Saying things like "people don't grasp the bigger picture" and "people are spreading FUD" is a bit demeaning to the people sharing their honest opinions here. I think a lot of people voicing concerns have valid arguments, as basically everyone is speculating on what they think will happen at some point in the future... some speculate that implementing bitUSD on other chains will hurt BTSX, others think that it will help BTSX. Although implementing bitUSD and other Bitassets on alternative DACs may very well help BTSX from an adoption stand point, it may also hurt it and take potential volume and liquidity away from BTSX's bitUSD. The biggest weakness of BTSX at the moment are the volume and liquidity of the Bitasset marketplace, and it is understandable that some people are worried about this possibility of it never improving.
The future is uncertain as it is not a sure thing that popularity and use of the vote DAC (or any other DAC) will increase the value and use of the BTSX DAC, as they apparently have nothing to do with each other other than having Bitshares in their name. I think a lot of people are learning for the first time that BTSX's bitUSD will not be compatible with other DACs and that each DAC will be implementing their own version of bitUSD. I was under the impression BTSX would be the bank whose tokens tied into the other DACs and anytime bitUSD was used on another chain it would be bought in the BTSX market. I can't be the only one that thought this, and I think that it is telling from some of the replies here that others thought this was the case as well. This makes me rethink the economics of the DAC tokens as I have been judging them as a part of a whole, but now I feel like I must reevaluate them on an individual basis.
I can see a bit of a rift in the special interest groups as to AGS donators and PTS snapshot participants versus people that have bought into BTSX since it was released. Obviously the latter are probably not thrilled to hear that BTSX's biggest feature... bitUSD... will be used in what can be viewed as competing alternative chains. I'm still not sure exactly what to think about it, but my initial reaction is not one of bullishness. Maybe you are right and I can't see the big picture, but it is easy to see why some are not thrilled about other DACs implementing bitUSD off of the BTSX chain.
Furthermore, BTSX token holders basically have to take the word of the other DACs that they will not issue any other Bitassets like bitGLD and bitSLV. Since they are user issued assets and all it takes are delegates publishing price feeds, there is nothing stopping an alternative DAC from taking business away from the BTSX chain by issuing more Bitassets. It relies simply on trust that the other DACs will not do this. The potential for future business and adoption of Bitassets is how BTSX has garnered the value and market cap that it has. News that other DACs will take away from (at the very least) the bitUSD business changes the way someone would perceive the value of the BTSX token.