Author Topic: [Public Testnet]  (Read 104651 times)

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  • Guest
I have a problem with interpretation of that, however I doubt that this is because disk corruption, like logs suggest.
Maybe not enough space on disk?

Try this: remove the witness_node_data_dir and object_database folders and start over.

Offline noisy

Code: [Select]
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007cfd012949b26c8a6c40d593a3f623d91f4 (actual block #1999)                   node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007d067a7b54a67501e3427d50dbfbc1ed227 (actual block #2000)                   node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] after removing all items we have already seen, item_hashes_received.size() = 0                 node.cpp:2585
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop            read_loop ] message transmission failed 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
e.block_id != block_id_type(): Empty block_id in block_database (maybe corrupt on disk?)
    th_a  block_database.cpp:141 fetch_block_id

    th_a  db_block.cpp:54 get_block_id_for_num

    th_a  application.cpp:790 get_blockchain_synopsis                   message_oriented_connection.cpp:185
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop            read_loop ] disconnected 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
e.block_id != block_id_type(): Empty block_id in block_database (maybe corrupt on disk?)
    th_a  block_database.cpp:141 fetch_block_id

    th_a  db_block.cpp:54 get_block_id_for_num

    th_a  application.cpp:790 get_blockchain_synopsis                   message_oriented_connection.cpp:202
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop on_connection_closed ] Remote peer closed their connection to us                  node.cpp:2957
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop display_current_conn ] Currently have 1 of [20/200] connections                       node.cpp:1728
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop display_current_conn ]    my id is c59d2ae291d36a09cc5727cf4412debfd535948fc6928f2faf3e0a7d398e73e823                 node.cpp:1729
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop display_current_conn ]    handshaking: with 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  [outbound]                       node.cpp:1743
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop trigger_p2p_network_ ] Triggering connect loop now                    node.cpp:985
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop schedule_peer_for_de ] scheduling peer for deletion: (this will not block)                        node.cpp:1637
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:message read_loop schedule_peer_for_de ] asyncing delayed_peer_deletion_task to delete 1 peers                  node.cpp:1642
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task delayed_peer_deletio ] beginning an iteration of delayed_peer_deletion_task with 1 in queue                  node.cpp:1601
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] calling close_connection()                    peer_connection.cpp:124
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] close_connection completed normally                   peer_connection.cpp:126
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] canceling _send_queued_messages task                  peer_connection.cpp:139
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] cancel_and_wait completed normally                    peer_connection.cpp:141
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] canceling accept_or_connect_task                      peer_connection.cpp:154
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] accept_or_connect_task completed normally                     peer_connection.cpp:156
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task   destroy_connection ] in destroy_connection() for                   message_oriented_connection.cpp:283
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task   destroy_connection ] Exception thrown while canceling message_oriented_connection's read_loop, ignoring: {"code":0,"name":"exception","message":"unspecified","stack":[{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"message_oriented_connection.cpp","line":204,"method":"read_loop","hostname":"","thread_name":"p2p","timestamp":"2016-02-03T01:38:29"},"format":"disconnected: ${e}","data":{"e":"10 assert_exception: Assert Exception\ne.block_id != block_id_type(): Empty block_id in block_database (maybe corrupt on disk?)\n    {}\n    th_a  block_database.cpp:141 fetch_block_id\n\n    {\"block_num\":0}\n    th_a  db_block.cpp:54 get_block_id_for_num\n\n    {}\n    th_a  application.cpp:790 get_blockchain_synopsis"}}]}                 message_oriented_connection.cpp:296
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task   destroy_connection ] in destroy_connection() for                   message_oriented_connection.cpp:283
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task   destroy_connection ] Exception thrown while canceling message_oriented_connection's read_loop, ignoring: {"code":0,"name":"exception","message":"unspecified","stack":[{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"message_oriented_connection.cpp","line":204,"method":"read_loop","hostname":"","thread_name":"p2p","timestamp":"2016-02-03T01:38:29"},"format":"disconnected: ${e}","data":{"e":"10 assert_exception: Assert Exception\ne.block_id != block_id_type(): Empty block_id in block_database (maybe corrupt on disk?)\n    {}\n    th_a  block_database.cpp:141 fetch_block_id\n\n    {\"block_num\":0}\n    th_a  db_block.cpp:54 get_block_id_for_num\n\n    {}\n    th_a  application.cpp:790 get_blockchain_synopsis"}}]}                 message_oriented_connection.cpp:296
