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Messages - jwiz168

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BitShares PTS / Re: PTS vs BTS Snappshotting
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:49:27 am »
One thing that would immediately clear my mind regarding PTS, is whether or not the snapshot for BTS went through (that BTSX was diluted so that PTS and AGS could be merged in, alongside vote and DNS).

If the dilution did occur, then isn't is a bit unfair that PTS would then continue to exist?...
Can anyone answer this? Was PTS merged into BTSX alongside DNS and VOTE as planned last year? Or did the community decide to allow PTS to exist on its own?
If it has been, then there is no reason for PTS to exist anymore.

We really should put this into an FAQ...

The merger on nov-5 merged DNS, VOTE and BTSX into the new BTS super-DAC. Because now the superDAC exists, I3 will not release any additional DACs. That change of plan was seen as unfair to PTS/AGS holders (post feb-28), which is why PTS and AGS also received additional BTS in the "merger". The social consensus remains unchanged wrt 3rd party DACs. Both Stan and Dan have repeatedly stated that PTS will continue to exist after nov-5.

This is what we stand for . Let PTS do its job from a third party view. It is what PTS did, do , and will because of its framework . So as to AGS.

DevShares / Re: Does DevShares wallet_import_private_key work?
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:44:58 am »
I have used the menu for importing my BTS key (json file) to Devshares and it was successful.

DAC PLAY / Re: [Announcement]BitShares PLAY Crowdfunding
« on: December 30, 2014, 10:59:13 pm »
BTC is already synonymous to cryptocurrency . But we want to have Bitshares to be known to all digital asset investors audience. Specially the gaming industry where Playshares will be at focused. Bitshares has the platform to convert fiat to BTS via BTC.  This is the way to make bitshares client actively doing the exchanges. It's fast and decentralized. Many will realize and appreciate how fast and secure DPOS can be. Transactions between DPOS blockchains are seamless and as most developers of Bitshares platform are convincing all along eliminate the middleman.  I don't mean to change the plan of BTC crowdfunding. Im just convinced that for Bitshares to potentially have much advantage over BTC  when crowdfunding occur with the same DPOS platform. 

The price is low because it had been diluted . Pretty soon it may climb as plans and marketing kick in.

BitShares PTS / Re: PTS vs BTS Snappshotting
« on: December 26, 2014, 09:19:43 pm »
Sounds like the rebirth of PTS is a bunch of fucking criminals trying to pull off a scam.
Jog on, PTS is dead.

I  think you just need to educate what PTS for . PTS evolves into DPOS , which in my opinion is a DAC. Definitely PTS is not dead . As an independent developer, any one of these talented programmers can use it to make a DAC and be able to honor the social contract.  It is the sole discretion of the developer to make the sharedropping scheme at his or her own will. That doesn't make him or her a criminal. He or she simply makes the most out of PTS and its DPOS technology. That, my friend, is technological innovation. Two or three years from now it will make a standard for business that is autonomous and decentralized.

You can' t say that and also refuse to sharedrop on AGS.

As I have said, just my opinion. It is a DAC technically because it has adapt DPOS but fundamentally otherwise the reason is it was just an upgrade from PoW version of it.

BitShares PTS / Re: PTS vs BTS Snappshotting
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:55:33 pm »
Sounds like the rebirth of PTS is a bunch of fucking criminals trying to pull off a scam.
Jog on, PTS is dead.

I  think you just need to educate what PTS for . PTS evolves into DPOS , which in my opinion is a DAC. Definitely PTS is not dead . As an independent developer, any one of these talented programmers can use it to make a DAC and be able to honor the social contract.  It is the sole discretion of the developer to make the sharedropping scheme at his or her own will. That doesn't make him or her a criminal. He or she simply makes the most out of PTS and its DPOS technology. That, my friend, is technological innovation. Two or three years from now it will make a standard for business that is autonomous and decentralized.

issues with poloniex again  >:( . Man if you want to take care of your funds better head to as they have clear instructions on BTS deposit or withdrawal . Poloniex does not warn users to extremely caution their deposits because of TITAN's anomaly. There are several wallets that were being named close to poloniexwallet. And staff of Poloniex don't even bother to make an advisory . Contrast to , which indeed display its avatar to let user know that deposits for bter go through the CORRECT wallet. Using TITAN has advantages and disadvantages . I had experienced it when early stage of BTSX was having trouble with its UNKNOWN recipient . Because of TITAN , many took advantage of it by naming it close to what the appropriate name . Users must be careful and exchanges must let its users inform that there are existing situations and be able to advise. Earning so much with its transaction fees yet Poloniex exchange  does not even bother to make a complete guidelines on depositing to a TITAN wallet like BTS .

