You got a better theory Ander for why since the June 8th announcement it has been on a constant downward pressure?
Its because a bunch of people out there are pissed off at the bitshares dev team, or have lost trust in them, combined with people losing patience for 2.0 coming out.
They are upset about the formation of Cryptonomex, which they see as making bytemaster & team not committed to Bitshares.
They are upset about the creation of Brownie.PTS (probably because they didnt get some), because they feel it is taking away from potential BTS sharedrops.
They are upset about Identabit sharedropping on Brownie, because it confirmed for them that Brownie is taking away from potential BTS sharedrops.
They are also worried that 2.0 is vaporware and will never release.
We had a promising start of a rally turn into a very sharp decline pretty much immediately when the Identabit announcement came out.
I dont agree with them on these issues, but I have seen people complain about these things on message boards and exchange trollboxes, and to me it explains the decline (in satoshi terms. obviously the btc decline played a part in us declining relative to dollars as well). Basically some significant holders didnt like these changes and sold as a result.
I dont buy the idea that a whale actually desires to increase his BTS holdings, but is doing so by dumping the hell out of BTS, hoping that after its low enough, they can then buy more cheap before it goes back up.
If someone is actually doing this, they are failing at it super hard, because they have had to dump a huge amount of BTS, and there is almost NO volume of sell walls coming to let them buy it back. Almost all of the volume is people dumping over and over into slowly lowering large buywalls. They break one level of buywalls, and buyers set more big walls lower down, then this repeats. There havent been bounces or buying of big sellwalls to indicate that someone is successfully selling and then buying back more shares. Its pure selling.
If a manipulator actually was executing this strategy, what you would see is VERY LARGE sell walls, looking all scary, causing others to dump shares into the bids of the whale placing the sell walls. that is not what we are seeing. Instead, its the buywalls that are consistently large, and then someone (people who now hate bitshares and want out apparently), just keep dumping into them over and over.
I believe the cause of the peopel giving up are the things I outlined earlier. (they dont like cryptonomex or brownies, and/or they are worried 2.0 wont ever release). Additionally, some may have given up on 2.0 releasing and went into Ethereum.