...so BJ2.0 makes a thread, deletes it, and newmine can't help but exclaim censorship and conspiracy.
Just another day on bitsharestalk. 
Why would BItcoinJesus2.0 delete any thread at all? Unless to censor something someone else said in his thread, right? If he didn't like anything he personally said, he could simply erase what he wrote. Instead he deleted everyone's comments. Seemed odd, especially in reference to what was going on at /r/bitcoin.
So yeah. I can't help exclaim censorship, because it was exactly that. BJ2.0 censored everyone's thoughts from that thread for no reason at all.
Here is what my comment was near verbatim:
Careful what you say here.
Everyone else needs to read this very carefully.
I have been posting a lot less. Would you like me to exclaim more frequently? Because your dumb fucking comments make me want to.