Author Topic: BitShares X Status Update  (Read 393530 times)

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Offline liondani

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‘Being an imperfect man, I do my best with my weaknesses and unfortunately for us all I am the best we have at this point in time.’

BM you are a man of many talents. So many, it seems an enormous task to just choosing how to best spend your time at any point…
What I am getting is – you must work hard on delegating. You do not need to put your hand on every little detail, man! You can have somebody doing the more tedious details… but you do not trust anybody handling those details, you think that because you can do them better you are the one that must do them.
What I am trying to say is, because” [you are] the best we have at this point in time.” does not mean you have to do a particular task.
Spend some percentage of you time to find talent and delegate… I know… I know it is too late for BTS X to do this, but do this ASAP after you have working/somewhat working BTS X product….
Here is good place to start looking for great talent and great minds - topcoder. com


Offline tonyk

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‘Being an imperfect man, I do my best with my weaknesses and unfortunately for us all I am the best we have at this point in time.’

BM you are a man of many talents. So many, it seems an enormous task to just choosing how to best spend your time at any point…
What I am getting is – you must work hard on delegating. You do not need to put your hand on every little detail, man! You can have somebody doing the more tedious details… but you do not trust anybody handling those details, you think that because you can do them better you are the one that must do them.
What I am trying to say is, because” [you are] the best we have at this point in time.” does not mean you have to do a particular task.
Spend some percentage of you time to find talent and delegate… I know… I know it is too late for BTS X to do this, but do this ASAP after you have working/somewhat working BTS X product….
Here is good place to start looking for great talent and great minds - topcoder. com
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline xeroc

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I don't know how the others think on the community. But from me you have 100% support.
+5% support from my side :)

Offline liondani

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Here is a status update from the PTS thread a few days ago. For those of yes not involved in the testing. I found this to be insightful.

No work on the exchange has taken place since DPOS since we want to have a solid foundation... I will provide more updates with respect to the exchange in a week or so.  Our primary focus is a solid chain foundation with DPOS.    So far we are relying on trustee model because the ability to handle natural chain forks automatically is challenging to say the least.    We are making the wallet/RPC api as close to compatible with bitcoin as possible which should make the DPOS update to PTS as easy as possible for the exchanges.

I have been working around the clock to get the chain fork handling in order.  We have solved a lot of issues in the past week and I hope to have a full up DPOS system with fork handling through basic unit tests in the next couple of days.    We are making MAJOR strides here and our team coordination and efficiency has never been higher.   

Like everyone I want this thing done as quickly as possible and there is no harder slave driver than myself.   Being an imperfect man, I do my best with my weaknesses and unfortunately for us all I am the best we have at this point in time.   So I will continue to plow ahead as quickly as possible and appreciate your understanding from one person to another. 

In our last public test the trustee failed (crash) and served to remind me that launching with even a well-tested trustee model could have some major issues and liability.  I want things out as soon as possible, but the reality is whether we launch sooner or later the problems that we must overcome are the same.   Launching sooner just means we are asking the community to do more beta-testing and take greater risks.

I don't know how the others think on the community. But from me you have 100% support. I am not a programmer so I can not help this way, but I will invest time and even more PTS/AGS, and will wait as long as it needs to witness bitshares succes... After all what really matters in the end is the journey to Ithaca...

as a real gift to bytemaster I want to dedicate him from my heart the poem "Ithaca" (C. P. Cavafy)


"As you set out on the way to Ithaca
hope that the road is a long one,
filled with adventures, filled with understanding.
The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes,
Poseidon in his anger: do not fear them,
you’ll never come across them on your way
as long as your mind stays aloft, and a choice
emotion touches your spirit and your body.
The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes,
savage Poseidon; you’ll not encounter them
unless you carry them within your soul,
unless your soul sets them up before you.
Hope that the road is a long one.
Many may the summer mornings be
when—with what pleasure, with what joy—
you first put in to harbors new to your eyes;
may you stop at Phoenician trading posts
and there acquire fine goods:
mother-of-pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
and heady perfumes of every kind:
as many heady perfumes as you can.
To many Egyptian cities may you go
so you may learn, and go on learning, from their sages.
Always keep Ithaca in your mind;
to reach her is your destiny.
But do not rush your journey in the least.
Better that it last for many years;
that you drop anchor at the island an old man,
rich with all you’ve gotten on the way,
not expecting Ithaca to make you rich.
Ithaca gave to you the beautiful journey;
without her you’d not have set upon the road.
But she has nothing left to give you any more.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca did not deceive you.
As wise as you’ll have become, with so much experience,
you’ll have understood, by then, what these Ithacas mean."

