Author Topic: Sparkle - Because real money sparkles!  (Read 40494 times)

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Offline mira

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Regards the name, Sparkle sounds quite feminine. Have you considered just 'Spark'. That sounds more masculine and impactful. Spark a fire/revolution/idea etc.

 'All you need is a Spark'

Good grief!   ::)   Your comment sparked me.   

I would think it's empirically obvious that feminine IS impactful.  What's your problem with feminine?  And anyway, I don't particularly like the name BitShares, but think it would be silly to get sidetracked by aesthetics instead of finding out if it were a worthwhile thing or not.

Apologies for the offence Mira :)

Thank you for the apology Empirical1.1. Please know that I wasn't offended.  I'm not easily offended, but rather quick to spark - and to sparkle  :D

Your POV about focusing on the technology/whether it would work vs. aesthetics is valid. Once the tech is out there though (& Sparkle is mostly a clone), it comes down to who can sell it the best. Which is branding and marketing.

(Donkeypongs signature revised for the brand Sparkle gives you an idea of the issue -

I see your point.  But there are other ways to visualize sparkle:  a pile of gold coins sparkle (or so I've heard).

We are only constrained by our own willingness to reimagine everything. 

I've no idea if the OP is a good idea or not.  But I am somewhat confused by the negative responses I've seen to 3rd part DAC proposals (except for TonyK2, who usually embeds suggestions for improvement in his heckling).  I thought that one of the beautiful ideas in BitShares was the idea of DACs that honor the social consensus, thereby growing the ecosystem in general and providing a marketing function for BitShares at the same time.

Offline fuzzy

Apologies for the offence Mira :) The crypto-equity & currency demographic is 90%+ male and will remain predominantly male even as it expands into other key markets in the next few years. So something masculine/neutral is better than something overly feminine from a branding POV & 'Sparkle/s' is particularly feminine.

As a male, I have to say that I think sparkle is a far better name than spark. 

I am also sad that the creator of this coin apparently really hates BTS.  It wouldve been fun trying to create pony memes for it. :P

Yip, your answer highlighted the only way the brand name works, as a meme/joke. Like make it really pink, sparkly with pony memes & calling their wallet a purse  :P  'Damn bro, my pink purse is all out of sparkles!'

I disagree. This does not force us in any way to constain us to a meme. We are only constrained by our own willingness to reimagine everything. 

Sure, though, we could definitely be effective approaching it that way if done right.

I personally imagine  that "the more you know" symbol:

Only with the rainbow spun around in an ascending spiral with the star in the middle, and whatever coin it is sharedropped on encased by the golden star (so people know it meets minimum requirements to be called... " powered by BitShares ").
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 01:44:22 am by fuzzy »
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Offline fuzzy

Apologies for the offence Mira :) The crypto-equity & currency demographic is 90%+ male and will remain predominantly male even as it expands into other key markets in the next few years. So something masculine/neutral is better than something overly feminine from a branding POV & 'Sparkle/s' is particularly feminine.

As a male, I have to say that I think sparkle is a far better name than spark. 

I am also sad that the creator of this coin apparently really hates BTS.  It wouldve been fun trying to create pony memes for it. :P

This is precisely my point,  arhag. Not trying to single you out, but how much do you want to bet it is this attitude that turned that avenue off.  I am pretty sure id make more off being sharedropped bts than on my pts/ags, but it shouldnt matter to any of us in the end if we are sharedropped on (at least as a primary concern). Yes...this was the social consensus, but let us reverse your statement and see if it sounds better.

"It would be fun to make memes for this, I hope the creator will show BTS some love too." Would be far more in line with the attitude a dev would look for when seeking a good place to sharedrop to.


This has a whole lot less to do with sharedropping than showing we are true believers.   We need to be a community in a box.  We are selling ourselves as a social network to bootstrap ecosystems we believe in...and devs who recognize our value.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 12:56:03 am by fuzzy »
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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Offline Empirical1.1

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Apologies for the offence Mira :) The crypto-equity & currency demographic is 90%+ male and will remain predominantly male even as it expands into other key markets in the next few years. So something masculine/neutral is better than something overly feminine from a branding POV & 'Sparkle/s' is particularly feminine.

As a male, I have to say that I think sparkle is a far better name than spark. 

I am also sad that the creator of this coin apparently really hates BTS.  It wouldve been fun trying to create pony memes for it. :P

Yip, your answer highlighted the only way the brand name works, as a meme/joke. Like make it really pink, sparkly with pony memes & calling their wallet a purse  :P  'Damn bro, my pink purse is all out of sparkles!'

(OP's sharedrop decision is just branding and marketing again. BitShares is a competitive DAC, it tries to poach the best devs, potentially merge competitors and copies/cannibalises the best features out there regardless of whether it gets sharedropped on. It's not designed/marketed/funnelled to be a sharedropping token for DAC savvy supporters like PTS and AGS were.)

Offline Ander

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Apologies for the offence Mira :) The crypto-equity & currency demographic is 90%+ male and will remain predominantly male even as it expands into other key markets in the next few years. So something masculine/neutral is better than something overly feminine from a branding POV & 'Sparkle/s' is particularly feminine.

As a male, I have to say that I think sparkle is a far better name than spark. 

I am also sad that the creator of this coin apparently really hates BTS.  It wouldve been fun trying to create pony memes for it. :P | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Empirical1.1

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Regards the name, Sparkle sounds quite feminine. Have you considered just 'Spark'. That sounds more masculine and impactful. Spark a fire/revolution/idea etc.

 'All you need is a Spark'

Good grief!   ::)   Your comment sparked me.   

I would think it's empirically obvious that feminine IS impactful.  What's your problem with feminine?  And anyway, I don't particularly like the name BitShares, but think it would be silly to get sidetracked by aesthetics instead of finding out if it were a worthwhile thing or not.

