Author Topic: Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS  (Read 35600 times)

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Offline yvv

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WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

Warren Buffet would disagree with you, and the empirical evidence that this method can work is Berkshire Hathaway.

Go tell about how your method can work to your clients. Cheers.

Offline Ander

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Bts has lost 90% 0f its value since above article was published.

Correlation is not causation. We had a marketing director, we had a merger, things got a little ugly.

If Preston Byrne had said that BTS was overhyped and was too early in its alpha stage to be worth its valuation, then he would have been correct.  Instead he posted a bearish article on BTS for reasons that were mostly wrong, but ended up being right in the sense that BTS went down.  (As have most altcoins). | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Empirical1.2

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Bts has lost 90% 0f its value since above article was published.

That guy wasn't too bright imo, I think he was mostly attacking the pegging system and that it would fail with a 50% price drop but actually it's held up very well.

Also that article was published on 17th Aug 2014, according to CMC  BTSX was at $21 million on that date and $0.01 per share, so yes a big loss since then but not 90%.

BTSX actually carried on gaining value after that and hit it's high vs. BTC on Oct 4/5th and fell once dilution became a market reality imo. (Which is what I contend started the pretty much 15 month long downtrend BTS has been on.)

« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 12:45:00 am by Empirical1.2 »
If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline Ander

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WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.

Warren Buffet would disagree with you, and the empirical evidence that this method can work is Berkshire Hathaway. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads


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Bts has lost 90% 0f its value since above article was published.

Correlation is not causation. We had a marketing director, we had a merger, things got a little ugly.

Offline neo1344

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Offline Akado

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If the focus is going to be stealth, then the development of gambling features should probably be right behind it or in parallel.  Then at least you can combine stealth and gambling and provide something potentially useful. 

Bonds, combined with a margin trading service similar to poloniex should be a priority.

Prediction markets (which is sort of like gambling but different) should be a priority.

While I have mostly given up, if BTS is going to make a recovery at some point, how it will happen is that at least one of these things is implemented and starts to get some use.  And then another of them, etc.  At this point I am beyond caring what order they are implemented but it would be nice to see at least one of them implemented ever.

Sad thing is it seems they aren't considered as a priority... | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline yvv

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Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS

You shouldn't hold it unless you want to borrow bitAsset. It is a collateral token, nothing more.

This is not true, and if it were true there would be no reason to hold BTS.

BTS also represents a share in the value of profit made from services provided by the Bitshares blockchain, such as exchange, transfers, etc.  Currently this profit doesnt exist because its speculative phase, but if it reached enough adoption to generate a profit, this profit would go to BTS holders by a dividend in the form of a reduction in the BTS supply, and thus an increase in the value of each individual BTS.

WOW! Hold the horse. There is only one correct form of dividend: putting real money into my wallet on regular schedule. All other forms of dividend is scam. BTS delivers no dividend. Zero. For this reason, it is nothing more than a collateral token. This is a good reason to keep it, but don't tell people that it is something more than it is.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 12:23:08 am by yvv »

Offline Ander

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If the focus is going to be stealth, then the development of gambling features should probably be right behind it or in parallel.  Then at least you can combine stealth and gambling and provide something potentially useful. 

Bonds, combined with a margin trading service similar to poloniex should be a priority.

Prediction markets (which is sort of like gambling but different) should be a priority.

While I have mostly given up, if BTS is going to make a recovery at some point, how it will happen is that at least one of these things is implemented and starts to get some use.  And then another of them, etc.  At this point I am beyond caring what order they are implemented but it would be nice to see at least one of them implemented ever. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Ander

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Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS

You shouldn't hold it unless you want to borrow bitAsset. It is a collateral token, nothing more.

This is not true, and if it were true there would be no reason to hold BTS.

BTS also represents a share in the value of profit made from services provided by the Bitshares blockchain, such as exchange, transfers, etc.  Currently this profit doesnt exist because its speculative phase, but if it reached enough adoption to generate a profit, this profit would go to BTS holders by a dividend in the form of a reduction in the BTS supply, and thus an increase in the value of each individual BTS. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline Akado

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In terms of easiest way for BTS to increase market value, profit & adoption right now...

