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Messages - zhaomu

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delegate-zhaomu 会运行一个打了cn-vote补丁的见证人节点,以保证网络稳定为优先。

delegate-zhaomu would like to continue providing price feeding service according to the community's consensus.

General Discussion / Re: Price Feed Review
« on: June 06, 2019, 07:18:40 am »

max(DEX*溢价、CEX1、CEX2……)≤ Average(DEX*溢价、CEX1、CEX2……)*1.05

feed price=max(DEX*溢价、CEX1、CEX2……)


feed peice=Average(DEX*溢价、CEX1、CEX2……)*1.05

假设n时刻的喂价为feed price(n),n+1时刻的喂价为feed price (n+1),当喂价剧烈下跌的时候,我们应当让喂价下跌慢一点,速度均匀一点。


feed price(n+1)<feed price(n)

feed price =feed price(n)*(1-0.5‰)


feed price=feed price(n+1)




General Discussion / Re: Price Feed Review
« on: June 05, 2019, 06:17:18 pm »



这位兄弟,这个感觉比较冤枉。。。我这几天一直在修改喂价脚本,最先的思路是引入内盘权重,这个方法在横盘时都还比较正常,但是遇上这两天暴跌都是从内盘开始跌,就比较无力。后来感谢论坛各位的提醒,发现了根本原因,不能用美元-人民币的银行汇率进行计算。所以赶紧再次修改脚本,现经观察已经恢复正常了。不过也感谢你的监督啦,大家都希望比特股变得更好 :)

General Discussion / Re: Price Feed Review
« on: June 05, 2019, 06:05:54 pm »
对于CNY的喂价已经采用中币的QC-USDT QC-CNY 完成 CNY到USDT的转化,再取各交易所的BTS:USDT。根据观察,喂价已经恢复正常。抱歉修改喂价脚本花了点时间,也感谢社区的监督。

General Discussion / Re: Price Feed Review
« on: June 03, 2019, 02:27:54 pm »
unvoted delegate-zhaomu and magicwallet.witness

didn't get any response.
unvoted for verbatech2 and witness.yao.
will wait others response for another 24 hours.

Greetings to Alt and the BTS community members,

Sorry for the late response to this situation and here is my explanation. On May 31st, bitcrab @ me in wechat group about the price feed issue and I responded immediately saying "I will check it" (see the figure below).

So I started to check my price feed script, which seems like the CNY to USD exchange rate caused the issue so I started to find more reliable API of currency exchange(I used the paid openexchangerates) and find if there is any logic bug can be fixed during the calculation of exchange rate. At the meanwhile, I was planning to add the premium between dex and external exchanges as a factor which is taken into consideration as a hotfix, to calculate the final price feed. However, when I first added the premium factor, I mistakenly messed up with its signs, but I found and fixed it immediately. So that's why there is a screenshot shows that the difference between my price feed and the median price feed reached 5%. In fact, this situation might not last for more than 10 minutes. You can see that bitcrab kindly reminded me about the issue at 13:47 and the screenshot about a 5% difference showed up around 14:00 when I am fixing. Finally, my price feed seemed like working well according to my observations later on that day(I am also constantly observing the price feed these days).

Since I thought that my price feed had been back to normal, I did not go to bitsharestalk to check if there was any new discussion about the price feed on the forum that day. And when I found this thread and prepared to respond, I found I cannot get the verification code to post unless *you know it* and due to the current network status(*you know it*), I failed a lot of times. Thus, I missed the in-time response to your question. I am extremely sorry for this and I promise that I will check the forum more frequently in the future. In fact, I really care about the price feed that I check it periodically and I also make quick responses to any changes decideded by the community consensus, e.g., MSSR.

This is my explanation about this event. I apologize for it again and I would be much appreciated if you can re-vote me again. Of course, any advice and suggestion from you and the community are thankful too. I will continue improving my price feed script. I hope we can make Bitshares much better.


Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Proxy: xeroc
« on: March 16, 2019, 01:38:34 pm »
Removed my vote from witness "delegate-zhaomu". He is double producing blocks:
Code: [Select]
Got block: #35402824 021c34487edacb4c6b6a679bc43c6371a8a9f9f2 time: 2019-03-04T17:52:27 transaction(s): 31 latency: 344 ms from: delegate-zhaomu
Got block: #35402824 021c3448705f175cfd865f4ed2c7aade0e0ec1ea time: 2019-03-04T17:52:27 transaction(s): 30 latency: 601 ms from: delegate-zhaomu

Sorry for the “double producing”  issue. It was my mistake and I fixed immediately after abit reminded me. At that day, I developed a new backup node to substitute the old one and I didn’t close the old server immediately (I thought it was better to keep the old one running for a while until the new one was proved to work fine).I didn’t notice that my witness-monitor script had already automatically changed to backup node’s signing key and I forgot to check the status when deploying. This was the cause of “double producing”. I realize that it was a big mistake and it shall never happen again. I hope you will re-vote me.  Thank you.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [witness proposal] delegate-zhaomu
« on: May 02, 2018, 10:22:15 am »
Hi Zhaomu,

Could you pls check your wallet? I have sent Bitshare to your account as my mistake.
It is 2015 BTS.

For futher information, please kindly send email to me

Thanks alot

I am extremely sorry for your experience. However, I cannot find such transaction in all of my accounts.
I am also willing to provide further assistance. Could you please provide more detail such as TX ID, your account name and the account name you transferred to?

delegate-zhaomu 美国(将迁香港) wss://

Totally agree and support this idea. It it time to make a change and make bitshares great again. Wish this proposal can be approved and implemented ASAP.


Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [witness proposal] delegate-zhaomu
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:38:06 am »
I for one truly appreciate your efforts. I believe your role is a very important one to achieve community consensus on this platform. China represents a large number of BTS believers and the language divide is a significant hurdle to overcome for almost everyone. I approve this witness proposal with the following concerns:

1) 8GB of RAM may be a bit on the low side to accommodate the growth we can see coming in BitShares adoption
2) I would like to see you publish a report each month of what you have accomplished, like the translations you make. Brief, nothing elaborate.
3) The world needs a place to get the latest news about BitShares you see in China - people, companies, projects, plus general attitude and sentiment of community leaders in China.

You say your translation work is 2-way, so I would very much like to see info about cryptos in China I can read in English.
Kudos & congrats to you for getting your testnet node running so quickly after xeroc suggested it.

Thanks for your support. Here is my reply towards your concerns:
1.Since we plan to set the node overseas next month, we will then choose a cloud server with 16GB RAM. In the future, we will also keep upgrading the hardware, in order to accommodate the growth of BitShares.
2. Yes, this report is in my plan. Not only the translation, but also the report of BTS Chinese offline campaign and any contribution related to BTS.
3. I normally share the crypto news from China in the telegram channel (BTS DEX). More places to share, such as a website, are in my consideration.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [witness proposal] delegate-zhaomu
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:17:10 am »
Can you please setup a testnet server first so we all have something where we can see your setup is properly producing blocks?
Else, this looks like a solid witness proposal .. +5%

Thanks sir, I have already set up a witness node on the testnet zhaomu-test.


Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Proxy: xeroc
« on: January 03, 2018, 06:42:11 am »
Hi xeroc,
     I set up a witness node on the testnet (zhaomu-test), can you vote for me so I can start to test the price feed.
    And also, can you consider my witness proposal?,25678.0.html

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