2016-02-03T01:38:29 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task delayed_peer_deletio ] leaving delayed_peer_deletion_task                    node.cpp:1604
2016-02-03T01:38:32   p2p:connect_to_task           connect_to ] established outbound connection to                        peer_connection.cpp:253
2016-02-03T01:38:32   p2p:connect_to_task      connect_to_task ] Sent "hello" to peer                      node.cpp:4336
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop           on_message ] handling message hello_message_type ecf06255dd4c9559ac60ed8f40f14d1de1ae101e size 528 from peer                   node.cpp:1754
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop     on_hello_message ] Received a hello_message from peer, sending reply to accept connection                    node.cpp:2070
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop           on_message ] handling message connection_accepted_message_type 9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31 size 0 from peer                       node.cpp:1754
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_connection_accept ] Received a connection_accepted in response to my "hello" from                     node.cpp:2095
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop           on_message ] handling message address_request_message_type 9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31 size 0 from peer                   node.cpp:1754
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_address_request_m ] Received an address request message                    node.cpp:2152
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop           on_message ] handling message address_message_type c8cdb333919f75f861da5c27eacb0e490dd5f8db size 54 from peer                  node.cpp:1754
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop   on_address_message ] Received an address message containing 1 addresses                     node.cpp:2181
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop   on_address_message ] last seen 2016-02-03T01:38:36                  node.cpp:2184
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop trigger_p2p_network_ ] Triggering connect loop now                    node.cpp:985
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop fetch_next_batch_of_ ] sync: sending a request for the next items after 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to peer, (full request is [])                   node.cpp:2424
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop           on_message ] handling message current_time_request_message_type a9c590e7455b934f7057ef7d2eb0d5294de2bf1f size 8 from peer                      node.cpp:1754
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop           on_message ] handling message fetch_blockchain_item_ids_message_type caab587a9bffc5b3698c2e05cfc7a77fe605b078 size 85 from peer                        node.cpp:1754
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_fetch_blockchain_ ] sync: received a request for item ids after 0003c963c3e2e40ded830a81cc300ab6475ec6bb from peer (full request: ["0003c958adc42cc3efe4e7e57350e4d2fb623d10","0003c95e7a05007b148a20e31bf00d0b91648042","0003c961cc3af8cf1322ef1c5ea9835fd8d0c314","0003c963c3e2e40ded830a81cc300ab6475ec6bb"])                      node.cpp:2241
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_fetch_blockchain_ ] reply_message: {"total_remaining_item_count":0,"item_type":1001,"item_hashes_available":[]} fetch_blockchain_item_ids_message_received.blockchain_synopsis: ["0003c958adc42cc3efe4e7e57350e4d2fb623d10","0003c95e7a05007b148a20e31bf00d0b91648042","0003c961cc3af8cf1322ef1c5ea9835fd8d0c314","0003c963c3e2e40ded830a81cc300ab6475ec6bb"]                      node.cpp:2264
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_fetch_blockchain_ ] sync: peer is already in sync with us                  node.cpp:2283
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop           on_message ] handling message current_time_reply_message_type 255e5eb2ff190c918061df46907837e02510699f size 24 from peer                       node.cpp:1754
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop           on_message ] handling message blockchain_item_ids_inventory_message_type 90fe7a7919709a8bb314ab8a071304bd22654e04 size 40010 from peer                 node.cpp:1754
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] sync: received a list of 2000 available items from                        node.cpp:2522
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] is_first_item_for_other_peer: false.  item_hashes_received.size() = 2000                       node.cpp:2568
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000000019f4f403a2cffd9026f2fa6387cf4cf2f (actual block #1)                     node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 00000002a506a79b3549404d85beb5c418476a0d (actual block #2)                     node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:38:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 0000000319c00c322ce18137b7c2d948ff75c5e1 (actual block #3)                     node.cpp:2581