Apologies for the offence Mira :) The crypto-equity & currency demographic is 90%+ male and will remain predominantly male even as it expands into other key markets in the next few years. So something masculine/neutral is better than something overly feminine from a branding POV & 'Sparkle/s' is particularly feminine.

Your POV about focusing on the technology/whether it would work vs. aesthetics is valid. Once the tech is out there though (& Sparkle is mostly a clone), it comes down to who can sell it the best. Which is branding and marketing.

(Donkeypongs signature revised for the brand Sparkle gives you an idea of the issue -
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 12:02:56 am by Empirical1.1 »

Offline mira

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Regards the name, Sparkle sounds quite feminine. Have you considered just 'Spark'. That sounds more masculine and impactful. Spark a fire/revolution/idea etc.

 'All you need is a Spark'

Good grief!   ::)   Your comment sparked me.   

I would think it's empirically obvious that feminine IS impactful.  What's your problem with feminine?  And anyway, I don't particularly like the name BitShares, but think it would be silly to get sidetracked by aesthetics instead of finding out if it were a worthwhile thing or not.


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I will give  all of you sparkly lovers and enthusiasts this much:

260% inflation in a Sparkling NEW POW coin is exiting, up to 6.5% in DPOS sent a mass sell waves to the exchanges...go figure.

Speaking of percentages - 2 times increase in the price of a bitAsset is 50% drop in the price of BTS not 33%...

Offline Empirical1.1

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If anyone is paying attention outside this little community, they will see that counterparty is now a protocol layered over 3 coins (at least...) and growing.  BTC, DOGE and now Vericoin are using CounterParty protocol for their --Party coins. 

They are essentially giving it away to people who mine and they have a means by which they can have people burn their tokens to buy into it, thus getting a stake.  However, Counterparty is severely limited in what it can do--limited by the constraints of the chains on which it resides. 

Sparkle could be used for us to clone to hundreds of POW coins, and the original communities could have 80% stake while the rest is sharedropped equally on PTS/AGS/BTS/Sparkle holders.  This could be a very good strategy to prepare other communities for a later switch to full DPOS.  Try not to get caught up in the numbers sharedropped...

Let's just consider the simple fact that if we do not let our protocol spread far and wide, we are far less likely to see mass adoption that we want to see.  Not only that...but I can assure you counterparty will continue spreading, which is fine...if you want to watch their devs getting rich from the sidelines.  I for one am all for giving the technology to other communities and sincerely hope we see some forks coming out of this and honoring other coins.  If people open their eyes and see the writing on the wall, it is worth receiving a smaller cut of many other chains with something like Sparkle Clones than to just do nothing.  This is another tool in our toolbox and I hope we use it to full effect.

Does anyone know of a Dev we could pay with a 100% delegate to clone "Sparkles" to every POW chain out there?

Good points about Counterparty. We throw a lot of trash talk at POW, but as I said before even though Counterparty burnt all of their development funding, have no inflation and are tied to 'Proof of Waste', they've managed to give me 1200%+ returns on my proof of burn stake this year. So I'm glad I diversified a bit.

Offline bytemaster

Just get yourself a pop-corn and enjoy the show.

It's like I am watching the cryptocurrency version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" where the Proof-of-Waste "PoW people" are slowly replacing members of this forum.

LOL... too bad we already lost all of the POW people on this forum when I abandoned PTS.   Poor Sparkle, he won't be loved by anyone being the love child of proof of work and DPOS. 
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Offline jwiz168

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If this pushes through , it will be good. Imagine free money.

Offline arhag

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Just get yourself a pop-corn and enjoy the show.

It's like I am watching the cryptocurrency version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" where the Proof-of-Waste "PoW people" are slowly replacing members of this forum.

Offline bytemaster

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Offline matt608

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Awesome thinking fuzzy  +5%

Not being a developer I don't really know what I can do to help sparkles be dropped on BTS.  Other than throwing some sparkly pixie dust in the air and putting on my fairy dress up suit (which I already do everyday anyway), what else can I do? :P.
+5% fuzzy.. go sparkles go...

Seriously, lets start recruiting Solid POW coins Devs.  Let's tell them that if they implement this, we will give them a Delegate in BTS (which will ensure they sharedrop on BTS'ers, btw) to implement it on their chain.

I see, so the plan would be clone sparkle, sharedrop e.g. doge 80%, split the 20% between BTS/AGS/PTS or just BTS and then just that repeat for bitcoin, litecoin, every major alt coin.  Each coin this was done with would then get the features of BTS, and the support of the entire BTS community, it's win win.  Good for the POW coin and good for BTS holders.  I'd definitely vote for a delegate who wanted (and was capable) of carrying out that plan (if that's what you meant)

Don't forget new Sparkle Holders...We should be willing to share the pie for them too--Well the ones who believe in Sparkle.  They ARE us after it isn't like it hurts anyone but those who don't believe in it and sell off thinking it is a piece of shit. 

Reward the risk takers right?

Oh yes of course I forgot about them, also realised my description of 'the plan' would could be done on current BTS not with sparkles, so with sparkles there's the miners and the 'elected workers' who get the rest of the funds over time. 

I actually like the sound of sparkles. 

This 'plan' sounds like it might be a better version of Rune's 'upgrading bitcoin' idea, where this time it is an actual upgrade and not an attack.  It's creating a Bitshares version of any POW coin where the original miners are rewarded as well as sparkle devs and current Bitshares investors.  They'll be lots of squabbling over sharedrop allocation but something could be worked out.

I really hope this goes ahead! (unless I've misunderstood it all...)
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 10:38:14 pm by matt608 »

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