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Messages - cn-vote

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中文 (Chinese) / cn-vote社区关于ioex为社区官方见证人的申明
« on: September 26, 2019, 05:06:22 am »

    cn-vote 社区是比特股散户自发形成的一个民主组织,是一个散户韭菜集结地,让社区每个人的声音被听到,是社区建立的初衷。社区宗旨是一切为了比特股,为了社区散户的利益,不任由大户,空军收割,韭菜虽小,也有力量。不任由不利于社区散户利益的各项议案通过,发起提名利于社区利益的各项议案。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: cn-vote投票公示
« on: September 26, 2019, 05:04:03 am »
2.  理由: roelandp未实行usd区黑天鹅保护,四次喂价检查中两次过低
3.  方式:由cn-vote工会核心群发起投票。

中文 (Chinese) / cn-vote社区关于个别见证人喂价出错的警告
« on: September 25, 2019, 02:03:22 pm »






General Discussion / Re: What is the CN-Vote Vision?
« on: September 17, 2019, 01:39:38 am »
Hello, I have some questions for you.

How long do you anticipate keeping the refund 400K proposal voted to the top?
Do you expect to allow funding for the existing workers? if so when?  At What time?

Can you tell me about your vision for BitShares?  Can you give me a mission statement?  What are your goals for BitShares?

What brings value to BitShares?

How do you count and measure value?

What metrics do you look at?

What is the most effective method to build value at Bitshares?

Where do you see BitShares going in the Future?

What type of workers do you want to see more of?

What type of projects do you dislike or hate?

Marketing, advertising
What strategy should BitShares be using for marketing?
What strategy should BitShares be using to get more people to BitShares?

What strategy should BitShares be using to improve liquidity?
How should BitShares get more people to trade at the DEX?

How do we get more people to invest in BitShares?
What new areas of expansion offer the most hope for profits in the future?

To help companies make a vision there is a process that is done. In Business it is common to look at a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is part of business planning. I do not know the name for this in Chinese, but there is probably a similar process. It is very common in Business. This looks at the good and the bad in BTS, and then it looks at the good and the bad outside the BTS community.

Can you tell us what you think BitShares Biggest Strengths Are?
How should these be used?

Can you tell us what you think BitShares Biggest Weaknesses are?
What do we need to do to fix these?

Can you tell us what you think BitShares biggest Opportunities are?
What do we need to do to take advantage of these?

Can you tell us what you think BitShares biggest Threats are?
How do we need to avoid them?

What are the Biggest Problems BitShares faces in the Long Term?

What are the Biggest Problems BitShares faces in the Short Term?

What solutions to these problems do you think the BitShares Team needs to work on?

I know this is a lot of questions. I hope you can answer a few.  I also know there can be multiple answers and multiple opinions. As a union of Chinese voters, understanding the goals can help the community to work better. 

Thank you for your question. Oh, so many questions。
I will simply answer some questions. I hope that you can get the attitude of our community.
400k we don't think it is wrong, it adds a threshold to the worker. To be honest, too many workers before have really failed, and our workers lacked audits, which led to many people with ulterior motives exploiting our rule loopholes. It is the gold that always shines, and the excellent worker will not stop moving because of this threshold.

 cn-vote is not against everything. We are strongly supportive of such excellent teams as core. Strictly speaking, there are very few communities like us that are doing our best to work for the bitshares. If you know enough about our community, you will admire the contribution behind us.

Compared to those who are keyboard wise and have ulterior motives, our community has really paid too much behind the scenes and suffered too many misunderstandings.

In our community, many are btsers for more than 6 years. Members of our community basically hold a lot of bts, just like a company, there is no more concern about the future of the company than a large number of people holding company stocks,If an employee doesn't even own the company's stock, then he may be more concerned about whether his salary is higher, whether the welfare is better, whether the car and the house should be replaced, he will not care about the company's life and death. .

Behind our community, we have put a lot of effort into the development of the bitshares. All of this is voluntary and there is no compensation.Includes various obligations for marketing, promotion, and various activities. I think you also know that without a large number of users in China, BitShares will not have today's success. The entire Chinese community is well aware of the development of BitShares.

WeChat ID "cn-vote" is our WeChat public account, if you want to contact us. Please add:Wen_Dehua.I feel that if you have misunderstood us or need to ask for our vote, you can add our WeChat to our core group communication. If you do this, you will understand that cn-vote has been misunderstood.


General Discussion / Re: Cn-vote union question and answer
« on: September 16, 2019, 11:46:36 am »

DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stake) is a consensus algorithm based on voting elections. It is a bit like a democratic conference. The currency holder selects several representative nodes to operate the network, and uses professionally run network servers to ensure the blocks. Chain network security and performance. In the DPOS mechanism, there is no need to calculate the mathematics problem, but the holder of the currency chooses who to say the producer. If the producer is incompetent, it may be voted out at any time.

General Discussion / Re: Cn-vote union question and answer
« on: September 15, 2019, 05:33:42 am »
Thank you.

You mentioned that support for the UI worker was under review because 'development is slow'. Can you please explain what you mean by this?

I am asking because:

A) It is not clear what you mean by speed. Do you mean the frequency of releases? The speed of iteration to visual elements? The number of features or fixes?

B) It is not clear what you are comparing speed to. Are you comparing the speed of this worker to other blockchains you are involved in? Or to a generic idea of 'development'?

C) It is not clear or obvious to me how removing funding will increase 'speed' however it is defined. Can you please explain your rationale here?

Finally, if speed - however it is defined - is actually an issue, why do we not see greater participation from people within the cn-vote group who are critical of it? We all have the chance to help bitshares - with or without pay, and many of us who work on gateways for Bitshares already contribute in various forms.

