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Messages - Thom

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I only glanced over your OP @Permie, but am not sure that is the best "bang for the buck" we can get towards marketing. Also, I respect Peter Schiff but he is still very bearish on digital currencies. It's certainly true if he favorably endorsed BitShares it would carry a lot of weight, but I don't think he is qualified since he doesn't know much about digital currencies. Now if you said Andreas Antonopolis your idea would have more merit, at least for the crypto-crowd, but the chances of getting him to conduct such a review are slim to none IMO.

General Discussion / Re: BlockPay in Serious Trouble
« on: May 16, 2017, 01:50:00 am »
Frankly I am surprised by your response here xeroc. Your arguments seem rather weak to me.
I have always respected your work ethic and technical insights, as well as your helpful attitude towards the people in this community, myself included. I still have you as my proxy, but there are things about this BitShares Munich drama that aren't adding up. We're not being given the whole story on the matter. Perhaps you're not either. Unlike many people I am not one to blindly accept a narrative. All I am doing here is asking questions and trying to gain clarity.

a) The last time you and I corresponded, you were sitting in the Munich office of Bitshares Munich while Chris was actually in China. That tells me that you have very good access and are far from being a disinterested party.
How am I supposed to work with the people in the BitShares Munich office if I wasn't there? I wonder how Ken did it all these months.
Are you saying onceuponatime is mistaken and you were NOT in the BitShares Munich office as he stated? As for you needing to "be in the office" to work with people there, certainly physical presence isn't required, people "work from home" all the time. We have people all over the world working together to get things done, have meetings, discussions, collaborate etc., surely you know that. Perhaps kencode works best from home without office distractions. Did he say he would meet you there and didn't? If so was this after Chris4210 made plans to ransom kencode's paycheck to obtain the IP you were hired to create github repos for?

As for the access, I only have as much access as Chris gives me since I am only contractor to BitShares Munich with very limited focus.

BTW, Munich is host to other companies and startups as well .. but that is non of your businesses ..
It does make sense to provide contractors limited access, but "limited" is vague. If you had access to the BitShares Munich office when both kencode and chhris4210 were away that doesn't seem all that restricted or "limited". Again, a rather odd response. Was this in reference to this Constantin party? Whoever or whatever outside party may be involved to try to force kencode to relinquish his control of what he has worked so hard to build (and protected my having his majority ownership stated clearly in the contract with Chris4210) by withholding his salary, that is an aggression and a clear violation of the NAP (Non Aggression Principle) BM and many others including me fully endorse.

If this remark was NOT related to such outside influencers, this remark is even more strange. Who isn't aware that the city of Munich Germany has many other businesses. I don't see where oneuponatime asked you about other Munich businesses so I don't understand why you replied so defensively. It seems to be a totally irrelevant remark.

None of us should be so naive to believe that when we finally get enough traction and begin to truly threaten and disrupt status quo money flows and financial interests that said interests won't try to defend their control. We all need to be prepared for when that day comes, b/c it may not come as a frontal, obvious attack. Could this be such an attack carefully planned and calculated to introduce delays and strife at a minimum and outright controlling interest in the products BitShares Munich is working on as a best case outcome?

b) The picture above actually shows that you are aiding and abetting Chris Herring (and other parties?) in a hostile takeover attempt of Kencode's (51%) company, Bithares-Munich, which he started and of which I was the first backer. You should be ashamed of yourself. "Re-branding" is a very very misleading way of describing the nefarious activities being perpetrated in Munich.
Chris Hering is officially the CEO of BitShares Munich ... you can see that by looking into the company register of BitShares Munich IVS. As long as that is the case, I can be hired by Chris who has to sign each and every contract.
OK, fine. Were you aware that Chris4210 only has a minority ownership position and kencode has a majority 51% position in BitShares Munich? Are you aware that a majority owner can over-rule a minority owner? Why do you put so much importance on Chris' title? What matters is contracted ownership rights, titles are merely a label. The contract dictates ownership rights. I have seen the contract and it clearly indicates ken owns 51% of BitShares Munich and Chris4210 has only 49%. What more do you need to know? Did you bother to ask kencode if he approved of the actions Chris4210 asked you to do? Considering ken was unwilling to give you access to the private repos Chris4210 asked him for didn't that give you pause? What do you consider due diligence in such a situation, to follow the dictates of the minority owner of the company, or do not care? I would say you should care.

