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Topics - bytemaster

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General Discussion / Arguments Against 100 TPS
« on: October 01, 2015, 07:10:59 pm »
I was recently asked by Testz to address this topic:

ell seeing as Larimer himself said the solution is to "...keep everything in RAM..."  how much RAM to do think is required to keep up with a sustained 100,000 tps if it is indeed true?

You don't need to know anything about how that system works when these statements have been, 120 bytes per transaction * 100,000 transactions per second * 86400 seconds in a day = 1,036,800,000,000 bytes (almost 1TB) per day of data.  However you cut it that is a lot of data to manage efficiently in a vertically scaled system (which Bitshares is). 

If you have to go to disc even the fastest PCI SSDs will struggle to do 100,000 random reads per second after some moderate use, unless you are doing very aggressive and efficient disc management at a low level to ensure they are stored sequentially.  Even without considering transactions arriving out of order from the network, that in itself is no trivial task. 

Even batch writing large blocks of transactions to reduce the required IOPs might not cut it, as you have no guarantee that the SSD controller is going to (or even can) write them in one consecutive chunk.  If the controller wants to move data around so it can do this, that is additional overhead and your max IOPs will drop anyway.

If the RAM requirements are low, then you will be swapping out those transactions in RAM constantly, so then you are asking an already utilized IO stream to do 100,000 reads AND 100,000 writes each second on top of processing.

My issue isn't that 100,000 transactions can not be processed per second, my issue is that sustaining that processing capability with RAM and IO limitations is not as trivial as is being made out, and anyone with even a basic understanding of IO systems should be able to see it.

I believe this 100,000 tps relates to the systems ability to order match as he mentioned that specifically in the videos relating to this topic, and NOT a sustained network load of new transaction processing capability.

I want to address the MAJOR misconception and that is that we keep all transactions in RAM and that we need access to the full transaction history to process new transactions.

The default wallet has all transactions expiring just 15 seconds after they are signed which means that the network only has to consider 1,500,000 * 20 byte (trx id) => 3 MB of memory to protect against replay attacks of the same transaction.

The vast majority of all transactions simply modify EXISTING data structures (balances, orders, etc).   The only type of transaction that increases memory use permanently are account creation, asset creation, witness/worker/committee member creation. These particular operations COST much more than operations that modify existing data.  Their cost is derived from the need to keep them in memory for ever.   

So the system needs the ability to STREAM 11 MB per second of data to disk and over the network (assuming all transactions were 120 bytes). 

If there were 6 billion accounts and the average account had 1KB of data associated with it then the system would require 6000 GB or 6 TB of RAM... considering you can already buy motherboards supporting 2TB of ram and probably more if you look in the right places (  I don't think it is unreasonable to require 1 TB per BILLION accounts. 

I seem to have lost my bitcointalk login password, so can someone please cross-post this for me.  Thanks.

General Discussion / Best Selling Option
« on: September 24, 2015, 03:34:12 pm »
The only relevant question imo is whether the 'best-selling' option, significantly adds to costs or security concerns.

BitShares is attempting to sell itself in the market and the "Customer is Always Right" so all technical concerns aside we have to market it well.

I think I have made a entirely defendable case that we do not need a large number of "witnesses" for the network to be secure... just like large speakers are not required to produce good sound.   For a very long time people would buy the larger speakers even if they were technically inferior and more expensive.

So rationality is not the most important thing when figuring out how to build something that will sell.

This means we have two options:

1. Figure out how to sell the best technical approach
2. Adopt an inferior technical approach as a marketing gimmick. 

So in the spirit of marketing gimmicks we need to identify the fallacy that others BELIEVE is good, and get them to accept BTS as equally good.

People LOVE the idea of having 10000 potential block producers with no barrier to entry.  But what this really means is that people love having the ILLUSION of direct control.

But perhaps a bigger issue we face is WHO are we selling to.   Altcoin fanatics or the general public.   

If the requirement is to build a FUNCTIONAL system then we have that and have already optimized all of the security conserns. 
If the requirement is FORM over FUNCTION for sales reasons then we should debate what FORM sells the best independent of any security concern.   

Perhaps all we need to do is add a nice FORM over our best FUNCTION in order to sell the best.

General Discussion / Decentralization of Power
« on: September 22, 2015, 07:04:33 pm »
Yesterday I started a discussion on Witness pay and the appropriate number of witnesses, but I fear that discussion actually missed the mark.  The number of witnesses can be changed in a day, and the pay within 2 weeks.

What is far more important than the number of witnesses is who gets to chose the witnesses and how quickly those decisions can be made.

I would like to take a moment to use an analogy on the difference between energy and power.    Power can be thought of as the amount of energy that can be applied in a fixed amount of time.   If you invented a battery that
contained infinite energy but that energy could only be drawn upon at 1 watt then you couldn't even power a household light bulb.   However, if you had a standard AA battery and were able to release all of the energy in that
battery instantaneously you could destroy the world.   

