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Topics - santaclause102

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Technical Support / List of small proposals / bug report threat
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:20:49 pm »
The idea is that users can list what they wish for the client to incorporate or bugs they discovered.
Developers might be aware of many of the issues but it should still be a valuable service to get user feedback like this.

When I vote today i have the option to either vote as I selected or to vote as those delegates I selected recommend to vote. If everyone would do the latter voting participation would probably be much higher. The first option though gives the voter more control.

Combining the good of both could look like this: When I select x delegates I want to vote for 101-x delegates are complemented to my delegate slate based on the recommendations of those I selected.

It would be like a default for RDPOS when I don't know 101 delegates I can trust but that would be better than voting only with a fraction of your stake if you only know 5 you trust.

Technical Support / No confirmation that I voted
« on: November 23, 2014, 01:20:21 pm »
I don't get any confirmation about which delegates I successfully voted for.

I did the following: I went to the Delegates list and made my thumbs up, then went to My Account > Vote and clicked "update vote". Nothing happened, no bts balance reduced (no transaction to myself ?) and no delegates in the list in Account > Vote > Current Votes.
I also manually transferred my whole stake to myself, which didn't give me a confirmation (by listing the delegates in the Account > Vote > Current votes list).

Any idea what the reasons are here?

I have made a post here but that was a bit of topic. I'd like to discuss the challenges of a "stateless society" here.

I have learned a lot here about libertarianism and it resonates very well with many of my values! I'd like to learn more about the potential of a state free society.

There are two things I struggle with / do not know how a society without a central authority which can make people do things can solve:
1) How are environmental problems handled if not by prohibitions enforced by some authority?

2) The idea of a state (as a state of law) is  to guarantee certain rights to everybody and enforce those. The poorest man would have his rights (property rights, body integrity etc.) guaranteed as well as a rich man. Now this does not work well in many states and the individuals that are given that authority abuse their power often but it can work well enough to give everyone about the same basic guarantee to protect his/her life and property (in germany it works relatively well). In a society without a central authority wouldn't your most crucial rights (incl. property rights, the right to live / physical integrity) be depended on whether one can "afford" the necessary protection?
Practically: If I can't afford protection someone could just kill me take my kidney and there would be no effort made to prosecute the killer?

Here is an additional thought related to point 2): Property rights in the sense that EVERYONE's property is secured can only exist if there is an authority that can enforce it (for property rights to be property rights in the sense that they are guaranteed to EVERYONE it is a necessary that the authority enforces the law as a neutral third party (=no corruption ; here is where the weak link is)). Otherwise what are property rights than the ability to protect your property? I'd say that such an ability is not a "right". This is unproblematic with products (definition below) because products can be traced back to the rightful maker of the product. It gets problematic with land:

There are two kinds of property: Ownership of land (incl. its resources) on the one side and ownership of materialized human work (products). The two are different because someone that has produced a product has every right to call it his and can therefore sell it. With EVERY land owned today someone has simply said that it is "his" at some point in time (except if a state sells land). One example is the american land-rush where so called "sooners" just claimed land IF they could enforce that no one violates it - but by what measure is it their "property"? Over time the forced claim of land was excepted and then enforced by the state. Another example would be mining resources on mars or on asteroids. Land and its resources do not belong to ANYONE by definition IF there is no common agreement about what land belongs to who. So land ownership is either maintained by the owner's own ability to defend it against other's using it or it is maintained by a common agreement that is necessarily enforced by some kind of state (land rush example: the state allowing colonialists to to claim land of a certain size) because what is a "common agreement" (=facts and rules excepted by EVERYONE) but a state that can enforce that common agreement.

Are there any solutions / mechanisms which could solve those problems?

I like the attitude to keep on searching for solutions and make the world better than it is today! ...that is why such discussions are valuable.

What I could NOT AGREE MORE WITH is that the laws and the organizational framework alone change NOTHING. Western societies (especially the US today and Europe during the colonialization) are trying to bring "order" and "democrarcy" and "constitutions" to it's "colonies" for ages which is the most devastating process which leads to endless amounts of violence long term.

Stakeholder Proposals / Delegate standards
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:47:26 pm »
Observation: Looking at the list of delegate in the client I find many of which I do not know who they are. It would be good to know who they are and if they want to stay completely anonymous that would be great to know to. As it is atm I have to google all the unknown delegate names and see if for example cny.bts500 made a thread on the forum where that delegate team says who is behind it. 

It would greatly improve the reliability and accountability of DPOS if there would be some widely acknowledged standard among shareholders about what "formal" criteria every delegate should fulfill.

Here are the criteria I would propose but please discuss.

1) Every delegate should be transparent about (in his delegate name or in "delegate info" in the client) the identity status and state into which category they fall:
a) completely anonymous
b) a forum member
c) public identity

2) Every delegate should commit to not do vote buying (buying votes with money = offering those that vote for that delegate to share the profit from his delegate pay)

...what else....??

