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safecoin只有0.00004btc,已经是低于发行价30%。 看来好戏还在后头。。。。



中文 (Chinese) / bm这样处理交易费相当高明。
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:01:06 pm »
上面的这个贴子,BM说明了如何处理类似 btsusd-〉bitrmb ,bitusd-〉bitgold 这样交易产生的交易费,这些交易费将挂单交易市场来换取bts,然后这些兑换的bts马上销毁。有这样的机制,能够很大程度地繁荣交易市场

Ebit因为这次的误捐而成为亿万富翁 +5%

ARKOS是一个基于Linux的服务器操作系统,可在小巧的Raspberry Pi硬件上运行,提供电子邮件、聊天、文件共享、虚拟主机等功能。

向 Google 嗆聲 !23 歲學生在 Raspberry Pi 上設計開源作業系統

Google 關閉閱讀器惹惱了不少人,但這個舉動讓加拿大一位 23 歲的大學生 Jacob Cook 進一步起身捍衛自己權利。

他正著手建立一個作業系統,用以取代 Google 或其他雲端公司提供的服務。這個作業系統有收發 Email、聊天、分享檔案、虛擬主機等功能:Cook 稱它為 arkOS,所有的核心服務都藉著一個信用卡大小的私人伺服器運作。

Cook 對我說:「Google 提供了很棒的網路服務,但現在出現了些隱憂。今年 Google 關閉閱讀器顯示出如果某項服務的賺頭不大,那麼用戶依賴的這些服務隨時會被取消。」

Raspberry Pi 是一台麻雀雖小五臟俱全的掌上型電腦。

arkOS 使用 Linux 作業系統,目前只能在小巧的 Raspberry Pi 硬體上運作 (往後也可以在 BeagleBoard 或 PC 等其他平台作業) 。arkOS 的主要特色是使用 Genesis 開放碼應用程式,它提供網路介面讓用戶透過家用伺服器作業。由於 Genesis 是開放原始碼,所有檔案都分享在 GitHub,用戶因此可以自行下載安裝 arkOS 檔案。

但 arkOS 目前仍處於研發階段,Cook 還不建議用它處理重要事務。

Cook 是名 23 歲的大學生,目前利用群眾集資的方式籌募資金,以便可以全心投入在 arkOS 的研發。他希望在未來 24 天募集 45,000 美金,目前已經在 100 多位支持者的幫助下籌到 5645 美金。他也創設了一個名為「公民網路計畫 (the CitizenWeb Project)」的法人組織,作為直接負責 arkOS 研發的窗口。

    有感於 Google 隨時會結束服務,促成 arkOS 的誕生

除了有感於 Google 只要因不符商業利益就隨時結束服務外,最近媒體揭露美國國家安全局 (NSA) 可以輕易取得大量網路資料,也讓 Cook 意識到危機而促成 arkOS 的誕生。如果 NSA 可以經由 Google、Microsoft、Facebook、AOL、Twitter 等科技公司取得資料,網路用戶還可以相信誰?


    「NSA 和其他國家的國安機構幾乎完全掌控這些科技公司,用戶只能淪為殂上肉。讓用戶退出大公司系統,並使用自建的主機端點會增加大規模資料收集的難度,如此再配合適當加密和健全裝配,應該可以杜絕 NSA 擅自擷取資料的行徑。」


arkOS 計畫完成時會提供用戶一台小儀器,用以連接家用 Ethernet 連接埠使用雲端服務。用戶也可以選擇 PogoPlug 替代,只是 PogoPlug 僅能處理檔案,不能提供虛擬主機、聊天、收發 email 等的網路服務。往後 arkOS 提供的服務會在資料保護上做到客製化,由用戶決定資料的開放程度。

其他強調安全的開放碼作業系統,如最有名的 Tails 可以確保用戶的桌面環境安全無虞(它也是使用 Linux 作業系統,事先安裝了安全應用程式,仰賴 Tor 進行安全瀏覽)。不同的是,Talis 是桌上型電腦的作業系統,而 arkOS 則是伺服器作業系統。

Cook 說:「arkOS 當主機,再用 Talis 連結其他電腦,就是個完美的結合。」

    arkOS 的的未來將陸續增加功能

arkOS 當然有其侷限:家用網路服務供應商會讓下載速度更快,卻不是提升上傳速度 —— 所以用 arkOS 將影片轉到家用電視播放沒有問題,但出了家門要把 arkOS 伺服器當成媒體櫃主機使用,速度會變得很慢。Cook 說他會想辦法讓 arkOS 能夠藉由 DigitalOcean 作遠端主機,讓用戶可以在資料中心使用 arkOS 伺服器,同時也能夠用相同的網路介面管理資料。

Cook 希望在 2014 年 3 月完成穩定的系統雛形,在 2015 年陸續增加功能。

arkOS 計畫的基礎源自 Cook 身為 Linux 駭客和資訊工程管理人員的背景,他坦承自己雖然沒有深厚的加密知識,但由於他研發的不是加密系統,所以這一點應該不成問題。他也招集了其他人共同改良開放原始碼系統,目前他是主要負責人。

或許有人覺得 Cook 只是個會寫程式碼的年輕人而已,但回頭想想,即使是 Linus Torvalds (《TO》編按:知名程式設計大師、Linux kernel 開發者)也曾經是個孤獨的程式設計師罷了。






总之呢,“项目大概要黄,赶紧把手上的pts抛了,跑慢了就套死了。”  8) 8) 8)


要翻墙的到下面微盘上下载 密码:I924

Hi Dan, any comment on the noise from Sovryn Tech latest talk show on bitshares? please listen it from 28:30 of the  sound track.