2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007caa321ebb49d677fbcf4d8afe384c7b00b (actual block #1994)               node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007cbc491a6f7d747983b11e9126652d18f04 (actual block #1995)               node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007ccc3d140a6faf1e011b50fbaf940e4d89d (actual block #1996)               node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007cda8361738f0dcff6ca291eb66a109ea6a (actual block #1997)               node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007ce9c370aaf8ccf5dd7d71a4b9eec4df13a (actual block #1998)               node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007cfd012949b26c8a6c40d593a3f623d91f4 (actual block #1999)               node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] popping item because delegate has already seen it.  peer's last block the delegate has seen is now 000007d067a7b54a67501e3427d50dbfbc1ed227 (actual block #2000)               node.cpp:2581
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_blockchain_item_i ] after removing all items we have already seen, item_hashes_received.size() = 0                 node.cpp:2585
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop            read_loop ] message transmission failed 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
e.block_id != block_id_type(): Empty block_id in block_database (maybe corrupt on disk?)
    th_a  block_database.cpp:141 fetch_block_id

    th_a  db_block.cpp:54 get_block_id_for_num

    th_a  application.cpp:790 get_blockchain_synopsis                   message_oriented_connection.cpp:185
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop            read_loop ] disconnected 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
e.block_id != block_id_type(): Empty block_id in block_database (maybe corrupt on disk?)
    th_a  block_database.cpp:141 fetch_block_id

    th_a  db_block.cpp:54 get_block_id_for_num

    th_a  application.cpp:790 get_blockchain_synopsis                   message_oriented_connection.cpp:202
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop on_connection_closed ] Remote peer closed their connection to us                 node.cpp:2957
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop display_current_conn ] Currently have 0 of [20/200] connections                       node.cpp:1728
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop display_current_conn ]    my id is c59d2ae291d36a09cc5727cf4412debfd535948fc6928f2faf3e0a7d398e73e823                 node.cpp:1729
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop trigger_p2p_network_ ] Triggering connect loop now                    node.cpp:985
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop schedule_peer_for_de ] scheduling peer for deletion: (this will not block)                       node.cpp:1637
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:message read_loop schedule_peer_for_de ] asyncing delayed_peer_deletion_task to delete 1 peers                  node.cpp:1642
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task delayed_peer_deletio ] beginning an iteration of delayed_peer_deletion_task with 1 in queue                  node.cpp:1601
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] calling close_connection()                    peer_connection.cpp:124
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] close_connection completed normally                   peer_connection.cpp:126
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] canceling _send_queued_messages task                  peer_connection.cpp:139
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] cancel_and_wait completed normally                    peer_connection.cpp:141
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] canceling accept_or_connect_task                      peer_connection.cpp:154
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task              destroy ] accept_or_connect_task completed normally                     peer_connection.cpp:156
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task   destroy_connection ] in destroy_connection() for                   message_oriented_connection.cpp:283
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task   destroy_connection ] Exception thrown while canceling message_oriented_connection's read_loop, ignoring: {"code":0,"name":"exception","message":"unspecified","stack":[{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"message_oriented_connection.cpp","line":204,"method":"read_loop","hostname":"","thread_name":"p2p","timestamp":"2016-02-03T01:36:32"},"format":"disconnected: ${e}","data":{"e":"10 assert_exception: Assert Exception\ne.block_id != block_id_type(): Empty block_id in block_database (maybe corrupt on disk?)\n    {}\n    th_a  block_database.cpp:141 fetch_block_id\n\n    {\"block_num\":0}\n    th_a  db_block.cpp:54 get_block_id_for_num\n\n    {}\n    th_a  application.cpp:790 get_blockchain_synopsis"}}]}                     message_oriented_connection.cpp:296
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task   destroy_connection ] in destroy_connection() for                   message_oriented_connection.cpp:283
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task   destroy_connection ] Exception thrown while canceling message_oriented_connection's read_loop, ignoring: {"code":0,"name":"exception","message":"unspecified","stack":[{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"message_oriented_connection.cpp","line":204,"method":"read_loop","hostname":"","thread_name":"p2p","timestamp":"2016-02-03T01:36:32"},"format":"disconnected: ${e}","data":{"e":"10 assert_exception: Assert Exception\ne.block_id != block_id_type(): Empty block_id in block_database (maybe corrupt on disk?)\n    {}\n    th_a  block_database.cpp:141 fetch_block_id\n\n    {\"block_num\":0}\n    th_a  db_block.cpp:54 get_block_id_for_num\n\n    {}\n    th_a  application.cpp:790 get_blockchain_synopsis"}}]}                     message_oriented_connection.cpp:296
2016-02-03T01:36:32 p2p:delayed_peer_deletion_task delayed_peer_deletio ] leaving delayed_peer_deletion_task                    node.cpp:1604

I have a problem with interpratation of that, however I doubt that this is because disk corruption, like logs suggest.
Take a look on:,19625.msg251894.html - I have a crazy idea - lets convince cryptonomex developers to use

Offline abit

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  • BitShares: abit
  • GitHub: abitmore
Check p2p.log.
Looks like you haven't connected to other nodes.
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline noisy

Connect a CLI wallet to it and you can check the status by command "info".