- It would be less easy for a bad actor to trick shareholders into voting for multiple delegates he all controls especially given that most shareholders will try to minimize the effort put into voting / delegate research.
- It would make it easier to decide who to vote for which in return should result in higher voting participation which in return increases security.
- It encourages the discussion about who to vote for and why.

All those criteria can not be enforced by code nor do we want legal contracts to enforce anything... What is left to (soft)enforce is is a common understanding / habits / a voting and campaigning culture which could look like this: Because there is a widely accepted set of formal criteria for campaigning as a delegate delegates would follow those requirements: Being transparent about their identity status in the client and stating that they do not do any vote buying in their delegate campaign thread here on the forum. 

Those are not content related criteria like reliability or reputation but general voting and campaigning habits that would improve DPOS a lot if it is widely accepted/required.

General Discussion / Outside analysis of POW
« on: November 18, 2014, 05:38:47 pm »

DAC PLAY / Do you find the BitShares PLAY allocation just?
« on: November 15, 2014, 05:29:35 pm »
Original post:

Initial and maximum total supply is 2 billion.

1. BTS holders 35%
The block to take the snapshot on BTS undecided, BTS being the SuperDAC after the merger. The number of the block will be published after BTS being launched.
To simplify this, the block the merge happening is preferred to be the one BitShares PLAY honoring, but this depend on the details plan from BTS, we need to get the exact snapshot time so that we can inform the exchanges to take snapshot too.

[Update] Market orders and collateral on market will also be honored too, the allocation to collateral will be divided between long and short according to current price feed.

2. AGS holders 10%

3. PTS holders 10%
The block to take the snapshot on PTS is on November 5, 2014. This is also the anniversary snapshot for both BTS and PLAY.

4. Product Crowdfunding 20%
The start time and details will be announced later, please stay tuned.

5. Development and Marketing 15%
Long-term development, including a part to cover costs in pre-launch period.

6. Reserved Funds 10%
Reserved fund is for specific purposes including Faucet, Business Development, Game Incubation, long-term ecosystem building. Reserved Fund will be locked on initial launch, and will be linear unlocked monthly after launch in 1 year.

Please refer for details.

I do not consider this to be "fair".
The reasoning:
- ASG/PTS in BTS are only AGS before February 28th and the 7% from the merger increase the AGS/PTS share in PLAY from 10% to 12.5% only.
- The common sense assumption for AGS after Feb 28th donations was that those donators would get most of everything besides BTS. Now that is dumped for the bigger network effect BTS brings.
- The network effect of BTS holders would not be dramatically reduced if they get 20% instead of 35 %.
- AGS after Feb 28th contributed the most to the funding of the developement of PLAY.

Bytemaster's proposal:

Bring forward all your arguments :) Don't be afraid to speak up. A robust consensus is necessary to discuss it once and then let it rest so we can then all support PLAY.

Disclosure: I donated more to AGS after Feb 28th than before. I did not sell any BTSX/BTS.

General Discussion / 'Consensus' algorithms
« on: November 15, 2014, 09:40:02 am »
Am I right that algorithms/concepts/networks like PBFT, ripple and hyperledger all fall into the same category in so far as they all suffer from being either not open (=the participation (as a node) in the finding of the consensus depends on the decision of a centralized entity) or if everyone can provide a node they suffer from sybill attacks?


In the original post about DPOS and in the discussion following it there was the idea to automatically downvote delegates that harm the network. What happened to that concept?
Is it hard to identify in which case delegates are clearly malicious and a permanent threat? And/or is it hard to say which group (the 51% or the 49%) are the malicious actors?

From the DPOS whitepaper ( 
Every client connected to the network can observe the behavior of all delegates and detect the following bad behaviors automatically:

Failure to include valid transactions that were broadcast more than 1 minute prior to the production of the block. One minute should be more than enough propagation time for all delegates to receive the transaction because their role requires them to be well connected to the network.
Failure to produce a block before the end of their window.
Failure to reference prior blocks that were produced and distributed in time.
Signing an invalid block.
When bad behavior is detected by any delegate all clients will automatically vote against that delegate the next time their user makes a transaction until that delegate is no longer in the top 200.

General Discussion / MUMBLE SESSION IN 45 MINUTES!
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:13:05 pm »
I don't think everyone is aware that the mumble session time has changed:

To everybody who subscribed to this topic, please notice that the Mumble talk time has moved to 9 AM EST. Thanks Fuzz

Here is my take on the merger allocation: We have to separate a few things...

First there is the merger of BTSX, Vote and DNS, this justifies giving Vote and DNS a stake in BTSX which has been done. Sufficiently enough: I don't know but that is hard to evaluate!

Then there is the "merger" of the the proto-ledgers PTS and AGS into BTS. The purpose of this (as I understood BM) is to end PTS and AGS in so far as they woun't have any function anymore. Their function was to be a ledger of early supporters who made the toolkit and everything BitShares possible. There is a social consensus that PTS and AGS should be honored by at least 10% and I3 said they would only support projects that do that. Now the purpose of giving PTS and AGS holders a stake in BTS would be to make the social consensus (incl. the recommendation of I3 to honor BTS with 20%  instead of PTS/AGS with 10% each and the support of projects that do so) is "ported to BTS" as the proto/honoring ledger so that BTS is honored in the future which would imply that I3 reccomends any DAC developer to honor BTS instead of AGS/PTS in the future.
I have not seen such a clear message by I3 yet.