This is a major issue for this community. Many are eagerly awaiting the completion of the projects kencode is managing. You xeroc carry a lot of well earned clout here, and like it or not your involvement can have a major influence on the community's perception of what's going on. It's one thing to help Chris4210 out with marketing efforts that may require technical consultation but it's quite another to be going against kencode's interests in technical matters which ken has been managing quite well and to which Chris4210's only involvement should be limited to that of an accountant that pays wages. Elsewhere on this form others have raised concerns about how Chris4210 is managing funds. See the thread about Alfredo's salary, which was to be paid 50 / 50 by his worker and matching funds by BitShares Munich but which 50% to be provided by BitShares Munich has not been accounted for.

Chris4210 is clearly overstepping that role in opposition to kencode. And although I had no reason to doubt Chris4210's sincerity until this drama began to unfold I am not comfortable with his answers and my confidence in his sincerity as a result is declining. TBH I can't say it is exactly helping my confidence in you either. You and Chris4210 are considerably younger and less experienced in business than ken is. He assured me he has contracts in place that leave no ambiguity about IP ownership of the contractor's work with every dev team member he has hired, and this is the central issue Chris4210 raised to justify his actions, without mentioning that kencode has a majority ownership interest in the company.

I am sad this situation has developed, withholding salary is manipulative and contrary to the best interests of the project. You spoke up 2 weeks ago in the mumble saying this might work out best for everyone, which sounded like a defense for what Chris4210 is trying to do. Chris4210 was very evasive in answering questions in that mumble. If you have truth on your side there's no need to be evasive. This is a typical legal tactic and it does not help to get at the truth of the matter, it only obfuscates and hides information in an effort to manipulate public perception. That's not a position of integrity, and I would hope you can see that.

I have no idea what causes your sudden hostility against me - and tbh, I wonder if I should care - I did nothing wrong in helping out a local company to deal with the business problems - no matter who caused them.
It's no secret you & kencode don't get along very well, and it shouldn't be hard to understand why onceuponatime might be strongly opinionated and a bit emotional towards these attempts to gain control of ken's dev team and code he has been working on so hard for so long on.

I'm not saying Chris4210 has no skin in the game, clearly he does and has also worked hard to market BlockPay and make it a recognizable brand. Not sure precisely what the core disconnect is between them has been triggered by, be it an outside influence, greed, or philosophical differences, but the contract should be king and from my perspective that puts ken in a superior position that this community should respect.

As for the github repos ... I was told that Ken was asked to move over BitShares Munich property (read: the code that was paid for by BitShares Munich investors ... and that has been ordered by BitShares Munich CEO) to a neutral (read company-owned) github project multiple times but he didn't comply.

Can you believe that BitShares Munich (the company) has not been granted access to the private repos for BlockPay and the internal exchange?
Sure, I can easily believe that and it's perfectly understandable. If ken has 51% ownership in the project everybody else's perspective is secondary. His failure to relinquish control of the private repos is simply to protect his interests in the face of this power play. Why is Chris4210 trying to intervene in technical management? He has no expertise in such matters, hence he contracted you to do the dirty work. Sadly you are helping him.

Investors? Don't you mean donors? What standing do they actually have to demand anything as donors? Ken is not defrauding or screwing anyone over. He is trying to develop and deliver the products and just when he is about ready to begin testing this drama surfaces (tho it has been brewing for some time now).

Either way ... I made my (business) decisions, offered my assistance to the company (that includes everyone of BitShares Munich) as a contractor to either deal with business demands or on the technical aspects - and that is what I did. BTW, I have been very open to kencode as well who has asked to hire me to deal with Trezor support (I declined to to having too little time tho), so please don't tell me I was) ... but I am sure some devs from the BitSharesDEV telegram group can confirm that I am helping the guy that ken hired instead.

If you think that was morally wrong, then I can live with it. For me this drama has been way too time consuming for the last 2,5 months (yes, that long) and I decided to get back to productive mode. You guys can stick with Kindergarden - I am done.

I am sincerely grateful to all you do for this community as I said above xeroc, and truly hope you are done helping chris4210 gain control over ken's work, whether you see it that way or not. 

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Proxy: fav - Journal
« on: May 15, 2017, 03:32:33 pm »
So should exchanges start voting as well?
I have already tried reaching them.
For exchanges, I would actually recommend they delegate their voting power to a proxy that is maintained by a group of trusted individuals and owned by the committee.
That way, the exchanges do need to do politices, the stake could still vote and the shareholders have ultimate control over the voting power

Why would we want to solicit that anyway? I disagree that stake that doesn't vote is "bad stake" when it comes to exchanges. Unless exchanges explicitly disclose their intentions to BTS stakeholders with stake on their exchange about how they intend to vote and give them notice to move their stake if they don't like it, THEN the exchange is misrepresenting those stakeholders. They are aggregating their power to the interests of the exchange not the BTS stakeholders.

