Author Topic: CLI Parse_error_exception  (Read 4532 times)

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I would have thought the backed up file created by the CLI wallet could easily be imported into OpenLedger through the "Import BTS 2.0+ backup" link?

It seems it can be done!,19349.0/topicseen.html

Offline nomoreheroes7

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Well I managed to get to key 60,000 out of 180,000 or so, and was already up to 200GB taken over by that time, which was threatening the remaining space on my 2tb drive, causing me to cancel again. Pretty ridiculous. I'm kind of afraid to start deleting the backups as they go because I don't want to screw anything up. Note also that this is just for the "import_accounts" command, not "import_account_keys" where it says it's safe to delete the backups. I guess I'll just move a bunch of stuff off the drive and try again.

Did you created a 2.0 backup of the cli wallet at the end and imported the new wallet into the light client?
I don't think that CLI backups can be imported in light client or openledger, I created the backup just in case something goes wrong with the "normal wallet" file.

I would have thought the backed up file created by the CLI wallet could easily be imported into OpenLedger through the "Import BTS 2.0+ backup" link?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 07:00:30 pm by nomoreheroes7 »


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Thank you for the great walk through, that definitly helps us! How have you been able to integrate your account names into the Openledger Wallet or Light Client first?
In openledger with Firefox or Chrome I created a new account and then imported my exported keys from 0.9.3c, at some point I received a pop up message saying that the browser stopped responding or something like that and I was asked either to wait or terminate, I always choose "WAIT"

I do not even get that far. I have around 151k keys and no success of importing anything yet. :/
I had 31.000 keys and it took me maybe half an hour, if you have more keys you will need a lot more time, If your browser completely crashes with no pop up message for you to wait, then probably you are out of luck and for the time being you can't restore your account name that way. If you manage to migrate with CLI you could create a new account in openledger or light wallet and transfer your funds there.   

What do you mean with these text files saved as .bat?
You create a new .txt notepad file, you type in the commands in that file and then you save as "CLI_wallet.bat", although it was a txt file now its a file with a .bat extension, this allows it to execute any cmd commands you typed in. This works in windows only, there are similar techniques for other os but I can't help with that, alternatively you can open the command line(type cmd in windows run) and enter those commands in that order, it works the same. My English is really bad, I apology if this is hard to make any sense.

Did you created a 2.0 backup of the cli wallet at the end and imported the new wallet into the light client?
I don't think that CLI backups can be imported in light client or openledger, I created the backup just in case something goes wrong with the "normal wallet" file. 

[EDIT] My original plan was to move  my funds in a new account in openledger but I was somewhat lucky I guess.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 06:17:20 pm by chryspano »

Offline Chris4210

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Thank you for the great walk through, that definitly helps us! How have you been able to integrate your account names into the Openledger Wallet or Light Client first?

I do not even get that far. I have around 151k keys and no success of importing anything yet. :/

What do you mean with these text files saved as .bat?

Did you created a 2.0 backup of the cli wallet at the end and imported the new wallet into the light client?
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Thanks for that walkthrough chryspano, I'm working at it right now...but holy hell the backup process takes up a TON of disk space, I started around 90 gigs and now only have like 45 gigs left and I'm only on key 30,000 of like 120, there anyway to move the backup process to another disk or something? Oy vey.

Edit: Down to 27 gigs...guess I'm gonna need to cancel and reimport on my slow ass media server computer that has a 2 TB internal drive on it.

I don't know if this can help...
I assume that deleting some of the older backups would be fine...


Offline xeroc

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you actually don't need to run your own witness node .. you can also launch the cli_wallet with [-s wss://] and use OL's node ..
Rest seems to be all fine.

Just a reminder ..
import_keys ... will only import your keys into the wallet ... only  the
import_balance <account> ['*'] true
command will actually claim them

Offline nomoreheroes7

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Thanks for that walkthrough chryspano, I'm working at it right now...but holy hell the backup process takes up a TON of disk space, I started around 90 gigs and now only have like 45 gigs left and I'm only on key 30,000 of like 120, there anyway to move the backup process to another disk or something? Oy vey.

