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Messages - KillerByte

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MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 26, 2013, 04:57:06 am »
hi KillerByte,

are you working on the pool server issues or on the payout, when will the payouts will happen? i got almost 1k MMC in your pool  ;D

hey, here is the announcement:

Starting tomorrow, payouts will be manually executed. Your balance will go to 0, but shortly after you should recieve your payment.

Also, if this happens again and I cant figure out why, the pool is done.

I am sorry for all the delays, downtime, and else of the pool. I am sorry that there is no windows client. I am sorry for any other confusion.

Thanks for all the support as well, even though I have been a fail of a pool operator :)

hey KillByte,

you dont need too much "sorry", you're very good one and have a very good support on MemoryCoin by adding the first pool on the market.
Also you have put lot of efforts on the pool to make it better day by day.
The point is cause this is the first pool so lot of hashing power, lot of connections that you're may not expected...

So, after all, thanks you. Hopefully someone else can take care your pool.

@Just dont make its code too public, you know what i mean, mushrooms after rains...., diff to the moon.... normal users leave.... coin go nowhere  :-X

Don't worry, I have officially decided against sharing the pool code.

I really do appreciate the words of encouragement. I am easily discouraged :)

hi KillerByte,

are you working on the pool server issues or on the payout, when will the payouts will happen? i got almost 1k MMC in your pool  ;D

without windows client

this pool is died

Windows 32 bit:!ydhjharY!SS3CQCt_4OSev2XiaDZ2bnCNf94WHFNN8ZLsSVYp4cw windows 32bit version miner for pool (unstable version)
you can give me little donation MVTEcnoTrUAeYrd3yzXm3nd4S73yACDtMa 

It works pretty well.

Thanks! This will help a lot.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 26, 2013, 04:26:24 am »
hi KillerByte,

are you working on the pool server issues or on the payout, when will the payouts will happen? i got almost 1k MMC in your pool  ;D

hey, here is the announcement:

Starting tomorrow, payouts will be manually executed. Your balance will go to 0, but shortly after you should recieve your payment.

Also, if this happens again and I cant figure out why, the pool is done.

I am sorry for all the delays, downtime, and else of the pool. I am sorry that there is no windows client. I am sorry for any other confusion.

Thanks for all the support as well, even though I have been a fail of a pool operator :)

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:18:04 am »

the hashes are not wasted.

Think bitcoin mining: your ASIC goes through billions of hashes a second. Does it submit every single hash? No, just the ones that meet the target set by the server.

Does that help? :)

Yes, thanks Killer, although it doesn't explain why one out of 16 hashes are taken, or is that a probability?

I'm now getting system:111 messages, this is my output for the previous block:

[MASTER] work received
connecting to
connecting to
connecting to
connecting to
connecting to
hash generated - 15802 / 1968 / 1683025740
connecting to
connecting to
connecting to
connecting to
[MASTER] work received

you got it, its a probability.

Sorry about the 111 errors, that is a server restart, which causes downtime.

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:07:52 am »
Statistics for MKiSSTcn8nyq5ecdjjUVsvP1cqoCMbLaiQ
Balance: 39.784913

Unconfirmed: 16.566739

This Round Shares: 849

why i get nothing!!!

my Wallet is nothing!!!

your balance is an indication we still need to pay you.

I have been working all night trying to figure out why the server is complaining about insufficient funds... everything works out.

You will get payed, even if I have to go through every address manually, everyone will get payed.

everyone has to follow this policy. It makes it so that all shares are equally valued.

why every 16? is possible that change work during mining

Sorry, this doesn't make sense to me.  Why isn't every hash submitted?  My 8-core machine only had 5 and 13 hashes between the last two "[MASTER] work received", are they wasted?  Sorry if these are slightly newbie questions, I have done pool mining before, I just want to know the meaning of these outputs, its a change from what xolokram's pts miner reports!

the hashes are not wasted.