1. Crypto-currency               (Remove dilution & commit to being sound money - highly unlikely.)
2. Gambling                          (Blockchain based Dice)
3. Liquid Smartcoins           (Liquidity incentives & lower fees)
4. DEX features                    (Bond Market)
5. Sports Betting                 (Prediction Market)
6. Blue Chip Stocks            (Derivatives of world's most popular stocks.)
7. STEALTH                          (More valuable when you have a popular product any of 1-5 above to apply STEALTH too.)
8. Referral Programme      (Need sellable product for referral programme to work.)
9. UIA's                                 (Counterparty and NXT currently dominate UIA's and demonstrate they don't add significantly to market value)

That's what we need. Fast. Reasons for people to use the platform. Incentives to hold BTS. Stimulate the market.

We have UIAs and like you mentioned it isn't significant at all and won't be for the next years..
We have the Referral Programme. That's something. But people will refer others to our platform and what will others do? Nothing at the moment.

So we're missing, imo, the most important and strongest tools, even from a marketing pov which we suck so bad at. Bond and Prediction Markets. I've continually stressed that but kind of feel ignored.

Onceuponatime was kind enough to pay for a feature he values. It's useful but I really don't know it's importance atm as it won't bring much utility and liquidity. It's something used sporadically so imo, not a priority.  Then because of this stuff that (once again, imo. I start feeling egoistical) is more imporant like Bond and Prediction Markets keep being pushed further and further away. THey're not even in sight at the moment. Our strongest selling points. Our most useful features. The ones that give a reason an incentive for one to hold BTS. They keep getting delayed. I'm really thankful we (most shareholders) can have a feature like STEALTH for "free" but imo that just shouldn't be a priority...

But money talks. People vote for what they want.

Still, if a voting was made at the same time for STEALTH and MAKER with bond and prediction markets I feel very confident saying bond and prediction markets would get most votes. That's what I didn't like about that, they weren't even considered for voting when they're considered a priority by many. Of course we can't do everything at the same time, but those options were simply ignored. It was either MAKER or STEALTH from the start. Why not STEALTH and BONDS or STEALTH and PMs for example. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline cass

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Cass the ruthless speculator did well though  :P

I just want to say ... i've investet 2 BTC --> 4000 ETH during the IPO sale last year!

And did sell them for approx. 19 BTC! So from the investment point of view ... ETH was a really good investment!
But i've also learned from BTS ... If i had sell my BTS last year when high .. it would be the same ...

With this revenue i can fund my next 3 month working for BTS/CNX ... so IMO good deal :)

█║▌║║█  - - -  The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear  - - -  █║▌║║█

Offline Empirical1.2

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Empirical not using empirical data.

On average before the spike up ether coin was worth .004 per btc.  At 350 dollars per btc this equates to a value of $1.4 on average for ether coin.  You have to remove the spike up datapoints because augur is not in that behavior pattern in the least bit (eg. It has not announced launch date or is even in beta testing).  Therefore it fits the former pattern and hypothesis that excludes all the run up in value due to launch date.

 +5% Good point, it could possibly be a good time to buy and you may still catch the run up in value due to launch date.

However my point still stands that the small supply of GateCoin REP will probably overvalue REP pre-launch and when the actual much larger REP supply hits the market the price will likely fall. So if you expect a launch date run up profit opportunity,  I would sell before and then buy my long term REP position after when the actual supply is on the market.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 12:08:17 am by Empirical1.2 »
If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline yvv

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Someone Give Me a Reason To Keep Holding BTS

You shouldn't hold it unless you want to borrow bitAsset. It is a collateral token, nothing more.

Offline topcandle

Empirical not using empirical data.

On average before the spike up ether coin was worth .004 per btc.  At 350 dollars per btc this equates to a value of $1.4 on average for ether coin.  You have to remove the spike up datapoints because augur is not in that behavior pattern in the least bit (eg. It has not announced launch date or is even in beta testing).  Therefore it fits the former pattern and hypothesis that excludes all the run up in value due to launch date. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads