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Messages - cylonmaker2053

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I just finished hand-processing all of the transactions that were sent before the gateway was turned on.  All STEEM deposits to date have now been sent their OPEN.STEEM.
Thanks a lot.
The only issue now is on STEEM chain openledger has 781 STEEMs, but there are much more OPEN.STEEMs on BTS chain. In short, OPEN.STEEM is not well backed so far. What if all OPEN.STEEM holders try to withdraw?

how does one even go about withdrawing OPEN.STEEM and redeeming STEEM?

General Discussion / Re: How do the OPEN.X assets work?
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:52:20 pm »
Also, why doesn't the STEEM or MUSE networks, themselves, issue their tokens directly on our DEX? Why go through a third-party OPEN.X issuer? Even if STEEM or MUSE issued their own UIAs on our network with some sort of automatic conversion to their actual tokens, that'd reduce the third party risk and buyers here would just be exposed to direct network value risk for whatever blockchain projects they buy into.

@Bitmaster any plans for STEEM or MUSE to directly issue their own UIAs on our DEX?

General Discussion / Re: How do the OPEN.X assets work?
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:48:12 pm »
Great convo, guys, and i like the four points you laid out @dannotestein ...i actually think we have one of the better platforms for implementing robust shorting with no (or really, minimal) counterparty risk. Getting a feed-based smartcoin for some of the most heavily traded cryptocurrencies is an excellent value proposition for our network. We're already doing it for BTC and could easily add ETH, XRP, LTC, NXT, XMR, etc. when conditions indicate it's sensible. What might be even more interesting to traders is a BTC/USD pair (not bitUSD) instead of the BTC/BTS pair we have now. A good trader could easily hedge the BTS exposure of the current pair, but it might just be easier to advertise as a direct USD pair.

General Discussion / Re: How do the OPEN.X assets work?
« on: June 19, 2016, 11:46:52 pm »
Thanks a lot guys for the explanations. The OPEN.X UIA concept is awesome, i hope to see it expand as other exchanges come on board like CCEDK is doing as a gateway. I applaud @ccedk for taking on this role and offering the UIAs. The next step should be some sort of escrow service and/or smart contract to lock up collateral against OPEN.X assets to eliminate the counterparty risk of the exchange(s) going under or losing funds.

General Discussion / Re: How do the OPEN.X assets work?
« on: June 18, 2016, 09:48:15 pm »
cool, even with OPEN.STEEM? coinmarketcap doesn't show STEEM trading on CCEDK

General Discussion / How do the OPEN.X assets work?
« on: June 18, 2016, 02:12:28 pm »
I'm interested in trading some of these OPEN.X assets, but not sure how they work? For instance, do I have a 1-to-1 ownership claim on a STEEM, MUSE, or BTC for each OPEN.X token I buy? And if so, how? Who guarantees that trade across networks, from the OPEN.X token on the Bitshares network to the respective blockchain?

Chris, me, Rodrigo, JP and Martin at yesterday's investor conference here in Munich..
edit: (Leopold was holding the camera)

Awesome! What was the investor conference about exactly? What was the audience? Did you guys make a pitch for Bitshares?

General Discussion / Re: Merger of STEEM and BTS
« on: May 31, 2016, 02:44:15 pm »
Thanks danno to question regard to stealth...... My point of shouldnt be a priority...

Lets take facebook example facebook was viral early days because of spreading word people around was growth mainly this way before reach angel investor....

Lets look poloniex, was a, was hacked, it was pretty much fucked, until.xmr come on board n.brought a good volume after that started to pick more users, more volume e picking the best volume for the best coins. No.campaing, no promotion, just strong volume n low fee n.probably a pretty god deal with whales n market makers,

You top guys from bitshares should make some network with big vern, people from dead mintpal, n others n try to get some.contatcs with big player n see what they wnat to make dex come.true

@dannotestein has a great point and interesting perspective from being in the trenches with; there's likely a decent number of people in the crypto community that have privacy as one of the major features they value. in that respect, STEALTH could add value to our network.

General Discussion / Re: Merger of STEEM and BTS
« on: May 31, 2016, 02:38:35 pm »
A straight merger will never happen, just forget about that. What could happen however is Bitshares deciding to adopt some of the features developed for Steem once they've proven that they work, like rate limited free transactions, market maker incentives and possibly the new pegged asset model.

