
- Block and transaction broadcasting fixes
- General syncing fixes
- NTP initialization fixes
- Miscellaneous fixes and improvements

I suggest don't update to this version,
seems _in_sync is not correct
delegate will missed block

If somebody missed block like me, here is a temporary patch
Code: [Select]
diff --git a/libraries/client/client.cpp b/libraries/client/client.cpp
index 709991a..70fba2b 100644
--- a/libraries/client/client.cpp
+++ b/libraries/client/client.cpp
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ config load_config( const fc::path& datadir )
-                      FC_ASSERT( _in_sync, "Blockchain must be synced to produce blocks!" );
+                      //FC_ASSERT( _in_sync, "Blockchain must be synced to produce blocks!" );
                       FC_ASSERT( network_get_connection_count() >= _min_delegate_connection_count,
                                  "Client must have ${count} connections before you may produce blocks!",
                                  ("count",_min_delegate_connection_count) );

This is a good suggestion, don't upgrade for now. 0.3.1 for delegates is coming in several minutes

still crashed on exit..(osx)

known issue when release.

Download and build from:


1. Active Delegate, be careful and make sure you are producing blocks during upgrading.
2. Note to delegates: Before you upgrade, make sure you install the ntp daemon, and check the ntp_error in info command.
Here is a guide about how to setup that on ubuntu.

Here might be a quick way to update, if ntp_error is not close to zero.
Code: [Select]
ntpdate -u
And please refer bytemaster's post:

Change Log
- added new vote_recommended slate selection method (wallet_transfer, wallet_transfer_from)
- added command to publish a public delegate slate for recommended voting (wallet_publish_slate)
- added command to recover deterministic account keys (wallet_recover_accounts)
- added automatic wallet backup feature (wallet_set_automatic_backups)
- wallet can now locally set approval for delegates, registered accounts, and unregistered local accounts (wallet_account_set_approval)
- desired connection count is automatically increased when block production is enabled (wallet_delegate_set_block_production)
- all wallets can now enable/disable transaction scanning and save the setting (wallet_set_transaction_scanning)
- delegates will now not produce blocks if chain is not synced
- new seed nodes are now always merged into client config
- improved re-syncing speed
- sync speed and time remaining is now printed when syncing
- fixed local account renaming conflict bug (wallet_account_rename)
- fixed wallet opening crash when not synced (wallet_open)
- fixed crashes on exit
- various networking fixes
- miscellaneous fixes
- fixed windows crash on start
- code sign OSX dmg

API Changes:
- blockchain_get_blockcount -> blockchain_get_block_count
- blockchain_get_blockhash -> blockchain_get_block_hash
- blockchain_get_config -> blockchain_get_info
- wallet_export_to_json -> wallet_backup_create
- wallet_create_from_json -> wallet_backup_restore
- wallet_scan_transaction -> wallet_transaction_scan
- wallet_remove_transaction -> wallet_transaction_remove
- wallet_rebroadcast_transaction -> wallet_transaction_rebroadcast
- wallet_delegate_set_transaction_scanning -> wallet_set_transaction_scanning
- wallet_approve -> wallet_account_set_approval

This topic has been moved to DAC Delegates.

We still need more seed nodes.

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