As for how much is justified for AGS/PTS in BTS:
Over the last month PTS had about 10% of the value of BTSX so all future projects honoring PTS where valued at 10% of BTSX. If you take the time since BTSX started this ratio is probably even a bit higher than 10%
Question: Why does PTS (and AGS) only get 7% instead of the 10% suggested by the market's valuations? The reduced liquidity of PTS is accounted for by that non liquidity rule already...

Maybe those questions/requests where answered somewhere else already. I'd be happy if someone could direct me to the respective posts if so.

General Discussion / Division of team contraproductive
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:33:03 pm »
First I want to say that I am very happy with what BitShares has become! Also I admire the passion and idealism Larimer and co put into BitShares. A groundbreaking product (BitAssets + lots of innovations like DPOS and TITAN) has been produced within relatively little time.

To following should stimulate a hopefully fruitful discussion about an issue that will always be a balance.

I am asking (myself and I3) whether the tendency towards atomic entities (individual teams, individual developers, no hierarchies whatsoever) is practically helpful for the realization of all the BitShares ideas and projects.

Maybe it is naive but wouldn't it help if all the devs would work on all the bitshares ideas as a team rather than individuals who do all kinds of uncoordinated things. (was maybe a bit exaggerated but i have the impression that this is the tendency)

There is another (related) issue: Transparency/Openness towards the forum: I think this is an important goal worth achieving. The question is just whether this goal would be in danger if "strategic proposals posts" or other ideas, plans and side projects (the merger proposal would certainly be an example) would first be discussed with the "team" to a point where they are "finished". I, as a stakeholder in all BTS ideas, would wish for a "PR strategy" that is sensitive towards the sometimes subtle subtexts conveyed which can result in FUD which can hurt the project long term because shareholder see the BitShares dev team as not capable of handling "investor relations" well, also given that the Chinese community panics easily at certain "pain words". That would practically include that all fundamental strategic posts are vetted with the team first so that a solution can be found that is part of a bigger picture where the consequences have been thought about (instead of giving the forum/shareholders a weekend of a FUD/enthusiasm roller coaster which will overall always be more painful because uncertainty is always perceived as negative).

I know that what I described above can never be reached! It will always be a process and like BM said it will always be foggy where everyone can only see so far. What I propose though is that a team that works as a team (and not as individuals doing whatever they like) might also just see 10 meters ahead like on individual but might see more interconnections and unconsidered consequences. After that team vetting process the forum public would be helpful like it has greatly been in the past.

Here is my philosophical perspective on hierarchies:
I totally oppose any hierarchies with respect to social standings. Hierarchies separate artificially. There is no difference among anything that lives when the essential core is what is looked at. I personally respect people for two reasons only: Because they are humans and behave as such (being trustworthy, emphatic, loving...) and because they have good arguments and/or skills. The power (over others someone has) is no reason to for me to treat anyone any different.
On the other side hierarchies can be functional which do not effect the value of individuals (as described above). And there is something like a "team spirit" that holds people together through trust beyond what is necessary for the individual.

What I head in mind I think was "a normal startup team" that works towards a common goal. I also see that the whole forum is kind of the extended (vetting) team which has lots of value. It's all a balance ;)

I have to add that this IS ONLY MY OUTSIDE IMPRESSION which I wanted to share to ignite some discussion about the way to get most effectively towards our goals.

This is a great read and overview:

Those that I saw value in for BTSX are:

1/24) User issued assets (incl. what BitShares Musik does), setting up rules for how they can be achieved, sharing those assets.
Other idea: Allow the sender and the receiver to make the transaction public. If both parties allow the tx to be public the sender can share his transaction (e.g. to wiki leaks or amnesty int.) and this way "speak" making the free speech of transactions more obvious. There would have to be a way to share this on social media through the client or just share it within the client plus making all that public speech available through a website which does not require a login to see the content (like reddit). Some alternative social media could be build around this?

2) Openbazar, what else?

5) Some "pay with BitUSD" or "donate with BitUSD" embedded link, including a pay per click program?

10) Reward / Referral program (for merchants)

11) Self explaining

General Discussion / Counterparty interview
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:16:41 pm » DPOS mentioned, beginning 48:50 and wise words about adoption at the end.

Could you help me with these two questions?

In a flash crash, margins would be called and bitUSD holders would end up with btsx worth of their bitusd. They would only be hurt when btsx falls furter after the margin was called. Is that correct? Because I often hear BitUSd could be uncovered in a flash crash. That (to my understanding) would only be possible if the flash crash happens so fast that the system can not automatically call the margin, that would be 1 block / 10 seconds?

Also, are there BitUSDs with different margin call limits floating around in the market because those bitUSD where shorted into existence at different BTSX prices?

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