One of the main issues Bitshares faces right now is the lack of interest around the market pegged assets; although the peg works fairly well the generation process through shorting/borrowing is failing to generate enough supply to make the assets viable. Steem has a new solution for this problem that could be ported to Bitshares if it turns out to be more successful. Bitshares currently does not have an ETH asset, perhaps a bitasset 2.0 could be implemented first using ETH, that could generate a lot of interest and would make it very easy for ETH holders to come trade on Bitshares. Anyway, we first need to see the new model in action in Steem, which will happen after the 4th of July..

svk, the new Steem model could not possibly overlap our market and become a competitor...
And it surely can't be used by BitShares...

I wanted to make sure Steem didn't compete with BitShares market.  In fact, one of the reasons I was willing to help with Steem was that its feature set is fundamentally incompatible with BitShares and we could not hardfork BitShares to implement what Steem does.

I never said anything about Steem becoming a competitor.

There's nothing stopping us from paying CNX through worker proposal to add some features from Steem if they work out well though, like the rate limited transactions. Steem is based on Graphene so the code changes needed would not be overwhelming. What features to implement is a discussion for another day though, I'm just saying it's an option that we should consider.

great point. i like the idea of keeping the CNX crew around for paid dev work. not to mention they likely still have enormous BTS positions and so are very motivated stakeholders.

too bad STEEM was built on top of Bitshares instead of a separate venture. we need devs and entrepreneurs to start building useful apps on top of our network.

this process of capitalizing fees ex ante comes at the cost of losing 100% asset backing for our smartcoins, which then hurts the PoS marketing message of being able to get at least the full pegged value at any time. It's a much easier story to sell that 1 bitUSD can be settled at any point for 1 USD worth of BTS. It's unnecessarily damaging to sell merchants on getting 0.95 on the dollar or whatever.

This is one of the main arguments against, but liquidity subsidies would solve this imo and probably make BitUSD even more appealing than 1-1 forced settlement.

Anyway we obviously disagree on a few issues so it will be interesting if the BitCNY change does go through whether we're able to gleam anything one way or the other.

yeah i guess we'll see how it goes. i don't see any reason to think anything would change wrt forced settlement. spreads will just be skewed left and buyers will further discount CNY and continue force settlement for whatever fee or discount to par that gets build into the system. that's at least how i'll adjust my own behavior in that market. the end result isn't limiting forced settlement, just breaking the 100% collateralization, which kills PoS for the Chinese market. my guess is that the few active traders in that market don't care about PoS, nor do they understand the financial economics for how the change will be capitalized ex ante and market behavior unchanged.

General Discussion / Re: Merger of STEEM and BTS
« on: May 30, 2016, 02:25:42 pm »
One of the main issues Bitshares faces right now is the lack of interest around the market pegged assets

Don't underestimate the fact that nobody will want to use money without any privacy at all. Stealth not being here in June is a giant blunder (imo).

I wouldn't hold my breath for stealth to be added to Bitshares anytime soon, the current implementation was always far too clunky and difficult to use to be of any real value. Semi-anonymity is easy to achieve by just using a random account name, that should be enough for most users.

The main use case emerging for Bitshares is as an exchange, so that's where our efforts should be focused. That means finding out what the obstacles are to Bitshares being adopted as a real exchange. Here are some issues I can think of off the top of my head:

- Marketmaker incentives
- Too "big" of a GUI -> a more focused exchange GUI is needed with less features
- Bitassets generation -> needs a new approach to stimulate supply

i don't think we have much of an issue with system specs that prevents traders from using the DEX. We have a bit of a marketing problem, both for end users of our smartcoins and for traders who just haven't yet ventured into our playground. I postulate that we already have a good enough system and we need to focus more on marketing. we really just need to draw in our first big player. we're one interested hedge fund away from really coming alive.

that said, i can also see value in some sort of direct subsidy model for posting collateral to short smartcoins into existence. i don't think it's necessary, but if there's a big urge to experiment with some way of incentivizing shorts, that's the way to go.

Also, as a practical matter from trading...

I've invoked forced settlement many times in both bitCNY and bitUSD ...actually, today has been a weird bitUSD trading experience in that people have been dumping at about 6%-7% below peg all afternoon and i've been the highest bidder soaking up the supply. Since I can't find anyone else to buy anywhere near peg, i've been invoking forced settlement. If there were some penalty for doing this, or if assets were only 95% collateralized, i'd be doing the same stuff but at 15%+ below feed. What's the point of that?

The way i've seen forced settlement is that it acts as a natural supply reduction mechanism when we have imbalances and not enough buyers. It brings supply down to what the market is actually willing to support.

I'd speculate the reasons BitUSD holders are willing to offer a 6/7% discount today rather than waiting for 1-1 in 24 hours is because they think BTC is surging so fast that they can make up the difference. If forced settlement was 1-1 with a 4% fee they still would be unlikely to sell much lower than a 7% loss because they're unlikely to make up a 7% loss. So in a way 1-1 might be of limited value other than to traders like yourself who are able to make good daily gains in these scenarios.

While from the shorts perspective a lot of them are going to wake up tomorrow having been unexpectedly force settled and then have to compete with each other if they want to rapidly re-short but then find there are not a lot of willing BitUSD longs because they all want to be in BTC atm so this will disrupt the market, discourage shorts and ultimately raise premiums. A 4% fee would have forced longs to wait 24 hours because it wouldn't make sense to sell at a 9-10% loss today and shorts would have received some compensation for having provided liquidity.

If liquidity close to 1-1 was something we wanted to provide to SmartCoin customers then liquidity subsidies would be the way to do it rather than disrupting the market, negatively impacting shorts & raising the premium the way the current system does imo.

i guess my main point is that i don't see changing collateralization or charging fees to force settlement as materially changing premature forced settlement; traders will rationally price all of this in from the start. They'll offer less for smartcoins to account for either a discount to par collateralization or to capitalize the fee ex ante. Then they'll still force settle and induce unplanned early settlement on short positions.

this process of capitalizing fees ex ante comes at the cost of losing 100% asset backing for our smartcoins, which then hurts the PoS marketing message of being able to get at least the full pegged value at any time. It's a much easier story to sell that 1 bitUSD can be settled at any point for 1 USD worth of BTS. It's unnecessarily damaging to sell merchants on getting 0.95 on the dollar or whatever.

Shorting is for professionals, or those at least willing to keep an eye on positions, up margin when needed if they want to keep positions from being called. If being force settled is something a prospective shorter is concerned with, they should set collateral sufficiently high to make it a non-issue. This will still be an issue with charging fees to force settle, or eroding collateral requirements.

We have a good enough system the way it is, we just need to get more traders into it. Traders are just one group, btw. It'd be great to get actual end users for our smartcoins, like people using PoS apps for bitUSD, bitCNY, bitEUR, etc. like @kenCode is doing. 100% collateralized assets are a big selling point for that application.

I'm all for subsidizing collateral used to maintain shorts, but just prefer doing it directly via some yield. I'm also fine without subsidies bc of the indirect benefits of shorting mentioned earlier.

Also keep in mind, this proposal is to change one of the markets on the DEX, bitCNY. Doing so would unnecessarily complicate the DEX with markets trading with arbitrarily different rules.

Competitors like NBT have no guaranteed redeem-ability at all (& I think they're struggling in this BTC surge) I think merivercap's BitCash has zero as well. I disagree with both those strategies but I do believe 95% is more than sufficient for the market to trade at 1-1 and will significantly reduce the spread without the need for subsidies & given that we haven't even subsidized SmartCoin liquidity yet I'm not sure how realistic it is.

Given the stagnation of the 2.0 SmartCoin markets which have been operating with the current rules for over 7 months, I think trying a rule change at this stage is warranted.

I think it's good that it's just one of the markets as we'll be able to see if it's a positive change before applying it elsewhere. Personally I'd prefer to make the change bigger so the differences would be more easily observable & actionable.

i like that idea of testing changes in one market before applying to all, so i agree with that point. However, unless we have more control other than pure mob rule for forcing changes in a particular market, then we'll likely end up with fragmented rule sets across markets.

yes, we've been operating with these rules for 7 months, but i still argue that things haven't taken off bc of the rules, but bc we haven't done a good job attracting traders to the DEX.

Also, as a practical matter from trading...

I've invoked forced settlement many times in both bitCNY and bitUSD ...actually, today has been a weird bitUSD trading experience in that people have been dumping at about 6%-7% below peg all afternoon and i've been the highest bidder soaking up the supply. Since I can't find anyone else to buy anywhere near peg, i've been invoking forced settlement. If there were some penalty for doing this, or if assets were only 95% collateralized, i'd be doing the same stuff but at 15%+ below feed. What's the point of that?

The way i've seen forced settlement is that it acts as a natural supply reduction mechanism when we have imbalances and not enough buyers. It brings supply down to what the market is actually willing to support.

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