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Messages - emski

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General Discussion / Re: Blockchain size
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:36:30 pm »
My proposal was a little bit more radical (and dirty):
Snapshot data is a list of all address:amount pairs.
It is hardcoded in the clients and it is trusted explicitly (of course clients should be able to verify it by referring to the first N blocks, but once the snapshot is accepted first N blocks should be kept for historical reasons only).
It should shrink the blockchain and more or less do the trick without much coding.

EDIT: Actually it looks too dirty to be even considered... I shouldn't propose anything after 23:00...

General Discussion / Re: Blockchain size
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:50:32 pm »
Does the following make sense:

Select first N blocks.
Create a snapshot of all unspent balances at N-th block.
Hardcode that snapshot in some future release that should fork the network at N+K-th block.
After the N+K-th block use the snapshot as input for any transaction (older clients will not work, but this happens with most of the updates anyway).

This should manually dust off the blockchain with a single update.

The bolded part is the hard part. You need to represent the entire state of the database snapshot using a single root hash. And every client, regardless of the platform they run on and the particular implementation of the client (what if they don't want to use LevelDB?), needs to be able to deterministically derive the same root hash given a particular snapshot consensus state of the database. This is why I linked to the Ethereum wiki page on Merkle Patricia trees.

Besides allowing the blockchain to be pruned and allowing a client to bootstrap to the present state more quickly by using a recent snapshot instead of the genesis, it also has the benefit of providing better lightweight client security.

C'mon, let's do this. Let's not let Ethereum have the superior technology in this case.

So you cant hardcode few hundred megabytes of snapshot data in any format and read it on any platform?
Is it that hard ?

General Discussion / Re: Blockchain size
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:27:22 pm »
Does the following make sense:

Select first N blocks.
Create a snapshot of all unspent balances at N-th block.
Hardcode that snapshot in some future release that should fork the network at N+K-th block.
After the N+K-th block use the snapshot as input for any transaction (older clients will not work, but this happens with most of the updates anyway).

This should manually dust off the blockchain with a single update.

General Discussion / Re: Default Vote for Core Devs???
« on: January 03, 2015, 09:55:29 pm »
Setting default delegate approval is pretty high centralisation. This is something everyone is trying to avoid... I hope...

On the other hand there is indeed a voter apathy and this makes the "income" of some of the core devs uncertain. The solution to this serious problem shouldn't degrade the qualities of the system. 

A possible (but still controversial) approach to solving this might be:
On the client first startup bring up a list of ALL slates and/or voting window. The user should be able to choose zero, one or more slates/delegates before continuing work. Of course there could be debates about slate/delegate ordering but this should push more people to vote. There could even be an explanation text why voting for core developer's slates is beneficial.

In any case I do NOT think there should be any default selected slates/delegates.

General Discussion / Re: Delegate.YES & Delegate.NO
« on: December 31, 2014, 01:42:30 pm »
You dont need these delegates in top101.
You can register new 0% delegates for each question.

Technical Support / Re: BitShares - problems
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:52:33 am »
I am aware of the issues.  It is frustrating me as well.

@bytemaster What happened to the PR that was going to review all your non-technical forum posts ?

General Discussion / Re: Delegate temporary absence
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:41:34 pm »
@theoretical you can consider maintenance as fancy word for any of the following "legal issues", "personal issues", "technical issues" ... "just issues" .
Do you state that the transaction you see useful is something like "I'm not going to be a delegate anymore!" ?
What reasons do you have against "I'm not going to be a delegate for <given amount of time/blocks>" ?

General Discussion / Re: Delegate temporary absence
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:29:19 am »
As a delegate should have a backup machine IMHO that should not be necessary as you can simply switch over to the backup machine by enabling/disabling block production.

@xeroc Have you changed your mind given the recent events ?

@everyone Is the proposal in OP useful ?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Bytemaster: "rather produce no than two blocks"
« on: December 20, 2014, 07:50:18 pm »
Yes! Slower confirmation time is much better than a forked network! In the future, double-producing blocks could get your delegate account fired and retracted.

It is not only forked network. The security is much lower if delegates are able to easily sign 2 chains.
How can you be sure that your chain is OK even with 60% delegate participation ?
Who will prove to you that these delegates are not signing other chains with higher participation ?

1. (priority 1) Core functionality -> resolve all forking issues.
2. (priority 1) User protection and information -> Implement safety features in the clients that prevent the user from transacting if that user is on a fork. (Apart from delegate participation there could be queries to some seed nodes in order to see if the client is on the same fork). The users must be clearly informed about the state of the network.
3. (priority 1) Polish all the clients!
4. (priority 3) Lightweight client. Mobile application.
5. (priority 3) Spread the word about Bitshares.

EDIT1:Added 3. (polishing of clients)

General Discussion / Re: BTS MOTHER BOT - Idea
« on: December 19, 2014, 09:05:51 am »
That is what exchanges do.
The bot is centralised.
We've discussed similar topics here: .
The main difference is that it needs to be implemented in the blockchain and it is trustless.

Isn't the multiple chains block signing a security issue ?
How can one be sure that his client is on the right chain with 60% delegate participation if 40% of these delegates sign in two chains ?

That is a delegate issue based upon their use of their custom software.  It should be a fireable offense to produce on more than one chain.
Currently we need to develop all our support scripts in production environments. DevShares will be a nice change of stress.

Why don't you just try to theoretically explain the delegate backup system first?

Isn't the multiple chains block signing a security issue ?
How can one be sure that his client is on the right chain with 60% delegate participation if 40% of these delegates sign in two chains ?
That is a delegate issue based upon their use of their custom software.  It should be a fireable offense to produce on more than one chain.

This was discussed several times before.
Can this be made sticky and/or explicitly stated in a new thread.

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