For sake of completeness

As for the accounts of your wallet, you should consider them compromised right now as they are also in the wallet file you have sent me!
This is how you can change their keys to lock me out of them again:
1) Download paperwallet Unpack zip file and open index.html in the browser
3) print TWO new key for every account
4) For each account:
a) go to the permissions page ->
active permissions and *only* add the new public keys from the paper wallet with threshold 1 (do not yet remove the other key)
b) go to the permissions page ->
owner permissions and *only* add the new public keys from the paper wallet with threshold 1 (do not yet remove the other key)
c) and click "publish changes"! (at this point I hope they GUI team has fixed a small bug that might cause a "missign authority" bug)
5) Create a new wallet in the wallet management console
6) Import all your private keys using the IMPORT KEYS tool
Make a NEW BACKUP (important step) after you have imported all keys also make sure you never forget the passphrase!!!
Your accounts should now all appear in the overview page
9) For each account, remove the keys that you don't have the keys installed in the new wallet (e.g. remove the old keys) in a similar way as described in 4.