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General Discussion / a sample for build p2p network based nanomsg
« on: September 29, 2015, 06:33:00 am »
nanomsg is a real zero-copy msg server

While ZeroMQ offers a "zero-copy" API, it's not true zero-copy. Rather it's "zero-copy till the message gets to the kernel boundary". From that point on data is copied as with standard TCP. nanomsg, on the other hand, aims at supporting true zero-copy mechanisms such as RDMA (CPU bypass, direct memory-to-memory copying) and shmem (transfer of data between processes on the same box by using shared memory). The API entry points for zero-copy messaging are nn_allocmsg and nn_freemsg functions in combination with NN_MSG option passed to send/recv functions.
and it support mode "bus",

so I write a simple demo for howto implement a p2p network based this.

wish this can help improve the p2p network's efficient.

General Discussion / maybe a risk when switch to BTS2.0
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:05:52 pm »
As I know, v0.9.3 will stop produce new blocks at the snapshot block.
But how to avoid fork at the latest 1/2/3... block?
my advice is stop package transactions to the block when we reach the snapshot block.

General Discussion / add poloniex to feed price
« on: September 05, 2015, 03:50:41 pm »,16170.msg234177.html#msg234177

Glad to see poloniex replace btc38, it's a key factor for BTS's success.
BTC38 can't controll the price so easy now.

Random Discussion / it's an anniversary
« on: August 28, 2015, 03:27:46 pm »,7111.0.html

We have made great progress.
But it's far more difficult than we thought.
never give up guys.

General Discussion / I have an interview with this week
« on: August 19, 2015, 02:34:06 pm »
I will try to tell them about bitshares, wish I can speak clearly.

Technical Support / need a new transaction for 2.0
« on: June 11, 2015, 01:20:37 pm »
because any balance must belong to account,
so it's hard to create a paper wallet.
can we add a new transaction, like pre spend
when I  pre spend 10 USD, it generate a private key
anybody who get the private key can get my 10 USD.

General Discussion / business for MPA(travel package)
« on: June 11, 2015, 01:04:58 pm »
when I travel to other country, the first thing after arrive is exchange some money,
then buy a mobile card, and a traffic card.
the exchanger's rate is really very high at airport.

so if a shop can sell mobile card and traffic card with bitUSD,
it will be very helpful, I don't need to exchange at airport.
I only need print a paper wallet, scan the paper, and get my mobile card and traffic card.

This save my money, and my time.
we should do this at all travel city.
you'll become a rich man if you have such a shop

any thought?

<<Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python>> from MOCC is opening today,
the teacher is Prof. Eric Grimson, MIT'S president,
don't miss it

Technical Support / for me, the most important thing from BTS2.0 is
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:21:33 am »
for me, the most important thing from BTS2.0 is
again, we have a company, a core team, a leader, who will take responsibility, who will coordination all things.

keep fighting

中文 (Chinese) / 蠢货
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:23:11 am »

General Discussion / a suggest for short operation
« on: June 05, 2015, 10:28:33 am »
for now, if I short cny, I use double value BTS as collateral, borrow CNY to buy BTS.
this means I think BTS price will increase against CNY.

but If I think SHENZHEN's price will increase against CNY, what can I do?
first I need to short CNY,  I use double value BTS as collateral and sell out CNY.
second, I need to sell BTS to get SHENZHEN, hedge the risk of BTS against CNY.

this is very complex, so I have suggest to improve it.
I can use double value BTS as collateral, and sell out CNY for SHENZHEN directory.
the command like:
short 1000 BTS as CNY to BID SHENZHEN.

then, all short should collateral BTS. you can short CNY for SHENZHEN, or short SHENZHEN for CNY.

I don't like the idea to use CNY as collateral, because CNY is not enough to use as collateral,
it need to use as cover order, or for payment.

any thought?

General Discussion / can we save memo's one time key for two copy?
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:37:22 am »
one key can decrypt by receiver's private key.
and one key can decrypt by sender's private key.
then the sender can get the correct memo and receiver from different wallet.

General Discussion / can anybody help for build light wallet?
« on: May 26, 2015, 03:01:22 am »
I want to change to light wallet server
can anybody help me what should I do?
how to use the BTS JS lib for browser?
what service should implement for the light wallet server?
many thanks!

General Discussion / how to get transaction from an public address?
« on: May 25, 2015, 11:41:32 pm »
I have try blockchain_list_address_transactions
but always return []

General Discussion / web wallet based python flask
« on: May 21, 2015, 05:56:37 am »
I am writing a web wallet, based python flask,
it's not a light wallet.
it depend a wallet backend to provide rpc call.
it run a web server at local host,
update the browser in real time throw web socket.
I am not family with User interface.
please join me if you are good at web develop.

you can try the demo version now.
Code: [Select]
pip install btsbots-wallet
Code: [Select]
cat > ~/.python-bts/bts_client.json
    "client_default": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": "3988",
        "user": "alt",
        "password": "alt"
Code: [Select]
then visit http://localhost:5000

source code is here:

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