Market cap of crypto token is one meaningless number.
Not when you depend on it to develop, grow and succeed. Once again people seem to forget who pays for development. If someone needs $50k to develop something at these prices, it will cost the chain 3x more BTS than if the price was at one cent. At the ath of 5cents or with a marketcap similar to what ethereum currently has, we would pay x16 times less!
It matters, whether you want it to or not. We got extremely lucky to have onceuponatime to pay 50k of his own pocket to develop a feature. What would you think it would happen if it was the chain who paid for it?
What do you think it will happen if we keep getting more and more worker proposals? What if we have a total of $100k, $200k? On one side is good we will have development. On the other side, it's not so good because we're walking that thin line at the moment. Too many worker proposals will get BTS diluted which was what caused this whole spiral all the way down.
The fact the chain can pay for development, which really is all of us, doesn't mean we have an infinite amount of money to fund whatever we want. Price matters in BTS because it's directly involved with it's own development.
You dont get worker proposals, you don't get development
You get too many or fail to manage them and it will go down since people hate the idea of dilution and already had a bad experience with it.
BitShares has to walk that thin line until we get to higher levels and we have more money for development. The good news is, if we succeed and go to way higher levels sometime in the future, then we will be able to have even more development made.
Just don't say marketcap is a meaningless number, not for BTS. It depends on it to survive. Unless you can assure me you can find more people like onceuponatime, willing to put money from their own pocket, which was something very very critical at this phase we're in. It was a one in a million luck shot we had. At least that's how I see it. At this moment - even though I don't agree it's the feature that should be developed - it was one of the best things that could have happened to BitShares.
Even with FBAs I doubt shareholders have much more money to throw at it, after all they've been through.