BitShares PTS / Re: To buy or not to buy PTS, that is the question.
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:44:46 pm »
As I have stated , its well and good that still PTS does its role in the development of future DACs. But this is up to the third party's decision to honor.

DAC PLAY / Re: [Announcement]BitShares PLAY Crowdfunding
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:55:48 am »
It means they value BTC much, its really not a good method. Others also done this strategy,  giving their assets value. Why not choose BTS or BitBTC to be a crowdfunding medium as stated? In this way, DPOS technology will really be able to achieve what its purpose.... as Standard Blockchain Technology that is easily adapted.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday AngelShares!
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:45:46 am »
Merry Christmas !!! it is truly an "angel"

BitShares PTS / Re: To buy or not to buy PTS, that is the question.
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:01:01 am »
Being  a DPOS, pts becomes a DAC IMHO. Any developer may use it as asset for their project or it continues to be an altcoin in an exchange. The fact is it had built the framework for currency and DAC model. To me, I would hold my PTS but NEVER reinvest simply because I think I have enough. There are still numerous DACs will exist. Now my focus is on BTS because this is the current direction for further development of advanced DAC.

BitShares PTS / Re: To buy or not to buy PTS, that is the question.
« on: December 24, 2014, 10:09:38 pm »
Since developers have option of what to use for sharedropping, well and good . AGS and PTS have retained its purpose and the new player BTS is the most innovative of the 3 ( and probably the most consensus) , investors are presented with unique way of diversification. It's a win-win situation eventhough some of early concepts of AGS/PTS 10% DAC's share distributions have been diluted in favor of BTS. Now my understanding is clear as to what Bitshares has to offer in the future, might as well plan for the best. The 2014 is year of Bitshares, because it has helped me set a goal of achieving financial freedom in such a short time and I am very much confident with it and hope one day Bitshares may evolve into a thing that we cannot leave home without it as they say.

BitShares PTS / Re: To buy or not to buy PTS, that is the question.
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:57:40 am »

Any funds that you use to buy PTS can then NOT be used to buy BTS.

Isn't it that social contract of I3 states that for every DAC being developed using DPOS has at least 10%AGS and 10%PTS? Please correct me if I am not inform with BTS being included.

People may need to read some interesting articles so that they may present more options in crytocurrency or cryptoequity investments. I'm not saying they "should" . Googling their way may do the trick ;)

Hilariously they've set themselves up in a situation where staying at their current market cap is basically a total failure, even though they made it to number 4 instantly. As I understand it people bought them for 20 USD in the ICO with the assumption that it was "backed" at that level. If it stays below 20 USD for too long it'll probably completely unravel.

Maybe there is a little bit of misinformation here. Since August I have been with GAW with their Hashlet . I have gained enough funds mining and right after the price of Hashlets soared from $16 to $50  , I have breakeven and more.

Now Paycoin, investors have $4 /coin in ICO where as Josh Garza , CEO of GAW guaranteed its price to peg at $20 once its on the market. The thing with PayCoin is , it had recently ended its PoW phase  with 500,000 coins being mined using SHA-256  algo. After this  PoS will start with the so-called HashStaker wallet (evolved from Hashlets).The recent jacked up of coin supply was due to the miners of Hashlets through Hashpoint- a mining reward for GAW accounts.  Paycoin will continue to increase its supply since it will enter the PoS phase Monday Dec 22, 2014.

So it is actually POS! That's a bit more impressive. It could be they are actually a serious competitor to bitshares, especially if they actually deliver on the 20 USD and maintain their high liquidity... Unless it turns out to all be one big pump and dump.

I seriously doubt if  pump and dump may happen. There is structure or whitepaper that Paycoin will be staked. It's really attractive to investors. Aside from going to be major payment processor (KYC will began shortly) among retail store and online market, the rate of HashStaker (wallets where coins are being staked in 3 or 6 months or even forever) for round 1 would be 0.00972. So if someone stake 1 paycoin to HashStaker wallet here is the computation :

                                    1 x 0.00972 = 0.00972 XPY daily
                                    0.00972 x 30 days = 0.2916 XPY monthly

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