As long as the DAC is growing faster than the inflation, it will still be profitable. If a delegate uses inflated funds to bring more value into the DAC than he took via inflation, it will be profitable. If stakeholders determine a delegate to be unprofitable, he will get voted out immediately.
Agreed. There needs to be some consequences for board of directors who promise the world and don't deliver. We need ways to actually measure whether or not buying power is increasing, whether or not DAC profits are going up.
If you can increase the burn rate then you could literally save cash within the DAC itself and use that to pay for investment. So if you can increase the burn rate then you in theory could dilute by simply reversing the burn. This wouldn't affect the initial proportions of the DAC as the cap would still be in place.
If we do not allow ourselves the flexibility that share dilution gives, we will be eaten by a DAC that will, such as VOTE. It's just common sense that a business that can issue stock to kickstart the network effect will destroy one that can't.
I'm for flexibility I just don't think it's as easy as it's being presented. This is going to be difficult not just in building the capabilities to do it but also in educating the shareholders.
We need the ability to vote.
We need reputation.
We need dilution.
But I think we need the ability to vote and reputation prior to dilution. If you cannot vote on infrastructure, if you don't have reputation so that there is accountability, then we have the same kind of risk you see with government politicians. Shareholders must be in control and there must be performance metrics to track from within Bitshares X itself.
We will get the stakeholder hard fork vote capability soon. Once we have that, stakeholders will vote on whether to implement the possibility for delegates to dilute. If that is accepted, then PTS/AGS will be bought out through some one time vested share system, and the name will be changed to BTS. Once BTS is stable, Adam from followmyvote will apply to be a diluting delegate for whatever salary he thinks is reasonable, and if he is elected by stakeholders, he will begin to implement VOTE functionality into BTS.
I don't imagine there being any other diluting delegates in the near future, unless the ability to work directly for a blockchain attracts some high profile developers from the crypto community, that are so universally supported by BTS stakeholders that they can also get in.