Code: [Select]
bitshares@tardis:~/graphene-testnet$ programs/cli_wallet/cli_wallet --wallet-file my-wallet.json -s ws:// -H -r
Logging RPC to file: logs/rpc/rpc.log
1083490ms th_a       main.cpp:117                  main                 ] key_to_wif( committee_private_key ): 5KCBDTcyDqzsqehcb52tW5nU6pXife6V2rX9Yf7c3saYSzbDZ5W
1083490ms th_a       main.cpp:121                  main                 ] nathan_pub_key: TEST6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
1083490ms th_a       main.cpp:122                  main                 ] key_to_wif( nathan_private_key ): 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
1083491ms th_a       main.cpp:169                  main                 ] wdata.ws_server: ws://
1083492ms th_a       main.cpp:174                  main                 ] wdata.ws_user:  wdata.ws_password: 
1083496ms th_a       wallet.cpp:752                load_wallet_file     ] Could not find account 1.2.143 : "issuer" does not exist on the chain!
1083496ms th_a       main.cpp:215                  main                 ] Listening for incoming RPC requests on
1083496ms th_a       main.cpp:240                  main                 ] Listening for incoming HTTP RPC requests on
1083496ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:getline tid:140593050920704
unlocked >>> info
  "head_block_num": 0,
  "head_block_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "head_block_age": "16 days old",
  "next_maintenance_time": "46 years ago",
  "chain_id": "39f5e2ede1f8bc1a3a54a7914414e3779e33193f1f5693510e73cb7a87617447",
  "participation": "100.00000000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [
  "active_committee_members": []

my witness id is 1.6.13, which is not available here... but if I use ws://

Code: [Select]
bitshares@tardis:~/graphene-testnet$ programs/cli_wallet/cli_wallet --wallet-file my-wallet.json -s ws:// -H -r
Logging RPC to file: logs/rpc/rpc.log
1134303ms th_a       main.cpp:117                  main                 ] key_to_wif( committee_private_key ): 5KCBDTcyDqzsqehcb52tW5nU6pXife6V2rX9Yf7c3saYSzbDZ5W
1134303ms th_a       main.cpp:121                  main                 ] nathan_pub_key: TEST6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
1134303ms th_a       main.cpp:122                  main                 ] key_to_wif( nathan_private_key ): 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
1134303ms th_a       main.cpp:169                  main                 ] wdata.ws_server: ws://
1134322ms th_a       main.cpp:174                  main                 ] wdata.ws_user:  wdata.ws_password: 
1134389ms th_a       wallet.cpp:761                load_wallet_file     ] Account 1.2.143 : "issuer" updated on chain
1134389ms th_a       main.cpp:215                  main                 ] Listening for incoming RPC requests on
1134389ms th_a       main.cpp:240                  main                 ] Listening for incoming HTTP RPC requests on
1134390ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:getline tid:139910882080512
unlocked >>> info
  "head_block_num": 247953,
  "head_block_id": "0003c891857b50cfc639183eb1fa285dcfd0f82e",
  "head_block_age": "3 seconds in the future",
  "next_maintenance_time": "23 hours in the future",
  "chain_id": "39f5e2ede1f8bc1a3a54a7914414e3779e33193f1f5693510e73cb7a87617447",
  "participation": "90.62500000000000000",
  "active_witnesses": [
  "active_committee_members": [

Take a look on:,19625.msg251894.html - I have a crazy idea - lets convince cryptonomex developers to use

Offline abit

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* You need to either set signing key and witness id in config.ini, or add them as parameters of startup command. See
I think I have already did that:

* Don't use "--enable-stale-production"

Ok, now I have something like that. Is it downloading old blocks or what exactly is happening?

Connect a CLI wallet to it and you can check the status by command "info".
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline noisy

* You need to either set signing key and witness id in config.ini, or add them as parameters of startup command. See
I think I have already did that:

* Don't use "--enable-stale-production"

Ok, now I have something like that. Is it downloading old blocks or what exactly is happening?