We've discussed exchange voting before and IIRC the general consensus is was to consider it a potential problem and contrary to decentralization. It's not the same as proxies, b/c stakeholders can switch their proxy themselves on a dime. Without accountability of exchanges to BTS stakeholders who hold their stake on their exchange, it is centralized and unhealthy for personal freedom.

One could well argue that such stakeholders relinquish their control by using centralized exchanges, and I agree. But should we encourage the legitimacy of this centralization? I think not. Unfortunately we can't control what exchanges do either.

The issue is similar to explaining to people why centralized banking is not in their best interests and convincing them to get out and seek alternatives like digital currencies that support individual freedom and safety from bailins. It's simply a hard nut to crack.

My question to @xeroc is in what way did you reach out to exchanges and what did you suggest to them?

General Discussion / Re: BitShares crowd at Consensus'17
« on: May 15, 2017, 03:09:36 pm »
Have fun!

What recent event made it "necessary" How hard did they have to twist your arm for you to drop all your pressing work to travel across the pond?

And who might "they" be?  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: May 15, 2017, 03:05:04 pm »
Is there a way to view the total supply of bitUSD, bitGold, and all the SmartCoins?

I am wondering if the market cap of bts is anywhere near equal to 175% of the total value of all SmartCoins combined, due to the need for at least 175% collateral for every(?) SmartCoin.

What does the ratio of
                          MarketCap(BitShares) : MarketCap(total SmartCoin's)
tell investors?

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

WOW! Welcome back to the forums Riverhead, long time no see.

Guys, this is one of the early BitShares pillars here, one of the core community members who helped to make BitShares what it is, particularly the BitShares community. Hope all is will in your world James, and hope to see more from you here in the future.

Sure, you could easily use a "normal" PC with enough RAM and speed. It will require only a modest disk, actually a 100GB is enough so that is small to today's standards. SSD would be good candidate. RAM needs to be at least 16GB.

Besides RAM network bandwidth will be the biggest issue. Unless you're fed with fiber (or high end cable modem?) you may have problems.

It's var more practical to rent a VPS, but if you're serious rent a dedicated server.

General Discussion / Re: Fees Report
« on: May 15, 2017, 01:57:46 am »
In case you missed it the summary says fees collected between October of 2017 to April of 2017. Should be October of 2015.

Other than that minor item the report looks great, very informative. Should help the committee to adjust fees

why target numerous regulatory-crippled fiat currencies when Gold is available everywhere and it's real money.

Because goldbugs are a small group (compared to others like sports betting as 1 example), and being very familiar with gold's ins & outs (do your research into my early history here, which I also described on steemit here) I can tell you it's not better than fiat in terms of the overhead and hassle.

It definitely is not a typical mom & pop play.

General Discussion / Re: Dan's Next Project - EOS Rears its Head
« on: May 14, 2017, 02:28:01 pm »
That doesn't really address any of permie's concerns (concerns that I also share), though. I'd like to believe Dan is willing to look out for the best interests of all his creations, but...I have my doubts at this point.

Just like he looked out for the best interest of Bitshares' bitUSD by creating Steem Dollars?

He is so ashamed of himself that he won't even come here. I think that answers your question...

Stan championing the previous Bitshares merger is also quite funny. So when will BTS Vote and BTS DNS be active on the BTS 2.0 chain Stan?  ::)

Do you really think the BTS community is going to fall for the bait and switch a second time?

Several excellent points raised here in this thread. Let's continue this questioning until we can get some solid answers. It's a bit early for them yet, but IMO that shouldn't keep us from thinking about this and asking questions now.

I am very grateful to your @Permie for your post of skepticism, and although I don't believe the reason highlighted above is accurate, glad to see your healthy skepticism on this matter as well. I too have serious reservations about EOS in the darkness from a lack of information about EOS. I hope transparency is a high priority with the EOS team. Time will tell and until it does we all should remain skeptical and ask plenty of questions.

General Discussion / Re: BlockPay in Serious Trouble
« on: May 14, 2017, 02:01:41 pm »
Once Ken and I solved our internal issues I kindly request to stop further speculation. I am for full transparency at the right time and I am planning to release a full report ala Erik from Shapeshift about our case. I loved to read ErikĀ“s story and to get a better overview what happened.

I will have more updates for all of you within the next days. Thank you for your support.
Are you saying you have resolved the issue between yourselves already?
As in present tense?

If so, great :)

I have no personal complaints about Chris, just that the consensus seemed to be steering against Ken and I wanted to voice my support.

Definitely not resolved! I suspect his words were chosen very carefully, being the son of an attorney. What does that tell you?

General Discussion / Re: Hollywood HEROs
« on: May 13, 2017, 01:33:05 am »
I also watched the entire 3 hr long video and agree it's  V E R Y  comprehensive well worth the time investment. I was up until 4:30AM Wed eve / Thu morrning working on Witness nodes and didn't get much sleep. And even tho I didn't start watching the video until midnight last night I was fully engaged and alert throughout the entire 3 hr video. I actually stopped to check the time at around 3AM and was shocked it was that late.