These are genuine questions, and I appreciate a genuine response. We don't need to agree, but we do need to understand each other.

Thank you for your question.
We are not totally against UI. We also know that UI is a lot of development difficulties due to historical willingness. Just think that UI team still have some problems, so we hope you improve.
1): The core staff of your UI team has limited participation time this year and hope to participate more in development. Your staff should also be more fixed.
2): The bitshares system is complex. To achieve all functions, the team's planning and design capabilities are very high. we hope that your team will work hard to overcome difficulties and solve difficulties for the bitshares

We can feel the sincerity of your willingness to find problems and improve your problems. The UI is already working. we hope that UI team will complete the new version as soon as possible. The work is excellent. We will vote for you more in the future.
I hope we can communicate more..

General Discussion / Re: Cn-vote union question and answer
« on: September 15, 2019, 05:18:00 am »
Hello, thanks for writing this thread.

What is your opinion on third party exchanges voting with BTS deposits?

Thank you for your question. I checked the forum materials and understood the questions you asked. We will pay attention to this matter. If there is a clear support result, we will inform you at the first time.

General Discussion / Cn-vote union question and answer
« on: September 14, 2019, 04:55:38 pm »
In view of the many questions people have on the cn-vote in the telegram group. Deliberately opened this forum post. If you have any questions  about cn-vote, you can ask questions here, we will answer.thank you.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: cnvote积分管理规则
« on: September 12, 2019, 04:20:06 am »

微博:      比特股cn-vote社区

Telegram:    比特股工会电报群cn-vote      @cnvoteofficial

Twitter:      cn-vote @CnVote

中文 (Chinese) / Re: cn-vote社区治理规则
« on: September 12, 2019, 04:18:34 am »

微博:      比特股cn-vote社区

Telegram:    比特股工会电报群cn-vote   @cnvoteofficial

Twitter:      cn-vote @CnVote

中文 (Chinese) / Re: cn-vote社区治理规则
« on: September 12, 2019, 01:49:03 am »


鼓鼓钱包-进入钱包页面-投票-代理-输入cn-vote 确定就可以!
BTS++钱包 - 服务界面-设置代理-输入cn-vote 确定就可以!

中文 (Chinese) / Re: cnvote积分管理规则
« on: September 12, 2019, 01:48:21 am »


鼓鼓钱包-进入钱包页面-投票-代理-输入cn-vote 确定就可以!
BTS++钱包 - 服务界面-设置代理-输入cn-vote 确定就可以!

中文 (Chinese) / cnvote积分管理规则
« on: September 12, 2019, 01:20:58 am »
1: cnvote简介。







中文 (Chinese) / cn-vote社区治理规则
« on: September 12, 2019, 01:19:19 am »



1)   交流群。交流群自发产生,一切投票代理给社区的散户,均可自发形成交流群,交流群自发形成后,可由群主报核心群讨论通过,成为官方承认的交流群,官方承认的交流群,核心群对外公布,官方承认。作为社区的组织成员,交流群人员有任何提案和建议,可提交群内持仓代理给社区的前100用户,提交给核心群审议讨论。

2)   核心群。核心群是社区的核心权力组织力量。核心群由投票代理给cn-vote社区的用户产生,一切投票代理前100的社区用户,均可直接加入核心群,参与所有社区的各项事项。核心群成员严格维护社区的利益,核心群成员如做出有损社区利益的事项,永久拒绝加入核心群。核心群有且只有一个。

3)   多签管理员。多签管理员下设7人,为核心群的权利实施人,由核心群民主产生,任期2月,连续任职不得超过两届。多签管理员是整个社区的权力代表实施人,同时也是cn-vote账户多签拥有者。核心群任意成员可以自荐为多签管理员,核心群直接由当前群主根据自荐情况,发起投票,产生多签管理员。多签管理员作为核心群的常驻代表,负责发起各项议案提案,组织前期各项议案的初步多签管理员讨论结果,发由核心群投票,照会交流群知悉,交流群对议案结果有异议,视持仓代理用户规模,有权发回核心群重议。核心群群主由多签管理员得票最多的成员兼任。多签群主根据核心群持仓代理审查规则,踢除核心群不合格用户。多签管理员任内如持仓变化跌出代理前100,任期核满,自动退出多签管理员和核心群。多签管理员如有违规舞弊情况,核心群有权立即停止多签管理员职务。

4)   对外统一发言人。对外统一发言人下设2人,由核心群自荐,核心群投票通过,任期半年,作为社区对外的统一发言人,负责维护论坛,媒体等对外发声通道,发言人所有发言,必须经过多签讨论同意,报备核心群知悉。对外统一发言人如有违规舞弊情况,核心群有权立即停止对外统一发言人职务。



中文 (Chinese) / Re: cn-vote积分公告
« on: September 04, 2019, 09:01:10 am »
I always supported the initiative of cn-vote thinking its a great initiative.

But since Bitprofessor left it seems cn-vote is changing radicly in a bad direction.

Vote buying is nothing i support.
Asking Witnesses for profit share to receive your vote is shady.
And using reserve funds to pay for votes is also shady.

Am not supporting this direction cn-vote is moving.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding caused by the language barrier.
Here are some explanations for you on behalf of cn-vote Union
1:Cn-vote isn't changing radicly in a bad direction.On the contrary, it is moving towards professionalism,
        democracy and unity.We are a spontaneous organization.
  The Bitprofessor didn't really leave. He just became a member of the committee. Because of the rules of the
  cn-vote union, he had to quit the cn-vote union.The Bitprofessor has devoted a lot of effort to the cn-
  vote union and has been paying close attention to the cn-vote union's affairs.
2:We don't want to use reserve funds to pay for votes,Our idea has always been to protect reserve funds.
   And what we have done is obvious to all.That's why you've been supporting us.

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