When it comes to proof of stake coins, a voting share can be thought of as raw energy.  The power of the network can be thought of in terms of how many votes can be brought to bare in a short period of time. 

The security of a network depends upon distribution of energy and the speed at which it can be applied to react to changing circumstances.   

So let's suppose that we had 1001 witnesses but all voting power was proxied through a single account.    The presence of 1001 witnesses is an illusion, they could be changed in a day down to the minimum of 11 if a single
individual was compromised.    It is unlikely that 50% of the stakeholders could change their vote in a day to counter the corrupt proxy.

From this perspective we see that witnesses are only necessary for short-term security and are powerless to maintain their position. 

The question becomes not about bribing a witness, or performing a DDOS on a witness, but on choosing the witness. 

For a given set of witnesses they can choose to censor transactions which change votes.  This is their only vector of attack.  If they choose this route then the network goes down for a hardfork where the proxies vote on a fresh set of witnesses.

Think of the witnesses as the IT staff and the proxies as the Board of Directors of a company.   If the IT staff decided to go rogue they would be fired and the BOD would simply replace them.   

All that is necessary is to have a contingency plan in place in the event that the witnesses go rogue.  A plan that is decided in advance and whose execution can be independently validated by everyone.

Imagine if at any time a block can be produced that is a consensus in itself and this block can build off of any block after the last checkpoint.   Imagine that this block has the power to completely change the blockchain parameters including the elected witnesses.    Imagine if a block containing the signatures of accounts that collectively vote for more than 50% of the stakeholders could overwrite a block produced by witnesses. 

What we need for security is a DECISION MAKING PROCESS more than anything else.  We need an adaptive and responsive system.  We need a diverse set of unpaid decision makers that the majority trust with their proxy votes.   

If we had 101 accounts that collectively controlled 2/3 of all voting power (via proxy) then the power structure of the network would effectively be:

1. Witnesses are the Executive Branch
2. Committee members are the Senate (1 vote per seat)
3. Proxy members are the House (weight proportional to population)

In the event the executive branch goes rogue we merely need to "hold an election" which can be done via the Senate (easiest), via Proxy Members (next easiest) or via direct voting.  Once the votes are cast a new set of witnesses are elected and the network can proceed as always.

What does all of this mean?  It means that we should be focused more on defining a solid set of representatives to serve as active proxy voters that are in the best position to evaluate how many witnesses and committee members are necessary to secure the network.    Having effective and timely voting will do more to improve network security than a 5x or 10x increase in the number of witnesses.

Remember that in evolution, it isn't the strongest that survive but the most adaptable.   Create a system that cannot adapt and it will easily be taken down. 

Consider Bitcoin, it cannot even reach consensus on block size, so how would the network recover if all publically available mining pools were shutdown or compromised?  All of a sudden it isn't profitable to solo-mine and there is no recourse. 

View witnesses as mining pools that are easily changed and hard to shutdown. 

Every day there is a new debate about decentralization, and every time that debate quickly loses sight of all perspective.   Everyone wants a system that is "secure", whatever that means.   Everyone wants a system that is "cheap", "fast", and "reliable" as well.   

The problem is that everyone has different definitions of terms and different threats they are concerned about.     There are as many variables to security as there are types of security and vectors of attack.   If we are not careful then we spend millions of dollars building a moat and castle wall so we can feel secure only to have the castel taken down from the air, by siege, or some other attack vector.

The debate about how many witnesses a network has is meaningless without a proper discussion of the *type* of security witnesses provide and how they provide it.  Collectively witnesses exist to establish a consensus on an irreversible transaction history and testify about the relative value of assets in the system.    Technically the witnesses are not where the consensus lies.  Technically every other node on the network is also participating in the consensus by recording the real time broadcast of blocks by the official witnesses.    Each and every one of these nodes also processes and validates all transactions.   

Producing blocks is only one part of security.  Providing seed nodes is another.  Attacking the P2P protocol is a third.   Of the three of these, attacking the block producers is probably the most difficult because no one knows their IP address.   Attacking the seed nodes on the other hand could completely disable new connections.   More importantly, attacking the P2P protocol could temporarily completely disrupt all communication among witnesses. 

The more witnesses you have the more difficult it becomes to coordinate in the event that communication is disrupted.   As a result increasing the number of witnesses beyond a certain point makes the network less secure.
The more witnesses you have the more difficult it becomes to vet the witnesses and hold them accountable.  Once again increasing the number of witnesses has the paradoxical effect of reducing security.

To understand this from a metaphor perspective, building the great wall around all of China to protect a single house is pointless unless you are able to watch every square inch of that wall all of the time.  Building a similar wall around 1 acre would be far more effective.    Walls only slow down attacks, they don't prevent them.   Having 1 million witnesses means that no one will notice when 500,001 of them fall under control of one entity.   There is simply too much to track.