Take a look on:,19625.msg251894.html - I have a crazy idea - lets convince cryptonomex developers to use

Offline abit

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OK, me witness appear in among witnesses:

however it seems, that it is not producing any blocks.

any suggestions? Previously I had a lot of information in my logs, that other witnesses produced new block. Right now my witness seems to be stuck :(

* Don't use "--enable-stale-production"
* You need to either set signing key and witness id in config.ini, or add them as parameters of startup command. See
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline noisy

OK, me witness appear in among witnesses:

however it seems, that it is not producing any blocks.

any suggestions? Previously I had a lot of information in my logs, that other witnesses produced new block. Right now my witness seems to be stuck :(
Take a look on:,19625.msg251894.html - I have a crazy idea - lets convince cryptonomex developers to use

Offline abit

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Ask xeroc for funds. Ask xeroc for electing your witnesses so that you can publish price feeds.
Those two can be done even without xeroc's help - each new account in the web GUI is well funded by default.
Not enough.
Xeroc votes with 9.8 billion for his own witnesses (from the faucet account). Every new account get funded with 1 million only. Unless you create 10K accounts and all vote for your witness. You can try create 5K accounts (with a script maybe) so your combined voting power will be higher than faucet.
Or maybe you only need to vote for all current active witnesses + your witness, so the total number of active witnesses will increase by 1, so you're voted in?

//Update: init9 is voted in with 0 votes, so there is at least one witness position available in testnet. However I think it's best if at least 3 witnesses provide price feeds to a MPA.
you don't need witnesses to run feeds .. you can do this with privatized bitassets as well ..
In my testnet I created a privatized bitasset and transferred it to committee-account, so it become a public smart coin. I think this is what @noisy wants -- let the testnet look more like the real one.
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit


  • Guest
Identified testnet GUI problems:
- the Settings pop-up does not work (see the screen-shot for details)
- ugly scroll bars on the DEX page (even in Chrome) 

Offline xeroc

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I assume you're building with "npm run build" and hosting with nginx or Apache? Shouldn't need to do anything other than that.
exactly that .. (with nginx/passenger and ruby for faucet)

Here, the testnet works almost flawlessly. The only issue I see is that the equivalent price is not shown and the fee schedule in the explorer is "empty"

Offline svk

I think you haven't copied some js widgets for the testnet web GUI.
As a result, some features are malfunctioning e.g. the settings pop-up for the price history chart does not work.

with the missing file here:
Interesting. I though those would be installed automatically by `npm` .. @svk: do you know more?

I'm not sure what that widget is for but it seems to be related to the Electron build, so it's no problem that it's missing.

I assume you're building with "npm run build" and hosting with nginx or Apache? Shouldn't need to do anything other than that.
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks


  • Guest
I think I added witness called "issuer", but it is not appear on, but I still have Votes: 0.

Should I do something more or a committee member has to vote for this witness?

The witnesses can be voted in by anybody, no committee member needs to be involved.
Next vote update is in 12 hours, we need to wait till then to see the votes supporting your witness applied.


  • Guest
I think you haven't copied some js widgets for the testnet web GUI.
As a result, some features are malfunctioning e.g. the settings pop-up for the price history chart does not work.

with the missing file here:
Interesting. I though those would be installed automatically by `npm` .. @svk: do you know more?

That would also explain my general impression that the testnet GUI gets stuck due to unhandled exceptions (and needs reloading) much more frequently than the live one.

Offline xeroc

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Ask xeroc for funds. Ask xeroc for electing your witnesses so that you can publish price feeds.
Those two can be done even without xeroc's help - each new account in the web GUI is well funded by default.
Not enough.
Xeroc votes with 9.8 billion for his own witnesses (from the faucet account). Every new account get funded with 1 million only. Unless you create 10K accounts and all vote for your witness. You can try create 5K accounts (with a script maybe) so your combined voting power will be higher than faucet.
Or maybe you only need to vote for all current active witnesses + your witness, so the total number of active witnesses will increase by 1, so you're voted in?

//Update: init9 is voted in with 0 votes, so there is at least one witness position available in testnet. However I think it's best if at least 3 witnesses provide price feeds to a MPA.
you don't need witnesses to run feeds .. you can do this with privatized bitassets as well ..