Think bitcoin mining: your ASIC goes through billions of hashes a second. Does it submit every single hash? No, just the ones that meet the target set by the server.

Does that help? :)

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 26, 2013, 01:29:12 am »
Now it is difficult even with the pools  :(

how long does your computer take to make a hash? Sounds like you should make one every 16 mins.

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 26, 2013, 12:25:54 am »
you are right, but why not submit every  8?

because then the server would have to process double the shares, which is more load.

Also, each share would be worth only half.

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 26, 2013, 12:14:04 am »
Someone can tell me what is this: Foun solution - xxxx/xxxx/xxxx? Know what share is (is there diffrent value of shares, or every are the same?), but what is this solution? And nice, have bigger hash/m than on solo with wallet.

A share is when the miner prints "submit: " and then a hash... found hash just says when your computer makes a hash. One out of every 16 shares are taken.

everyone has to follow this policy. It makes it so that all shares are equally valued.

why every 16? is possible that change work during mining

MemoryCoin / Re: XPool - How to continue & fix problems...
« on: December 25, 2013, 11:48:32 pm »
just a heads up, another pool was launched:

noticed, and that helps me.

This is a good thread though... some interesting ideas were thought...

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 25, 2013, 11:44:12 pm »
Hope is for payouts to execute on block 2560.

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 25, 2013, 11:36:48 pm »
Someone can tell me what is this: Foun solution - xxxx/xxxx/xxxx? Know what share is (is there diffrent value of shares, or every are the same?), but what is this solution? And nice, have bigger hash/m than on solo with wallet.

A share is when the miner prints "submit: " and then a hash... found hash just says when your computer makes a hash. One out of every 16 shares are taken.

I should rephrase - one out of every 16 hashes are taken

also, pool was restarted to make a fix to the payouts... to try to get them to execute.

whats annoying is that payouts were already working... now they are not.... figuring this out :)

MemoryCoin / Re: [ANN] - Win64 / OSX64 - I need your CPU power!
« on: December 25, 2013, 11:33:46 pm »
thanks, this will help with my pool's overloadedness (I know that is not a word) :)

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 25, 2013, 11:21:29 pm »
Someone can tell me what is this: Foun solution - xxxx/xxxx/xxxx? Know what share is (is there diffrent value of shares, or every are the same?), but what is this solution? And nice, have bigger hash/m than on solo with wallet.

A share is when the miner prints "submit: " and then a hash... found hash just says when your computer makes a hash. One out of every 16 shares are taken.

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 25, 2013, 10:43:57 pm »
Hell yeah! Primeminer shows 2-3 primes/s. WTF? Wallet told me, I was mining (for test) in speed ~3.17 h/m.

This is memoryminer, not primeminer... did you download the right source?

MemoryCoin / Re: - First Memorycoin Pool
« on: December 25, 2013, 10:38:29 pm »
Pool payouts did not execute as they were supposed to. Let me check the balances.

MemoryCoin / Re: XPool - How to continue & fix problems...
« on: December 25, 2013, 10:32:51 pm »
i see you limited the number of workers... how about creating another pool with this limit? maybe on another port or something

yeah, I really should have multiple instances of the pool. That would be cool.

Unforunately, I would have to do some changes to the JSON-RPC, and make the web interface unified, but its a good idea. I could also license pool operators... if that makes sense... to run a instance of the pool publicly for mining, and the web interface could connect and retrieve stats and unify it as XPool. The other pool operators could work with me to improve the code and solve problems.

That still seems inefficient though... :)
yeah, it would be inefficient, but this is only meant as a temporary solution, until you get things under control... and also, if you mention the pool operators working with you, it might be exactly the collaboration you we're looking for... i don't know how you would choose them though

for choosing, I would create a new thread saying pool operators wanted to run an instance of the pool, and I would be looking for people who can show that they have some understanding of how to code. It would be selective, for sure.

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