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Messages - EuropaSH

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: cn-vote积分公告
« on: September 01, 2019, 05:49:03 pm »


Staking是DPOS未来发展的变种方向, 可悲的是这些老外依然在鼠目寸光的看天下, 出了问题就埋怨BM当初的设计及bts持有者, 却不思进取去改进, 甚是可悲!

当人人都是bts的利益相关者, 利益牵扯才会越多, 才会对bts的发展最有利!

未来的方向必然要让利与广大的韭菜, 而不是特定人群的收割机, 取钱袋!

"天下熙熙,皆为利来;天下攘攘,皆为利往。" 这群二货老外什么时候才会明白这个亘古不变的道理?!!

他们到如今还没有明白BEOS这种"雨投"就是一种变相的staking, stan不愧为老狐狸, 人性摸的还是很透的.

报怨bts持有者在规则之下怎么去利用规则是最傻逼的想法, 希望这样的人越来越少, 这样的人永远都不会明白市场为什么总会选择最有利自己的方向!



我們理解這個問題。 我們在Bitshares開設了XBTS交易所並開始使用它。 我們沒有參加政治遊戲。

我們知道,對於DPOS的發展,需要人員和有用的技術。 我們的另一個領域是將BTS整合到分散遊戲中。 我們知道沒有技術就沒有發展。 技術應該是方便和易懂的。

我們甚至免費為Bitshares開發新界面。 但社區中有些人對新技術和新鮮血液不感興趣。 他們阻止我們講述新技術並展示它們。 其中一位歐洲管理員在公共Bitshares聊天中刪除了我的帳戶,因為他想這樣做。 他此刻並沒有想到這會如何影響生態系統和發展。



中文 (Chinese) / Re: Dexgames 区块链游戏 "空間" 😎
« on: August 29, 2019, 10:36:51 pm »
在DexGames https://dexgames.net應用程序內置xbts錢包和交換流行的加密貨幣:BTS,bitCNY,bitUSD,BTC,Doge等。
交換工作按照Bitshares Bridge原則進行; 匯率直接來自Bitshares區塊鏈
來自交換申請。 遊戲客戶錢包中的所有硬幣再次進入交易所,並在XBTS和Bitshares上自動參與交易,從而提高交易量。

SmartHoldem Coin(STH)是XBTS Bitshares DEX Exchange的核心(核心)資產。
在XBTS之外,STH是分散遊戲平台SmartHoldem 的主要硬幣。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Dexgames 区块链游戏 "空間" 😎
« on: August 29, 2019, 10:36:16 pm »

我們很高興地宣布新版本1.0.8。 “空間”可用。 添加了聯盟計劃。
 該遊戲適用於PS,MacOS,Nix,Googleplay。 Applestore的版本正在準備中。
您可以在 下載“空間”

General Discussion / Re: XBTS Dex Exchange
« on: August 29, 2019, 10:12:11 pm »
In DexGames application  built-in xbts wallet and exchange for popular cryptocurrencies: BTS, bitCNY, bitUSD, BTC, Doge etc.
The exchange works according to the Bitshares Bridge principle; the exchange rate is taken directly from the Bitshares blockchain
from exchange applications. All coins in the gameclient wallet again go to the exchange and participate in the trade automatically on XBTS and Bitshares thereby raising trading volumes.
With each new player, the number of exchange transactions will increase.
We save players time for exchange operations by submitting applications at the current price directly to game clients.
The number of exchange transactions in Bitshares blockchain will grow in proportion to the number of players.
The list of decentralized games will be expanded.

Why STH?
SmartHoldem Coin (STH) is the core (core) asset of XBTS DEX.
STH is the main coin for a decentralized gaming platform SmartHoldem.
We have consolidated all SmartHoldem coins in Bitshares, providing an exclusive entry point for players to our game blockchain through XBTS bitshares exchange.

General Discussion / Re: XBTS Dex Exchange
« on: August 29, 2019, 10:04:44 pm »

Dear Bitshares Community!
We are pleased to announce that a new version 1.0.8. of "Heads or Tails" is available.
Added affiliate program.

Available game in Chinese.
For the Chinese community, the game has its original name "空間".

You can download "空間" at

The game is available on PS, MacOS, Nix, Googleplay. The version for Applestore is being prepared.
You can download Heads or Tails at

中文 (Chinese) / Re: XBTS DEX 区块链游戏 "空間" 😎
« on: August 28, 2019, 07:07:12 pm »
空間 - 真正的DPOS Blockchain遊戲!
通過你的遊戲時間貨幣化! 即時交換流行的加密貨幣。 聯盟計劃。

通过"空間"联盟计划赚取STH 每次成功推薦遊戲,享受1%的STH獎勵 。
在特殊部分中指明邀請您的玩家的帳戶。您將在遊戲“太空”中獲得所有勝利的+ 1%STH。將游戲推薦給其他玩家,以獲得遊戲中所有勝利的+ 1%STH。

General Discussion / Re: XBTS Dex Exchange
« on: August 28, 2019, 05:42:27 pm »
A quick and convenient utility for all gateways on Bitshares from our Core-developer TechnoL0g.

