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General Discussion / Re: So What Happened To Bitshares AGS?
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:48:51 pm »
sorry new here, but I am wondering what happened to AGS? I feel kind of let down. I donated after February, some time in July or so and donated to an address xxx....ANGEL or something. Your site promised the donation would be redeemable for Bitshare AGS after importing the wallet.

Now you merged all of the assets?

I imported the wallet into the Bitshares client and according to your wiki I wont receive AGS until it launches.

However, you moved the AGS forum to "Graveyard" making it look like you abandoned it.

I think you're mixing up a few things.

AGS in itself is not and was never meant to be an asset as such. AGS is more like a promise to receive a share of *other* assets that were meant to be created at a later point in time.

AGS holders before Feb-28 received BTSX when that was released in July. AGS holders also received LTS (I think, but it doesn't matter as LTS was abandoned and is dead now), and later DNS, and they were promised to receive VOTE.

At that point (beginning of October) things became complicated. After lots of discussion (that's where your point about investor relations is spot on), it was decided to merge BTSX, DNS and VOTE into a new SuperDAC that would encompass all future DACs planned to be released by I3. Holders of DNS and VOTE will receive BTS when they're released over the next 2 years. This includes the unclaimed DNS and VOTE allocated to AGS holders. That's why you'll receive BTS for your AGS now, despite the fact that donations after Feb-28 did not receive BTSX originally.

AGS holders are also eligible to receive shares of future 3rd party DACs as per the social consensus. This still applies and will AFAIK be honoured by BitSharesPlay, Music and Sparkles.

Actually, in a DPOS chain this is decidable. A majority of shareholders could vote 101 delegates in who purposefully do not sign blocks. That would bring the old chain to a standstill.

Not exactly though. What would likely happen in that scenario is that the minority that did not vote for the top 101 (or even just 51 is enough) delegates that stopped producing blocks would take a snapshot of the stake and purge all stake that is voting for the non-block-producing delegates. Then the minority (who are now again a majority) would continue the old chain with a new set of delegates.

Strictly speaking, that would be *another* hardfork. So then you have 3 chains, one dead and two competing for being "the real thing". :-)

Technical Support / Re: Wallet API acess
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:08:43 pm »
Ok, I'll try to explain. I wanna show for example any data from my bitshares wallet in my app. To do this, is there any public API or I have to install the bitshares tookit?

These guys are creating a "public" API for their mobile wallet:


Let's say for example Dan decided to introduce a new feature in BTS that required DPoS to be abandoned in favor of his new uberer consensus model to end all consensus models. It would require a Fork. Does he have the right to do this? Would there then be two BTS chains where some delegates refused upgrade their client? The delegates that don't upgrade can't be voted out because the voting of those that upgraded is taking place on a different chain. So at that point who says which BTS is the real BTS?

Actually, in a DPOS chain this is decidable. A majority of shareholders could vote 101 delegates in who purposefully do not sign blocks. That would bring the old chain to a standstill.

This is different in a PoW chain. A single miner can keep the chain alive if he wants to.

In my humble opinion the free market answers the question.

Exactly. The market can even decide to keep *both* chains - I think that's what would happen in your BTC-to-DPOS example above.

I really hope that these BTS vs PTS arguments do not divide our community.

(I don't think they will.)

"Upgrading PTS to DPOS has been planned for a long time, only nobody at I3 had the time to do it."
     If this was the intent of I3 then why did they very deliberately kill BitsharesPTS in order to merge it's value into BTS?

"From a purely technical perspective of course we're starting a new chain with a genesis block based on a snapshot from the old chain. There's really no other way to do it." 
     You want to start a new social consensus blockchain based on the Bitshares toolkit and airdrop on former PTS holders..that's it in a nutshell. That part I have no problem with. The problem is you state that future DAC's using the Bitshares toolkit are "invited" to honor your new social consensus but why would they? Because you have fraudulently called yourself the "new" BitsharesPTS. This looks like a copy and paste, pump and dump trading off a dead coin's brand and hijacked name...crypto coat-tail riding. And your response it "there's no other way to do it?".

"You can stay on the PoW chain and see where it leads. Most likely it won't lead anywhere but simply stop in its tracks."
     THAT WAS THE INTENTION. That was the whole purpose of merging PTS, AGS and all the others. So that there would be one place to snapshot for future DAC's wanting to honor the social consensus. BTS is what represents the Bitshares community not what you're doing. Your blockchain might have a use to some other crypto community but we are already united behind BTS.

It seems that you are not quite up to date regarding that merger. If you read the october newsletter you'll see that BTSX, DNS and VOTE were merged into BTS. It doesn't say anything about PTS and AGS being merged. I3 did not "kill PTS", and I don't think you know what their intention was - in fact BM and Stan have repeatedly said that PTS will continue to exist after the nov-5 snapshot.

"Therefore, the upgrade is mandatory from an economical perspective."
    That's like saying "here, I'm going to give you some free crypto in my new unrelated blockchain and you should take it because it's mandatory from an economic perspective." Try to understand, you are not updating PTS, PTS is DEAD..thus you are not adding value to it, because it no longer exists. It's value has been transferred to BTS. You are squatting on the name.

