This is how I personally see it... Bitshares is being hypocritical when it now switches from a deflationary cryptocurrency to an inflationary one. Sure, the inflation has been implemented for the "greater good", but it is hard to justify that for me. For months (almost a year) Bitshares has been marketing itself on the point that Bitcoin is diluting its shareholders, and that Bitshares looks at cryptocurrency differently in that it makes a profit for its shareholders by burning fees & being deflationary. I personally was sold on that point and it makes a lot of sense to me. Now, even though the dilution is more controlled (you can only dilute for developers, marketers, etc), it is still dilution and something I.. as a very small shareholder.. have no control over.
You can say the inflation will help with development, advertising, etcera, and for the record I do not think that is incorrect. The problem is Bitshares is trying to live hypocritically when it comes to its stance on dilution. It can be easily argued (just as easily as some have ITT) that Bitcoin dilution compared to its volume has little to no effect on its price in terms of selling all dilution on the market. If Bitshares were valued similarly.. it would be no different in reality.. it too would need hundreds of millions of dollars pouring in yearly to sustain its price.
This is part of the reason I dropped the idea of being a delegate. I feel like there's far too much group think that goes on in this community, and I gave up on pleasing the community to sideline my opinions. Instead of echoing each others ideas we should be preaching our own. Don't get me wrong, Bytemaster is a smart guy.. one of the smartest in crypto... but there is a reason corporations and governments have checks and balances. Also there is a reason why any decentralized crypto worth its weight should too. He has come up with many great ideas, and this very well could be another one of them, but I would just like everyone to think and come to that conclusion for themselves.
A couple controversial things have happened in recent history that I personally (I know I'm not alone) and others do not agree with. Those things have to do with dilution and altering the social contract. If Bitshares changes its philosophy on these biiiiig issues, then what else will it change its mind on? This is certainly part of the reason for the price swing downwards. It is not the downward pressure from people actually selling dilution awarded shares, but the negative connotation involved with the two major negative-speculative changes to Bitshares.
Whether you agree with this or not.. I do not care.. but it has had some affect on the price and public perception. Whereas I was 100% behind Bitshares before the changes, I am now personally more of a casual observer at this point. Then again.. I don't own very much Bitshares to begin with so whatever you guys decide is up to you. I agree the crypto market in a whole has been a bear market lately, but you can't discount recent events that could have contributed as well. There are several cryptocurrencies that have grown in value since then, and we as a community can only look at ourselves as to the success of the value of the Bitshares token. We are a product of our own success or failure... short of a total Bitcoin collapse... cryptocurrencies are not going anywhere anytime soon.
Trust me, I want good things for Bitshares shareholders.. I just cannot continue to sit back and bite my tongue on some issues. Think for yourselves people, as the saying goes.. more heads are better than one... echoing thoughts and opinions doesn't help anyone... specifically getting Bitshares to where it needs to be. An echo chamber is not what makes successful communities, companies, or currencies. Yes, I have been incredibly hard on Bitshares lately, but that is because I feel like hardly anyone else in this community is, and that is what is required to be successful.