Using  wallet-validator, you can quickly check the correctness of the address of a coin or many coins without accessing the coin blockchain.

Random Discussion / Re: Quote of the day! Have a good day!
« on: August 27, 2019, 07:18:18 am »

Have a good day!

#quoteoftheday #bitshares #xbts #blockchain #exchange #dex

General Discussion / Re: XBTS Dex Exchange
« on: August 26, 2019, 12:06:28 pm »

Heads or Tails - Real DPOS Blockchain game! Heads or Tails version 1.0.8

Affiliate program is available.
Share your address with your friends and get 1% of the winnings, and your #friends will receive 1% more of their winnings!

Random Discussion / Re: Quote of the day! Have a good day!
« on: August 26, 2019, 08:43:15 am »

Have a good day!

#quoteoftheday #bitshares #xbts #blockchain #exchange #dex

中文 (Chinese) / Re: XBTS DEX 区块链游戏 "空間"
« on: August 24, 2019, 11:43:30 pm »

通过"空間"联盟计划赚取STH 每次成功推薦遊戲,享受1%的STH獎勵 。

在特殊部分中指明邀請您的玩家的帳戶。您將在遊戲“太空”中獲得所有勝利的+ 1%STH。將游戲推薦給其他玩家,以獲得遊戲中所有勝利的+ 1%STH。

SmartHoldem Coin(STH)是XBTS DEX Exchange的核心(核心)資產。
在XBTS之外,STH是分散遊戲平台SmartHoldem https://dexgames.net的主要硬幣。


Random Discussion / Re: Quote of the day! Have a good day!
« on: August 23, 2019, 10:36:24 am »

Have a good day!

#quoteoftheday #bitshares #xbts #blockchain #exchange #dex

General Discussion / Re: XBTS Dex Exchange
« on: August 22, 2019, 09:02:59 am »
DexGame: Heads or Tails

OPEN BETA "Heads or Tails"

Heads or Tails is a multiplayer game, based on the DPOS blockchain with instant payments, built-in wallet and exchange platform for popular cryptocurrencies.

You can start a new game with your own stake or choose an existing one by choosing one “Heads” or “Tails” side of the coin.

Download Heads or Tails

The game of “Heads or tails” is still insanely popular worldwide.
The history of many peoples carefully keeps the rules of the “Heads or tails” game. It was called differently from one country to another. The name of the game often depended on what was depicted on the coin.

One could find players on loud Eastern bazaars, under the moonlight of the Great Silk Road or on Her Majesty’s ship, fell calm somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.

And now, the most popular game of “Heads or tails” is on the DPOS blockchain.

The information about every side of the coin is encrypted and saved in the blockchain. The game is played strictly between the players.

You can transfer or send cryptocurrency to your address or to the exchange market using your profile. The statistics of your games and a chat are also available. The game "Heads or Tails" has a built-in automated exchange of popular cryptocurrencies integrated through the decentralized exchange XBTS on the Bitshares blockchain.

The rules

“Heads or tails” is a simple game, involving two players and a coin. The coin has two sides – “Heads” and “Tails”

There are two methods to play the game:

1st method: You need to guess the side. The first player chooses a game and tries to guess the side of the coin. If you choose the correct side, you win and double your stake! You can always send your winnings to your wallet immediately

2nd method: You chose the side of the coin and create a game, and the other player tries to guess the side. If the other player fails to guess the side, that you have previously chosen, you win and double your stake!

  • The player, who guessed the side of the coin correctly, wins.
  • The minimal stake is 10 STH. The maximum stake is not limited.
  • If you win, you will receive a double stake, minus the network commission of 6%
    If the player guesses the side of the coin correctly, the prize is doubled.
  • You can immediately pick up the winnings, or you can try to double them. If you make the correct prediction again, the prize will double too
  • In all cases, one of the two players becomes the winner of this game

All games are played strictly among the users of the “Heads or Tails” game

The interface includes the statistics of played games, the total number of games, and the percentage of luck. You can update the statistics of your games by clicking Reset Data in the game menu, and your win/loss rate and percentage of luck will be completely updated.


  • The games are saved at SmartHoldem blockchain;
  • The stakes are stored in a SHA-384 & RIPEMD-160 hashed format;
  • You can check the validity of game data via service. To do this, you must convert the provided SALT of a finished game into SHA384, and then compose a line, consisting of the stake 0-head / 1-tail + received SHA384 hash, get the RIPEMD-160 hash from the composed line and it should be equal to the hash in the note to the transaction of the player who created the game, starting from the 2nd byte;
  • You can check your completed and winning transactions at any time in the SmartHoldem block explorer
  • The payments will be made automatically after each game;
  • You can view detailed statistics on your games in “My statistics” section;
  • All games occur only between players!

IMPORTANT: by participating in the game of “Heads or tails”, you agree to all possible risks of the game process and confirm that you are 21 or more years old!

Random Discussion / Re: Quote of the day! Have a good day!
« on: August 22, 2019, 08:04:50 am »

Have a good day!

#quoteoftheday #bitshares #xbts #blockchain #exchange #dex

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