PTS is not dead, obviously. The chain is still alive. It is being traded on the exchanges. Much of its value has been transferred to BTS, true. That's because bm has decided to create a Super-DAC instead of many independent special-purpose DACs, each of which would have sharedropped on PTS. But for 3rd party DACs the social consensus continues to exist and is being honoured (see Sparkles).

Bitshares PTS Mandatory upgrade? This is misleading at best and deliberately fraudulent at worst. This is a hard fork, created by a new developer. There's nothing mandatory about it. The idea that you even have the right to use the Bitshares PTS name reeks of an intent to deceive. I suggest you rethink how you're attempting this launch if you want to maintain credibility.

Upgrading PTS to DPOS has been planned for a long time, only nobody at I3 had the time to do it. Our project has the full backing of I3. This is about as official as we can get.

From a purely technical perspective of course we're starting a new chain with a genesis block based on a snapshot from the old chain. There's really no other way to do it. So from a purely technical perspective this is not a mandatory upgrade. You can stay on the PoW chain and see where it leads. Most likely it won't lead anywhere but simply stop in its tracks. And even if you manage to mine a few new blocks you may find it difficult to do anything with your mined coins Therefore, the upgrade is mandatory from an economical perspective.


Nice idea, what if we convert PTS to new PTS by 1:1 ratio and make hard limit of new PTS to 2 000 000 (as planned from beginning) and use unallocated PTS to honor delegates for 10 years (it's will be ~0,0076 PTS per produced block except user registration and transactions fee).

We've already discussed that idea.
Our goal is to position PTS as a no-dilution, no-inflation investment vehicle, so we have decided against it.

Is there any solution to the trusting a third party with your private keys problem?

I have implemented a solution in our PTS-DPOS client: commits 23b76deba0fd49e1c9243e00f0015264593dd704 - a60e54c79199479d23285a4b2c5dccf380542870 . A general description is available here: .
With some tweaking it should apply to the BTS master code.

No warranties etc., this is an alpha version that has seen little testing.

Here's a site that publishes daily PTS snapshots:

(This is only relevant if you want to create a new DAC that sharedrops on PTS. If you want to participate in the sparkles snapshot you don't have to do anything.)

General Discussion / Re: Kim DotCom is broke. Bankrupted by legal fees.
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:09:19 am »
The guy is a blowhard and an unstable businessman with limited respect for the law. Take my advice and don't invite people like Kim into your community.


This is not the first time this guy has gone broke. He's always been walking along the thin line between legal and illegal, and often ended up on the wrong side.

General Discussion / Re: a script for wallet_check_sharedrop results
« on: November 26, 2014, 02:18:52 pm »

but I got this

Code: [Select]
")02326245rror: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "

so I'm going to switch it back.

The error message is an indication that it's actually trying to calculate, which it wasn't before the change. Something's wrong with your input data.

(The whole pastebin / wget part is unnecessarily complicated IMO. Leave out the '<<< ... wget ... rest of the line...' part and c&p the output of wallet_check_sharedrop directly into the input.)

General Discussion / Re: a script for wallet_check_sharedrop results
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:50:53 pm »
Code: [Select]

That should be

Code: [Select]
            sum=$(($sum + $bal))


Deutsch (German) / Re: Bitshares und Assets
« on: November 26, 2014, 08:35:17 am »
Hallo :) Ich habe  Ich habe hier gelesen das es Sinn macht BitAssets zu kaufen und zu halten. Da ich aber nicht so gut Englisch kann weiß ich nicht ob ich es richtig verstanden habe.

Zunächst mal wäre ich sehr vorsichtig mit dem, was andere Leute als sinnvolle Investment-Strategien ansehen. Völlig unabhängig davon ob es um BTS, BitAssets, BTC oder sonstige Coins geht. Denn schließlich sorgt eine Kaufempfehlung für steigende Preise, was es dem Empfehlenden ermöglicht seine eigenen Assets besser zu verkaufen.
Allenfalls sollte man sich mit den Argumenten anderer auseinandersetzen (aber dann bitte mit den Argumenten aller) und sich eine eigene Meinung bilden.

Wird der Preis von BTS noch steigen? Weil dann würde es ja eher Sinn machen diese zu halten.

Niemand weiss es, und wenn es jemand wüsste würde er entsprechend handeln (und damit den Preis in die entsprechende Richtung drücken). Und richtig, wenn er steigen würde, würde es Sinn machen zu halten oder zuzukaufen.

Und lohnt es sich jetzt noch mehr Protoshares zu kaufen für zukünftige DACs? Sind ja momentan sehr günstig.

PTS sind sehr spekulativ. Wir arbeiten gerade daran PTS nach DPOS zu portieren, weil das Mining fast zum Erliegen gekommen ist:
Natürlich wollen wir den Social Consensus beibehalten und hoffen dass es auch zukünftig Sharedrops für PTS geben wird. Aber auch hier weiss niemand, ob und in welchem Umfang der SC honoriert werden wird. Klar ist jedenfalls, dass es durch den unfreiwilligen "Merge" (der dann doch keiner mehr sein sollte, wie auch immer) deutlich weniger Sharedrops geben wird als wir alle vor 6 Wochen noch dachten. Insofern mag PTS im Moment "sehr günstig" aussehen, aber ob sie günstig im Sinne eines guten Preis/Leistungsverhältnisses sind kann man schwer beurteilen.

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