Edit: Down to 27 gigs...guess I'm gonna need to cancel and reimport on my slow ass media server computer that has a 2 TB internal drive on it.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 01:31:36 pm by nomoreheroes7 »


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I finally managed to migrate from BitShares 1.0 to BitShares 2.0 using the windows CLI, here is an attempt for a step by step summary that might be helpfull to others, before you follow any step in this post I would advise you to wait until someone like xeroc confirms that there is no stupid mistakes that could ruin your wallet. I'm almost clueless about what I'm doing, so USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

One more note, before I tried the CLI wallet I had failed to use openledger, in openledger I could only see my account name but no balances, after I finished the CLI import I could see my balances in openledger too and I could send funds from openledger succesfully!

Moderators feel free to Edit, Move or Delete this post.

Here are the steps that worked for me...

Download the windows CLI wallet from here


When the download is finished go to your Downloads folder like "C:\Users\Your_Username\Downloads" in Win 7 and run the downloaded file...

Have a copy of your 0.9.3c exported keys in "C:\" or anywhere you like.  (If you used the windows version of 0.9.3c you need to export the keys through the console and NOT the GUI, more info about this here

Now we need to start the witness_node and the cli_wallet, in order to save time I think it's best to create two txt files in your destop and after you enter/type what is in the picture below save the files with a .bat extension.

Always remember to run those files as Administrator, first run the witness_node.bat and wait for a few minutes until you see something like this...

Now start the cli_wallet.bat (as Administrator)

Now you will need to enter/choose a password before you can continue, choose a password and type... (DON'T FORGET THIS PASSWORD! write it down somewhere)
set_password the_password_of_your_choice (If your password has special characters in it you will probably need to enclose your pass within "" )
e.g set_password "a_password_of_your_choice%$^##@"

Now type..
unlock the_password_of_your_choice (don't forget " " if you have special characters in your password)

At this point I created a backup
save_wallet_file file_name_of_your_backup (in Windows 7 Backups are saved in C:\Program Files\BitShares 2\bin)

Now we need to follow the instructions for CLI Wallet from here scroll down until you see the CLI Section...

Remember to enclose anything that has special characters in "" e.g import_accounts "c:\keys.json" "jhsgdsajg334552725$%^%$#$"

At some point backups will be created for every key you have, In my case I had 31000 keys and this account was not used to place market orders, in this account almost 1GB of space was used! If you don't have PLENTY of GB's in your System drive, probably it could be a good idea to install the CLI wallet in a drive you have PLENTY of free space.

At the end I created one more backup..
save_wallet_file file_name_of_your_backup

At this point I could see my balances in both windows and ubuntu openledger wallet and openledger worked fine!

Don't forget to create backups!

Once again, use at your own risk!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 06:39:07 pm by chryspano »


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try enclosing you passphrase with apostrophes "asfasf"

It worked! It also works for the path if I enclose it within ""

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try enclosing you passphrase with apostrophes "asfasf"


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Didn't work, but I tried to move a copy of my keys.json file in C:\Program Files\BitShares 2\bin in order to skip the c:\ part of the path, this skiped the path problem but now something weird happens...

When I enter a wrong password with no special characters I get the "appropriate" error.
When I enter a wrong password with special characters I get a parse error this time, my password also gives me a parse error because it has special characters.

Btw when I started the wallet and I had to enter a password, I could not include a special character.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 12:09:52 am by chryspano »

Offline bytemaster

I have no succes with openledger so I gave CLI a try, I run the wallet as administrator and the keys are exported from 0.9.3c linux  but I get this error, any help?

I think the problem is the single  '\' which is ascii code 92.   Try this.

    >>> import_accounts c:\\keys.json
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I have no succes with openledger so I gave CLI a try, I run the wallet as administrator and the keys are exported from 0.9.3c linux  but I get this error, any help?