There are several different kinds of attacks that must be specifically addressed:

1. Censorship
2. Changing History
3. Denial of Service
4. Denial of Connection

All blockchains can be completely shutdown by IP/PORT filtering of all public nodes.   If the network was attacked by a botnet that connected 100K nodes it would dwarf the size of even the bitcoin network.   These nodes could then perform all kind of attacks.    A 100K botnet is cheaper than mining power. 

In conclusion I would like to suggest that having an abundance of witnesses is like wearing a gas mask every day just incase your home gets raided with tear gas.   Instead what we do is keep a gas mask handy, "just in case", but we don't wear it everyday.   Likewise, we keep the ability to increase the number of witnesses "just in case", but it is pointless to obsess over this.

This leaves only ONE argument that holds any water:  perception matters more than reality.   

Just because we recognize the futility of hiding under our desks in the event of a nuclear attack does not mean that millions of kids don't feel more comfortable.   

So my counter-argument that the perceived importance of attracting the more-is-better audience is likely overestimated.   Most people simply don't care so long as the system appears to work and is reliable. 

General Discussion / Initial Witness Pay & Number of Witnesses
« on: September 21, 2015, 10:48:45 pm »
In the most recent Mumble session we discussed the witness pay and witness count for BTS 2.0 and today I would like to bring the discussion to the forum.

The job of a witness is the following:

1.  Have 99.9% uptime
2.  Maintain Low Latency connections
3.  Rapidly upgrade in response to bug fixes.
4.  Identify and help fix issues that may occur.

At a minimum this will require $40 per month to host a Digital Ocean (or equivalent machine).  It will also require at least 10 hours of work per month to keep up to date, especially at first.  The labor required is skilled labor.

I suggested that each witness should receive $300 per month for 100% uptime.   This should make the job very competitive and therefore result in higher quality witnesses with an eye toward keeping their job rather than relying on volunteer witnesses with nothing to lose if they have less than 99.9% reliability.   

At today's market cap the network has a maximum spending rate of about $65,000 per month which can go toward witnesses and workers.   If we were to maintain 101 witnesses it would cost the network $30,000 per month at $300 per witness.

In my opinion we should aim for around 17 witnesses rather than 101 for the following reasons:

1. It would only cost the network about $5100 per month
2. It is a number that is small enough for voters to reason about and evaluate
3. It is a number that is large enough to be geographically / politically diverse
4. Is greater than the number of slices in the Bitcoin mining distribution:
5. It is similar to the number of validators Ripple has: 

While we are small having more witnesses does not buy us anything.  The probability that an extra 84 witnesses will have any impact on the security of the network is so close to 0 that the price we  pay for that extra redundancy does not make economic sense.

I would recommend that we instead diversify the other 84 positions into a combination of:

Committee Members, Workers, and Proxy Voters.   

Having a core group of active proxy voters will help make the network more responsive and more secure than having more witnesses.

Cryptonomex will not be a witness so has no skin in the game of setting this price.   We just want to offer the best advice we know of and then let you all decide how many you can actually vote for and are willing to pay for.

General Discussion / Test Net GUI for Advanced Mac Users
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:20:59 pm »
Mac users now have a test full node with gui available:

Note that the web GUI included is in progress and has known issues (such as exchange tab missing and menu bar display issues). 

This is really more of a proof of concept full node release for the curious. 

We are looking for testers who will publish a BitUSD price feed in graphene.  You will need to be an elected witness to publish the feed.

You can either provide the script to an existing witness tester or become a tester yourself. 

Unfortunately there is little documentation on HOW to do this right now, hence the bounty.   Xeroc may be able to help.

General Discussion / Alternative Network Protocol - Testers Wanted
« on: September 08, 2015, 09:55:55 pm »
Would like to introduce a new network protocol that should help keep witnesses in sync even during high traffic periods.   It is implemented entirely in JavaScript using Node.js

First step is to set up a witness node like normal, only without giving it any P2P seed nodes. 

Code: [Select]
./witness_node --rpc-endpoint ""  --genesis-json aug-31-testnet-genesis.json
Checkout this repository:

Code: [Select]
cd dl; npm install
cd ../relay; npm install
./nodejs ./bootstrap.js config.js

Edit config.js to look like:

Code: [Select]
module.exports = {
  api_host: 'localhost',
  api_port: 8090,
  upstream : 'ws://',
  listen_port: 1779

The code is relatively simple and could probably be easily improved upon by any members on this forum who would like to take a stab at it. 

I would like to see all witnesses on the test network use this code to connect rather than the P2P code we currently have. 

There are known bugs in the Javascript code, but hopefully there are MANY more people around who are able to fix them and it is much easier to understand what is happening.


