Author Topic: Bitshares price discussion  (Read 1273434 times)

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Offline Ander

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BTS about to be passed by feathercoin. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline bitmeat

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What is this merger I keep hearing about?

Offline Ander

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steem makes me bullish on bitshares. if Larimer can reach a wider audience with that.. so will bitshares. but in the very short term a down trend can be explained by a btc rally and introduction of steem

STEEM will fall by about 90-99% over the next year due to hyperinflation of its supply.  As a result, everyone will think its shit. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline ag

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but anyways, this a price discussion! not a grow-the-platform discussion. And those are not congruent things.

Offline ag

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Let's not look to STEEM or other diversions,
let's focus on what we can do now and move forward… +5%

It's true, but we can look to STEEM for ideas.
I have doubled my stake in bitshares in the last two days, And I will be looking at worker proposals.

Offline Louis

Let's not look to STEEM or other diversions,
let's focus on what we can do now and move forward… +5%

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Let's not look to STEEM or other diversions,
let's focus on what we can do now and move forward…

Offline Ander

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bts crash to 100 satoshi time :P | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline ag

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steem makes me bullish on bitshares. if Larimer can reach a wider audience with that.. so will bitshares. but in the very short term a down trend can be explained by a btc rally and introduction of steem

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

All that's needed is:
Rock-solid leadership, - Are we looking to hire a CEO now?
Innovative Development, - Paid for by whom/what?
Excellent traders, - Incentivized by whom/what?
Talented entrepreneurs building on the Platform - How do they know they can?

I agree for the most part all we needs is what every other successful project needs. :)

However, the 'how' of it all is sort of what has lead us to this point. As the bitshares blockchain is now deadlocked with no dilution spending that can be reliably allocated to any of said talent, what pays for it all?

The system was setup by BM originally with the expectation that they could continue development while giving BTS holder the power to decide and bring in new development talent. The experiment turned bad and we have a large portion of the current active voters holding BTS hostage and making your wish list effectively impossible through the current method of funding that bitshares has available to it.

Sooooooo what next?
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Offline xh3

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The project has some long term merits imo.  As far as getting rich by just holding Bitcoin circa 2014 style... maybe not going to work.
The recent developments are...strange, but then again the whole ride has been strange.  Bytemaster stepping off is having a complex effect, that is imo, not entirely negative.  His leadership tended to be indecisive, confusing, and his word is not entirely solid, and he has an interest in declining the price to prove his point about dilution (sorry BM!). This is not entirely his fault, as he is just reacting to new information as it arrives. Which is what is interesting and unique about the platform, it relies on member politics as much as if not more than preordained algorithms.  In this next phase, I think we'll see some new and improved leadership as the next generation of developers use the platform to build their reputations, we'll see some unified direction as the current feature set is honed into the best possible decentralized marketplace out there, we'll also see some really interesting businesses built on the platform.

All that's needed is:
Rock-solid leadership,
Innovative Development,
Excellent traders,
Talented entrepreneurs building on the Platform

in order to achieve that:
a well documented and intuitive api (so that less technical people can use the advanced features of the platform)
less drastic changes( let it be what it is so people don't fear to use it because it might become something else)

trading platform integration (Mt4)
Witness secured crypto-deposits and proxy tokens(sidechains)  (make the platform more attractive to traders)

Offline Tuck Fheman

I think BTS needs some new vision/leadership

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Offline Empirical1.2

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Unfortunately. After two years of believing in BTS. I am now struggling to justify why i should keep my holdings. Im worried this aint nowhere near the bottom. Is there any further development or is STEEM the new kid in town?

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It will be tough until the merger is over.

I think BTS needs some new vision/leadership and development proposals. I haven't been following them lately but KenCode seems to be someone who can get things done and for good value.
I imagine the Chinese will have to change their tune on no dilution, part of their reasoning was that development would continue because otherwise developers would lose money on their BTS stake but they've (developers) clearly sold/selling a reasonable amount and focusing elsewhere.

Regards Steem,  it's significantly over-valued imo and possibly uninvestable by design, I'm hesitant to elaborate too much at the risk of improving their model. I think the creators will still be able to get a few hundred thousand out of it over the next year though. There could also be other elements/'secret sauce' I'm unaware of.

Someone should send them the memo on this.. they still haven't changed anything.

If they don't change their tune like you say though.. I think we are going to see not just devs looking elsewhere but those of us building on bitshares looking also. Any business looking to use bitshares has to want it 'as is', and not expect any improvements.

I agree on the leadership front... though there is an internal conflict on this front as well as far as the community goes. Do you recall just a few months ago just how much hate was directed at CNX and this push for 'decentralization' of the development? It was this attitude of anybody but CNX  for a little while.. which they responded too and stayed out of putting anymore proposals.

So why is this downtrend happening now? What has changed that really impacts Bitshares future prospects? Or is this just the ongoing dumping cycle that if you look back seems to happen this time of month.. perhaps due to the merger holders?

Personally I would have liked to see more decentralization of development from new groups, possibly Chinese and cheaper,  while still obviously needing to rely on CNX/BM for major features like say margin trading.  Atm we don't seem to have much of either but tbh I don't track it too closely. 

As for the downtrend, I would guess it's the fact that the lead dev, largest shareholder and largest merger recipient is primarily focusing on another DAC & USD. If there's a sense of BTS progress again even if not's fully development related then I think it will stabilise though personally I think the expensive merger could still be a big drag until it ends. 
If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline btswildpig

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Unfortunately. After two years of believing in BTS. I am now struggling to justify why i should keep my holdings. Im worried this aint nowhere near the bottom. Is there any further development or is STEEM the new kid in town?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It will be tough until the merger is over.

I think BTS needs some new vision/leadership and development proposals. I haven't been following them lately but KenCode seems to be someone who can get things done and for good value.
I imagine the Chinese will have to change their tune on no dilution, part of their reasoning was that development would continue because otherwise developers would lose money on their BTS stake but they've (developers) clearly sold/selling a reasonable amount and focusing elsewhere.

Regards Steem,  it's significantly over-valued imo and possibly uninvestable by design, I'm hesitant to elaborate too much at the risk of improving their model. I think the creators will still be able to get a few hundred thousand out of it over the next year though. There could also be other elements/'secret sauce' I'm unaware of.

Someone should send them the memo on this.. they still haven't changed anything.

If they don't change their tune like you say though.. I think we are going to see not just devs looking elsewhere but those of us building on bitshares looking also. Any business looking to use bitshares has to want it 'as is', and not expect any improvements.

I agree on the leadership front... though there is an internal conflict on this front as well as far as the community goes. Do you recall just a few months ago just how much hate was directed at CNX and this push for 'decentralization' of the development? It was this attitude of anybody but CNX  for a little while.. which they responded too and stayed out of putting anymore proposals.

So why is this downtrend happening now? What has changed that really impacts Bitshares future prospects? Or is this just the ongoing dumping cycle that if you look back seems to happen this time of month.. perhaps due to the merger holders?

lines say it's not a downtrend unless weekly MACD dead forked for real (sustain for weeks)(i'm not sure what the term is in English )
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 03:18:34 pm by btswildpig »
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