To your point, this is not a dictatorship, so why if YOU are the only one here who does not feel their should be a daily status update. Then there should not be one. Isn't that a dictatorship?
I want to express to you that Invictus is unfortunately not in a good position and does not have a good track record. Remember that the current value and worth is based on investors and their speculation. That speculation is based on what we see, hear, and feel about the companies ability to deliver. I want to list out for you the current status of Invictus, and I do this not to take away from your success. But I do this to make you realize that since you are not in a good position, you should go ABOVE and BEYOND in terms of meeting the requests of the stakeholders in your company. I want you to see the perspective from an early adopter and protoshares investor:
- Invictus first release was Protoshares. The innovation that was introduced was the Proof-Of-Work algorithm that was supposed to be hardened or resistant based on memory bus speeds. However this was not successful.
- Protoshares was also not the most ideal form of crowd-funding for the company so they confused the matter and hurt early adopters of Protoshares by introducing AngelShares. Regardless of how the math works out, introducing another form of investment seed into the company confused/goes back on the social contract.
- Invictus planned to release keyhotee the first product on NYE 2013. That was not a success. The next status and estimate was late January. That was not a success. Now you are saying end of february, without a hard committal date.
- Invictus plans on releasing bitshares its real first claim to fame, and one of the first originators of distributed exchange concept. Here we have no real idea where they are in development, and what the release date is. Meanwhile we have other big ventures competing in the space WITH a release date
So I bring all this up, because I ask you. As a investor. How am I supposed to speculate on the given success of Invictus. Given that now i'm still interested, come on your website to share my frustration, and get attacked as a conspirator and get abrasive responses.
You guys should really hire someone to handle PR/Customer Relations.
(I apologize if any of my facts were incorrect, and welcome factual evidence based corrections)