我是如何成为bitshares脑残粉的? (希望有人能翻译一下,相当不错的推广文章)

How I became a BitShares believer in 917 words

Wrapping your mind around Bitshares is like taking the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Even after an hour of dedicated reading, Bitshares felt nebulous. So, I went straight to the source and phoned Brian Page, BitShares Director of Marketing.

“We’re all about Decentralized Autonomous Companies,” he says.


They’re called DACs for short, and you can think of them as companies that run on autopilot. They’re companies without a board of directors, without employees or liabilities. They’re just software that runs on the internet. Most importantly, though, it’s automated software that makes money. Making money is the first rule of a BitShares DAC.

“In the dotcom era, there were all these ideas, all these companies, but none of them made any money,” Mr. Page says. “At BitShares, we truly believe that you have to follow the first rule of economics: you have to make a profit. You have to create value. What would you rather own: stock in a company that’s profitable, or a company that’s losing half a billion dollars a year?”

Bitcoin itself, he argues, can be viewed as a company. It’s a company that earns transaction fees. The employees are the miners, and the coins are shares. Unfortunately, Page says, it’s a company that’s burning through cash.

“There’s more money flowing into it than there is flowing out of it,” he says. “There’s no money flowing out. Bitcoin bleeds half a billion dollars a year in expenses (via electricity, hardware, developers, etc). You own apple stock because the underlying asset is the company that’s generating profits.”

Enter the concept of DACs: autopilot companies that make money.
Give me an example of a profitable DAC

Page’s primary example of a DAC is a lottery company. There’s software with a blockchain and an automated way of selling tickets.

“The algorithm says 50 percent of ticket sales go to one winner,” he says. “The other 50 percent goes as profit to shareholders. Immediately, that DAC would be profitable.”
Decentralized Autonomous Company DACs
Those profits would then be dispersed to shareholders in that DAC.

Now, we’re getting closer to the core of what BitShares is doing: the company is creating a platform to sell shares in hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of DACs. They envision a platform like the New York Stock Exchange. Instead of swapping stock in human-run companies, though, BitShares will let us swap stock in automated companies.

DAC creators could write the code for an autopilot company, and then release it on the BitShares platform. Anyone could then buy shares in that company, and those shares would entitle the holder to a portion of the company’s automatic profits.

This raises an interesting question. Why would a developer want to release his DAC on the BitShares platform? Why wouldn’t he create it on his own, release it on his own, and reap all of the rewards himself?

Mr. Page and the BitShares crew believe the platform brings not only a way to trade shares, but also a huge community that will help drive the success of certain DACs.

“We’re creating the App Store for entrepreneurs,” he says. “It’s like launching a company where you have a ton of different owners. They’re going to take ownership because they know that if you make money, they’re going to make money, too.”

A developer could always choose to release an app outside of the App Store, but then they wouldn’t have that built-in community that comes with the App Store. They’d hobble themselves.

If BitShares truly becomes a deep, liquid exchange for shares in automated companies, holders of BitShares-PTS stand to reap in enormous rewards. Each PTS holder, after all, will receive 10 percent of any future DAC shares released on the platform.

BitShares has also created an angel investment fund (AngelShares) that gives investors the ability to donate to BitShares in exchange for 10 percent of the shares of all future DACs. Already, BitShares has raised nearly $5 million off its AngelShares.

“As far as I know, it’s the largest angel investing in crypto ever,” Mr. Page says. “That’s how we pay for salaries, marketing, development.”

The idea has a lot of people excited. The community at the BitShares forum is over 10,000 strong. And there’s a host of DACs that are under development. There are ideas for stock exchange DACs, domain name companies, banks, insurers, money transmitters, smart contract companies, etc. There’s even a music DAC in the works where artists could release shares in specific songs. Once the BitShares platform gets deployed, we’ll see how much money DACs can generate. If money’s involved, interest and investors will follow.

“The fundamentals are what make us really different,” Mr. Page says. “There are a lot of smart people out there in the cryptocurrency space, computer nerds, I guess you could say, but very few of them are economists. For anyone in the space, I ask, ‘Where’s the value? Where are you creating value?’ It has to be something, a service or a product that has worth – something that causes the value of the shares or coins to go up. We’re helping businesses do what they do in a decentralized way.”

When I ask Mr. Page what he thinks BitShares-PTS might be worth in the future, he admits he has no idea. Something could come along that eclipses the BitShares platform. Then, again, it could one day rival the NYSE.

“Look at Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffet,” he says. “Berkshire became a company that collects other companies, and now one share of Berkshire is worth $160,000.”

The Kool-Aid tastes good, I think.

中文 (Chinese) / 争取吃8万个BTSX,自己选自己做党代表
« on: April 17, 2014, 04:39:22 pm »
如果我能吃到8万个btsx那么我就可以自己选自己做党代表了。光看每年的交易费收入就很诱人。我本人的私心就是希望钱包出来后小白们甩货。 这样我吃8万的成本就不会很高 8)

专门开一贴,从人性角度来分析 pow和pos谁最终将胜出。




BM今天的贴子-以PTS近期难道波动为例子,论POW为什么一定会失败。。。 近期PTS在2月底4月初2次难度的巨大波动,证明了大部分矿工都是有奶便是娘。只要多点利益矿工便会蜂拥而至。当然这也是人之常情,因为挖矿需要时间,设备和电力。BM进一步推出如果某个矿场对矿工每挖一个块补贴一个比特币,那么很快这个矿池就会拥有51%以上的算力,玩点小花招就能让其它矿池无利可图。最后垄断100%比特币算力。

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