Not only does the video provide a well researched and widely documented perspective of why "The System" of modern institutions (gov/bank/media) do NOT consider the interests of individuals to be important in the first hour, it also provides an excellent review of blockchain technology.

It covers these topics quite thoroughly:
1) History of money (why "The System" is screwed up)
2) Gamification in Marketing
3) Blochchain technology
4) Web-based VR technologies

It also describes and offers a grand plan to bring blockchain to the mainstream, being kicked off from LA Studios soundstage (a $1M expense) via a LIVE broadcast of a pilot program intended to be a bi-weekly live event. It will be in the form of a "shark tank" like competition where $50M will be dispensed to worthy entrepreneurs that use will use blockchain tech and tools and expertise CRS describes to reach the mainstream.

Only 200 attendees were invited to this event on May 26 - 28 in LA, and @Stan our "Godfather of BitShares & Steem" is one of them. He is playing a very prominent role regarding blockchain technology in this major media event.

Details are sketchy regarding how to tune in this live event to be broadcast from the soundstage on May 26, but as we approach that date they will be revealed once all the legalities are finalized.

General Discussion / Re: Dan's Next Project - EOS Rears its Head
« on: May 12, 2017, 04:41:51 am »
Then there are the wishes of other partners to consider.

Nothing is done in a vacuum.

I sure hope that's true this time around. It sure didn't seem like it 0.X --> 2.0

General Discussion / Re: The Hero from BitShares Island
« on: May 12, 2017, 04:14:38 am »
I have the feeds set up for when this thing kicks off.

I'm just waiting for a "GO!", all ready and set to feed...

General Discussion / Re: BlockPay in Serious Trouble
« on: May 11, 2017, 10:59:32 pm »


I want people who share Ken's ideals and work ethic to be front and center in BitShares development.
My only faith in Chris4210 stems from the fact that Ken agreed to work with him in the first place...

There is a possibility that Ken is in the wrong here, and I reserve the right to withdraw my support for him, but I would hate to see a pro-freedom community such a BitShares cannibalize their own

Xeroc is a top bloke so his involvement in this situation eases things for me a little

I tend to agree. Just keep in mind NOBODY is beyond being influenced, it's just a matter of price. Some will even go to their grave despite an offer of unlimited wealth, or to protect those they love. It only indicates the "price" (i.e. benefit as seen by the person) was not right.

So until we have all the facts I can't explain why xeroc is backing Chris4210 in this, aside from the facts that they are both German and that xeroc & ken don't get along too well.

General Discussion / Re: Dan's Next Project - EOS Rears its Head
« on: May 11, 2017, 08:05:58 pm »
I am more skeptical that the value of the work put into bitshares so far will be efficiently transferrable into a new system that runs on what is probably a brand new programming language.

I share this perspective. Dan has mentioned several times his investigations in other programming languages. You simply have to stay abreast of the changes in technology to remain competitive, and there's certainly plenty of competition in crypto land.

That has very significant implications. An innovator like Dan Larimer will use whatever technology advantage he can, and if that's another programming language it will likely sever ties with the graphene code base. If that happens and BitShares is to "merge" / come under the umbrella of EOS it will retard BitShares evolutution while everyone waits (yet again) for the new tech to be ready for production. Until NYC we can only speculate, so might as well wait and see til then.

Before I would commit to hitching my wagon to EOS or recommend BitShares join it, I would need to evaluate it just like any other crypto project. I would really REALLY hate to see a repeat of the transition between BitShares 0.X and Graphene. I hope he and the team he is on consider that

At some point Dan should realize that although he may be progressing in his personal goal of "life liberty & freedom" for individuals, he is also leaving a wake of projects behind him that might have made great progress towards that with less time invested than starting something totally new, and perhaps that's  reflection of our consumer / debt based economy. Talk about getting ahead of ourselves!

The Buckminster Fuller principle that its better to invent something new and better than using time & energy trying to transform the old thing comes to mind. Nevertheless, I do wonder if we give old things enough time to reach their potential before we move on to the new.

When it comes to the FED / mainstream finance, I have no doubt it has run its course and is overdue for change. Same with BitShares 0.X, it had major issues that needed a new approach, it was not going to succeed on the path it was on.

Perhaps this may be true for Steam & BitShares as well, but until I am convinced EOS is truly superior to BitShares I will continue to support and help evolve BitShares / Graphene. We are all just waiting to see what EOS is and how HERO will be managed and marketed. I will remain somewhat skeptical on both fronts until I have more information.

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