Author Topic: Bitshares price discussion  (Read 1276497 times)

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Offline mea123

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We're down a substantial way from $.32 a few weeks ago. Surprised that there aren't that many comments here since.

(Hope you're all alive :D)

what would you like to hear
OMG BTS went up like a rocket and now comes down like a failed rocket, or what would you make happy to hear?

Offline Chuckone

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But looking at the current smartcoins market cap I guess I'm not the only one willing to take that risk.

IMO a very low smartcoin market cap would be indicative of BTS bullishness.  (Everyone would sell their smartcoins for BTS and when no more buyers remained, smartcoin holders would force settle to be holding BTS on the way up.)

Is this what you mean?  Is there a low smartcoin market cap right now?  bitUSD is at 5,618,042 right now, but I don't know if that is low compared to other times.

What I meant is if the market cap of smartcoins is high, shorters are bullish cause they're willing to take the risk. But you're right, the other way around is true. People who wish to hedge their position are bearish and create demand for smartcoins.

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Offline lil_jay890

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We're down a substantial way from $.32 a few weeks ago. Surprised that there aren't that many comments here since.

(Hope you're all alive :D)

Still alive and still holding my breath hoping BTS price won't drop enough to get margin called.

It takes solid nerves to stick to a leveraged strategy when BTS price falls like a rock. But looking at the current smartcoins market cap I guess I'm not the only one willing to take that risk.

This is encouraging, it means there are several others bullish even with the current correction.

The damn question is: When will the downward trend reverse?

BTS could fall to 30 million and it would still be an outstanding return from this same time last year.

Just keep that in mind when think BTS is "undervalued" at 450 million.  There is a lot of room below.

Offline blahblah7up

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But looking at the current smartcoins market cap I guess I'm not the only one willing to take that risk.

IMO a very low smartcoin market cap would be indicative of BTS bullishness.  (Everyone would sell their smartcoins for BTS and when no more buyers remained, smartcoin holders would force settle to be holding BTS on the way up.)

Is this what you mean?  Is there a low smartcoin market cap right now?  bitUSD is at 5,618,042 right now, but I don't know if that is low compared to other times.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 03:07:29 pm by blahblah7up »

Offline Chuckone

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We're down a substantial way from $.32 a few weeks ago. Surprised that there aren't that many comments here since.

(Hope you're all alive :D)

Still alive and still holding my breath hoping BTS price won't drop enough to get margin called.

It takes solid nerves to stick to a leveraged strategy when BTS price falls like a rock. But looking at the current smartcoins market cap I guess I'm not the only one willing to take that risk.

This is encouraging, it means there are several others bullish even with the current correction.

The damn question is: When will the downward trend reverse?

Offline karnal

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We're down a substantial way from $.32 a few weeks ago. Surprised that there aren't that many comments here since.

(Hope you're all alive :D)

Offline Brekyrself

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$0.05 spread from the other exchanges to Poloniex, interesting.  I noticed Poloniex has usually only been $0.01 or $0.02 lower in recent history.

Wonder why?

Offline Permie

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21/05/17 08:53AM GMT

BitShares Market Cap: $275,000,000
Price per bts: $0.1059
SmartCoin Market Cap Total: $5,000,000

CryptoSphere Market Cap: $72,097,000,000

BitShares' Market Share: 0.381%
BTS MCap / SC MCap Ratio: 55.
                 The marketcap of BTS is 55x the market cap of the SmartCoins that it enables

19/06/17 18:58PM GMT

BitShares Market Cap: $856,500,000
Price per bts: $0.329
SmartCoin Market Cap Total: $18,000,000

CryptoSphere Market Cap: $112,400,000,000

BitShares' Market Share: 0.76%
BTS MCap / SC MCap Ratio: 47.
                 The marketcap of BTS is currently 47x the market cap of the SmartCoins that it enables.


Over the past ~month:

1) BitShares has doubled it's share of the crypto-market

2) More than tripled the market cap of it's SmartCoin products

3) Has kept a similar APPROXIMATE 50:1 ratio of BTS Mcap to SmartCoin issuance.

I propose that for every extra $1 worth of SmartCoins borrowed into circulation; a corresponding $50 of value is added to the BitShares Ecosystem (MarketCap)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 06:07:20 pm by Permie »
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline lil_jay890

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Where did all the FUD go? I am used to read all that FUD when the price is moving

Ok... Here is what many consider FUD... Even though they are valid concerns.

1.  And this is an obvious #1,  bitshares is merely caught up in a giant alt coin pump.  While seeing it move up against some of the other currencies is a positive, did Bytecoin, Stellar, factom, peercoin or 90% of the other coins do anything to warrant their pump as well?  No.

2.  The pump is being contained mostly to the centralized exchanges.  Account creations is stagnant and transfers hasn't made a new high.  Filled orders has made new highs, but that is probably due to more people hearing about all the easy money they can make running a bot... I'm sure that is going to end well.

3.  The money isn't flowing to derivative projects for basically any of the major platforms.  The money is staying one derivative below bitcoin.  In real bull markets, small caps outperform large caps.

4.  Bitshares fundamentals have not changed (mostly the inability for the chain to not operate at a loss), and in some cases the fundamentals have gotten worse.  The debacle at blockpay and possible delay of stealth is very concerning.  Not everyone shares this opinion, but I believe stealth was the most important factor for near term BTS growth.

Whats bullish??

The inablility for people to withdraw bitcoin to fiat is bullish.  It gives exposure to bitUSD or bitCNY as a low volatility solution.  Their has definitely been growth there, and maybe the bitUSD/CNY holders will begin to look at projects on the DEX and start investing in those.

