Apologies for the offence Mira
The crypto-equity & currency demographic is 90%+ male and will remain predominantly male even as it expands into other key markets in the next few years. So something masculine/neutral is better than something overly feminine from a branding POV & 'Sparkle/s' is particularly feminine.
As a male, I have to say that I think sparkle is a far better name than spark.
I am also sad that the creator of this coin apparently really hates BTS. It wouldve been fun trying to create pony memes for it. 
This is precisely my point, arhag. Not trying to single you out, but how much do you want to bet it is this attitude that turned that avenue off. I am pretty sure id make more off being sharedropped bts than on my pts/ags, but it shouldnt matter to any of us in the end if we are sharedropped on (at least as a primary concern). Yes...this was the social consensus, but let us reverse your statement and see if it sounds better.
"It would be fun to make memes for this, I hope the creator will show BTS some love too." Would be far more in line with the attitude a dev would look for when seeking a good place to sharedrop to.
This has a whole lot less to do with sharedropping than showing we are true believers. We need to be a community in a box. We are selling ourselves as a social network to bootstrap ecosystems we believe in...and devs who recognize our value.