Translated by Daniel Mendelsohn
(Poems by C. P. Cavafy.)

PS Maybe other translations will like you better, you can find them here:
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 05:45:17 pm by liondani »

Offline bytemaster

Here is a status update from the PTS thread a few days ago. For those of yes not involved in the testing. I found this to be insightful.

No work on the exchange has taken place since DPOS since we want to have a solid foundation... I will provide more updates with respect to the exchange in a week or so.  Our primary focus is a solid chain foundation with DPOS.    So far we are relying on trustee model because the ability to handle natural chain forks automatically is challenging to say the least.    We are making the wallet/RPC api as close to compatible with bitcoin as possible which should make the DPOS update to PTS as easy as possible for the exchanges.

I have been working around the clock to get the chain fork handling in order.  We have solved a lot of issues in the past week and I hope to have a full up DPOS system with fork handling through basic unit tests in the next couple of days.    We are making MAJOR strides here and our team coordination and efficiency has never been higher.   

Like everyone I want this thing done as quickly as possible and there is no harder slave driver than myself.   Being an imperfect man, I do my best with my weaknesses and unfortunately for us all I am the best we have at this point in time.   So I will continue to plow ahead as quickly as possible and appreciate your understanding from one person to another. 

In our last public test the trustee failed (crash) and served to remind me that launching with even a well-tested trustee model could have some major issues and liability.  I want things out as soon as possible, but the reality is whether we launch sooner or later the problems that we must overcome are the same.   Launching sooner just means we are asking the community to do more beta-testing and take greater risks.

For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline NewMine

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Here is a status update from the PTS thread a few days ago. For those of yes not involved in the testing. I found this to be insightful.

No work on the exchange has taken place since DPOS since we want to have a solid foundation... I will provide more updates with respect to the exchange in a week or so.  Our primary focus is a solid chain foundation with DPOS.    So far we are relying on trustee model because the ability to handle natural chain forks automatically is challenging to say the least.    We are making the wallet/RPC api as close to compatible with bitcoin as possible which should make the DPOS update to PTS as easy as possible for the exchanges.

Offline toast

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The exchange transaction code was tested in the past I thought. Market manipulations were discovered after forum was already playing with working btsx on one machine.
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Offline speedy

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Core code that is shared in common for BTS X is where I have been focusing my efforts...

Should we expect from this that its quite likely there will be many unforeseen problems getting BitAsset trading going? Or do you expect that will be relatively simple compared to getting the DPOS networking solid & robust?

Offline bytemaster

Can i ask where all the latest BTSX code is?

The blockchain & p2p code that is reusable for all DACs is here:
Its had lots of recent changes by Bytemaster.

However the BTSX specific code hasnt had any updates from Bytemaster for 2 months:

Are you just keeping the BTSX specific stuff local for the time being, or is it somewhere else?

Even though youre focusing on making BTSX liquid first without BitAsset trading, I would have thought there would still be many recent changes to BTSX.

Core code that is shared in common for BTS X is where I have been focusing my efforts...
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.

Offline davidpbrown

Each time I see a network connectivity graph, I can't help wonder what it would take to have it stall or fork. It's not obvious to me how nodes find and prefer others, though perhaps that has become standard from P2P. Especially with slow churn PoS networks, where there might also be large holders, I can only wonder at what the effect of those might be. NXT has me wondering about how distributed the forgers really are but I guess there might be a risk to all kinds of network. Where nodes are inclined to look to the first they see rather than jumping as far as they can or having some dynamic in the length of each connection, perhaps there is a risk of two sides of the network fighting. In my ignorance I also don't understand what happens to a transaction that is accepted to a block that fails but I guess the original node keeps broadcasting until it hears the transaction has been accepted on the tree it knows. The other thought seeing these graphs is that dataisbeautiful.

Offline speedy

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Can i ask where all the latest BTSX code is?

The blockchain & p2p code that is reusable for all DACs is here:
Its had lots of recent changes by Bytemaster.

However the BTSX specific code hasnt had any updates from Bytemaster for 2 months:

Are you just keeping the BTSX specific stuff local for the time being, or is it somewhere else?

Even though youre focusing on making BTSX liquid first without BitAsset trading, I would have thought there would still be many recent changes to BTSX.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 08:03:15 pm by trader »


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 +5% +5% +5%any status update?thanks.

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bytemaster,are you going to have sergio reviewed your bitshares toolkit code ?


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holy moly .. wohooo