Momentum- The momentum is super strong in everything crypto, but that could change on a dime with one quip out of the PBOC or other regulatory board about crypto currencies.  I think all of crypto, including BTS has either topped or will top this week.  How long that top lasts I don't know, but I expect btc to be at $1000USD and bts at $0.015 by the end of June.

Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered... Don't be a pig if you are sitting on a 10-15 bagger here.  Parabolic markets always reverse and they reverse hard.

Serious question, Any change in your concerns? I know not much changed on fundamentals but there are some good signs. Blockpay on track (?) again, blockchain making profit for the second time in its history, price being >0.3$ etc.

Do you still think "... bts at $0.015 by the end of June." ? because that is a hell of tanking from 32 cents.

Well a week later bts topped out and fell around 60%, but the crypto spike resumed shortly after.

The good news is there was a spike in account creations and transfers, as well as the platform turning a profit for the first time. The increase in bitcny and bitusd is also a good sign that people are coming into the system.

A 95% crash would be doubtful to happen in less than 2 weeks... The whole crypto sphere can easily give a 50% haircut in a couple days. If this happened I doubt bts would be spared, but a retrace back to say 15 cents wouldn't be that out of the question

Offline lakerta06

Where did all the FUD go? I am used to read all that FUD when the price is moving

Ok... Here is what many consider FUD... Even though they are valid concerns.

1.  And this is an obvious #1,  bitshares is merely caught up in a giant alt coin pump.  While seeing it move up against some of the other currencies is a positive, did Bytecoin, Stellar, factom, peercoin or 90% of the other coins do anything to warrant their pump as well?  No.

2.  The pump is being contained mostly to the centralized exchanges.  Account creations is stagnant and transfers hasn't made a new high.  Filled orders has made new highs, but that is probably due to more people hearing about all the easy money they can make running a bot... I'm sure that is going to end well.

3.  The money isn't flowing to derivative projects for basically any of the major platforms.  The money is staying one derivative below bitcoin.  In real bull markets, small caps outperform large caps.

4.  Bitshares fundamentals have not changed (mostly the inability for the chain to not operate at a loss), and in some cases the fundamentals have gotten worse.  The debacle at blockpay and possible delay of stealth is very concerning.  Not everyone shares this opinion, but I believe stealth was the most important factor for near term BTS growth.

Whats bullish??

The inablility for people to withdraw bitcoin to fiat is bullish.  It gives exposure to bitUSD or bitCNY as a low volatility solution.  Their has definitely been growth there, and maybe the bitUSD/CNY holders will begin to look at projects on the DEX and start investing in those.

Momentum- The momentum is super strong in everything crypto, but that could change on a dime with one quip out of the PBOC or other regulatory board about crypto currencies.  I think all of crypto, including BTS has either topped or will top this week.  How long that top lasts I don't know, but I expect btc to be at $1000USD and bts at $0.015 by the end of June.

Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered... Don't be a pig if you are sitting on a 10-15 bagger here.  Parabolic markets always reverse and they reverse hard.

Serious question, Any change in your concerns? I know not much changed on fundamentals but there are some good signs. Blockpay on track (?) again, blockchain making profit for the second time in its history, price being >0.3$ etc.

Do you still think "... bts at $0.015 by the end of June." ? because that is a hell of tanking from 32 cents.

Offline intelliguy

The tech is interesting but I personally don't have much faith in the Larimer's business acumen.

Yeah, it's not like Bitshares is #9 on coinmarketcap, nor is STEEM at #16... 

I'd say that is quite an accomplishment.  If you feel you can lead a devel team with "better business acumen", I highly suggest you do it. 

Perhaps I don't have much faith in @Yoshi's business acumen.  Why don't you really re-evaluate yourself instead of spreading unnecessary concerns about the Larimers.  They're not in charge of how intelligent a market is to respond to good technology. Any idiot with funds can misdirect them to any of those hundreds of altcoins out there as they see fit... that's why traction is slow. So I wish people would stop stoning the Larimers in public.  It's really starting to get annoying.

The Larimers have good business acumen.  It's the bulk of the cryptotraders out there in the wild that don't (but that's improving day by day, and so is the price of BTS and STEEM as a result).  Make sense now?

« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 07:01:50 pm by intelliguy »
I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)

Offline mf-tzo

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I think bots or no bots there is always counterparty risk to consider that for some people it is really important risk. I never left any funds in any exchange for example more than a couple of hours because of counterparty risk. I lost many arbitrage opportunities in the past, lost a lot from no stop losses orders on the DEX but at least I know that my funds are really my funds and I can sleep with a piece of mind in the night.

Offline yvv

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Anybody care to ELI5 (explain like im 5) why bts is trading at %8 -10 premium in chineese CNY exchanges then the european BTC exchanges. The thing I dont get is, isnt that premium enough for some arbitrage bots to take advantage of?

Barrier for me is a language. I don't understand a damn on btc38. Should not be a problem for Chinese though.

Offline fluxer555

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Anybody care to ELI5 (explain like im 5) why bts is trading at %8 -10 premium in chineese CNY exchanges then the european BTC exchanges. The thing I dont get is, isnt that premium enough for some arbitrage bots to take advantage of?

Buy pressure in China is higher than Europe / USA. I think a combination of account creation barriers and withdrawal limits are keeping that gap as wide as it is, however I'm sure there are some people making a killing off of it.

Offline lakerta06

Anybody care to ELI5 (explain like im 5) why bts is trading at %8 -10 premium in chineese CNY exchanges then the european BTC exchanges. The thing I dont get is, isnt that premium enough for some arbitrage bots to take advantage of?