General Discussion / Looking for Windows Build Instructions
« on: September 08, 2015, 06:09:13 pm »
Someone posted here in the past, would like to get them converted into a .md file and checked into graphene repo.

Any help / pointers would be greatly appriciated.


Everyone in the crypto currency space presumes that Bitcoin and other P2P protocols create a censorship resistant finanical platform.

It is my opinion, that any PUBLIC P2P network can easily be censored by ISPs.  If you can join the network, then you can discover the IP and PORT of every publicly accessible node and then block all packets to/from those nodes on those ports.

Furthermore, every website that hosts content (binaries, source, and seed node IPs) can be shut down in a similar manner.

Even MaidSafe and Tor are not able to prevent this kind of censorship. 

Now clearly, it would be difficult to engage in this kind of censorship on a global scale.   The end result would be for people to move to VPN systems, which would in turn come under attack because they are "publicly known".   

At the end of the day, the great Firewall of China can be applied to any country at any time. 

If that were to happen then consensus would have to move to dark networks, on an invite-only basis and the utility of crypto-currencies in general would be dramatically undercut. 

In other words, crypto-currencies currently depend upon free speech. 

We live in a world where despite the government's best efforts illegal music, movies, and other content manages to survive.   What does this tell us?   How can centralized services provide us magnet links to torrents with public IPs and those hosts are not shut down?

General Discussion / Randomness of Witness Scheduling
« on: August 25, 2015, 03:34:20 pm »
We have gone to great lengths to ensure the following properties in the scheduling algorithm (assuming 101 witnesses)

1. No witness may produce a block less than 50 blocks from their last block
2. All witnesses have an opportunity to produce a block before any other witness can go again
3. Witness scheduling is based upon randomness introduced by the witnesses themselves

The result of these constraints is a witness scheduling algorithm that is limiting reindexing performance to 5000 empty blocks per second and would require 1.75 hours of computation to reindex every year just from the scheduling time alone.   This is almost as bad as BitShares today!

At the end of the day, the reason for randomizing witnesses is to prevent any one witness from "picking" on the witness that goes before them. 

I think we can relax the requirements quite a bit by:

Given a set of active witnesses,  the witness that goes next can be calculated as:


This approach means witnesses cannot influence the schedule at all and that the order of witnesses will be deterministic yet random.   

Under this approach some witnesses may get to go 2, 3 or even 4 times in a row, but they will never have the ability to take over the random number sequence like they could with the order being set by witness provided randomness. 

Imagine for a second that our goal is "1 second blocks" so we have "instant" confirmation.  Imagine if we simply allowed every witness to produce 10 blocks in a row and then rotate?   This would give us instant confirmations while not reducing the security from what BitShares is today and has the benefit of having 0 latency between blocks produced in "groups" of 10.    We could easily implement grouping for performance as


Under intentional grouping it means that a witness could execute a double-spend *IF* they were the attacker *AND* they isolate the victim **AND** the victim doesn't wait for 10 blocks **AND** the witness doesn't care about getting caught because they would certainly get caught.

If we are ok with INTENTIONAL grouping, then unintentional random grouping isn't really a concern either.   

A side effect of this is that we can remove the need for witnesses to provide random number generation which will reduce the size of empty blocks and also further accelerate the application of empty blocks.

Under the new algorithm we can have fast block times, and improve reindexing performance by a factor of 1000 or more.         


General Discussion / Test GUI for Normal Users!
« on: August 20, 2015, 10:46:25 pm »  is now up to date with the latest test network.

 We are working on a bug with voting by proxy... don't enter text into that field at this time it will lockup your browser window.

I have been able to import everything from my BTS wallet successfully.    Still a lot of work to do on the GUI, but it is coming together at a consistent rate. 

General Discussion / Test Net for Advanced Users
« on: August 14, 2015, 10:39:33 pm »
Download this Aug-14 snapshot of BitShares:

If you have a mac, download the draft version of BitShares 0.9.2 which has a new api call

Console>>  wallet_export_keys /tmp/bitshares.json

That file will contain all of your public/private key pairs sorted by account.   You can use that data to import into graphene.  Note: GUI import is still somewhat broken.

You can connect to the test network as:

Code: [Select]
./witness_node --rpc-endpoint ""  --genesis-json aug-14-test-genesis.json -d test_net -s
./cli_wallet -w wallet_name  --chain-id 081401ede64c8fe30b23c91d7ab8750103acb1a39548a866fb562f2edf4627d6

For some help with the CLI wallet:

How to become an active witness:

Next week we will provide information for GUI users. 

General Discussion / Updated Voting Screen in Graphene
« on: August 14, 2015, 08:19:38 pm »

For those of you who thought voting was confusing in 1.0, I hope this new UI will make it much easier to understand how you are voting.

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