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Topics - bytemaster

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General Discussion / Shuffle Bounty $200 BitUSD
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:12:48 pm »
I am looking for a shuffle algorithm for delegates that has the following inputs:

vector<delegate_id>   prev_delegate_order
vector<delegate_id>   top_101_delegates_sorted_by_vote
sha256                        random_seed

I need to calculate the "next_delegate_order" such that the minimum distance between the same delegate is N/2 the number of delegates while maximizing the entropy and mixing.

This algorithm should be implemented in c++ using int64_t as the delegate ID.    I am looking for the best algorithm based upon the consensus on this thread.


General Discussion / Research Help
« on: April 05, 2015, 03:56:30 am »
I would like to do a survey of the most advanced tech in the industry.  The goal is to aggregate all of the "ideas" into one place and label / sort them.  This can be thought of as one of the largest repositories of white papers out there.    The purpose of this is to help me keep up to date with the latest ideas without having to search for it all myself.

I would also like some help gathering performance measures / benchmarks of our primary competitors.  So have the following questions:

1) What is the fastest implementation of reindexing the Bitcoin blockchain without signature checks, how may transactions per second does it process.  This would probably be like reindexing Bitcoin prior to a checkpoint.

2) How long does it take to do the equivalent of reindexing with Nxt?   how many blocks and/or transactions per second can Nxt reindex.

3) Same question for Ripple

4) How many transactions per second can Etherem reindex?   How many operations per second can their scripting engine execute? 

The goal of these benchmarks is to evaluate how well the existing implementations scale in the real world.   

Today BitShares can reindex at close to 1000 transactions per second.   This hits the limit of the current implementation, but an updated implementation could easily get BitShares up to 10x that.   

I would also like to know everything there is to know about multi-sig technology offered by the various platforms. 

Lastly a survey of the various approaches to zero knowledge proofs for cryptographic privacy on a blockchain. 

I would like to have  a drop in replacement that implements this api:


To get the bounty the pull request must be merged and proven to work with BitShares main client.   

General Discussion / Simple Binary Prediction Market Discussion
« on: February 04, 2015, 09:24:08 am »
Define a user created asset that can be issued 1:1 by anyone putting up collateral in a specific bitasset.
Define the prediction criteria in the description of the asset.
Allow collateral to be freed by burning the issued asset.
That is all.

There is no need for a judge to settle the bet.

Now how does the game theory operate?   The issued asset will trade based upon the markets belief that it someone will buy it back.  Market participants will buy it back because they have collateral at stake.    If it wasn't tied to a prediction criteria then the asset would sell at a price of 0.5 because that is the Nash Equilibrium price at which both parties break even. 

Once you tie a prediction to it the Nash Equilibrium changes because the parties have a sense of "justice".  If there are only two people and they are "honest bettors" then they would simply settle at the honest outcome.   

If one of the players is a "sore looser" then they may demand 0.1 for a "false" outcome or only offer 0.9 for a "true" outcome.    The ability of a "sore looser" to hold out depends upon the value the winner places on justice.  If the winner is "hard core" he will simply hold out until the looser caves and agrees to settle honestly.   If the winner is more practical he will offer the looser a financial incentive to settle at a reasonable price.   

There is financial incentive for the looser to settle at any price above 0 or just slightly below 1, but no incentive for them to settle for nothing.   

There is financial incentive for a winner to settle at less than full price so they can exit the market. 

If there were only two players and both place a bet with dishonest intentions then they are in an "all or nothing" choice.  If they settle then they break even, if they don't then they both lose.   

If the market never closes and people are allowed to enter the Nash Equilibrium at any time then you end up with a market where people are betting on the price of justice. 

Say an election ends and the winner is known.   The best settlement offered by any loser is 60/40 which isn't particularly appealing to someone who won and was expecting something closer to 95/5.   In this case the best settlement offered by any winner is 80/20.   At this point in time speculators can bet on how long the sore looser will hold out and what price he will ultimately settle for.    A speculator will take the 80/20 settlement and hold out for a 90/10 settlement. 

Over time the market will discover the long-term price at which losers would rather get nothing than something and winners would rather get something than nothing.    Once the market establishes this price then we can calibrate our prediction markets.   Say the "long-term" settlement is 90/10, then a prediction value of .9 == 100% true and a prediction value of .1 == 100% false and everything can be scaled accordingly.   

Because long-term settlement risk is being priced in from the start all markets will initially track in direction even if they don't track in magnitude until enough data is gathered to allow proper calibration.


General Discussion / User Issued Asset Market Fees
« on: January 27, 2015, 09:40:31 pm »
We are going to allow gateways to set a market fee just like they do today on their internal exchange.  This fee will have a rate between 0.000% and 10.000% of every trade.  This will help us get gateways to issue IOUs on our chain because they could keep the SAME business model they have today. 

General Discussion / Changes to Cover Rules - Eliminate 5% fee
« on: January 27, 2015, 09:12:23 pm »
We are adding an operation that will allow you to cover a short position using the collateral at any time.  We are doing this by giving the user the ability to set the "call price" to anything higher than the "minimum call price".   This feature makes it trivial to bypass the 5% fee by slightly increasing your call price, so this makes the 5% fee impossible to enforce.

In reality the 5% fee merely served to create a variable amount of additional collateral depending upon the risk tolerance of each individual shorter.  Considering we are raising the min collateral requirement from 1.5 to 2x the added benefit of the 5% fee is insignificant.  The fear of a short squeeze and being forced to buy at up to 10% above the feed if there are not enough orders at the feed means there is still plenty of incentive to avoid forced buying.

If you set your call price at or above the price feed then your order will be matched against any and all bids up to 10% above the feed.   So be careful or you might just walk the book. 

Overall this will simplify the explanation of BitShares and shorts and remove uncertainty over how shorts and fees will be calculated.   

General Discussion / Up 10% against btc.
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:13:39 am »
Looking good. 


I worked a full day coding prior to writing this article.  I find blog writing uses different mental energy than coding.   The light wallet is coming along nicely.   In the mean time I have a new article out about fractional reserves and ponzi schemes.   

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