please notice what I say
why not after you do good effort and wait btser to vote . I think if you do really useful work to bts, they must vote support to your worker.
then please explain to me what alt / baozi is doing just now. I certainly does not recognize any value brought to the ecosystem.

If this goes on .. and more shareholders support him .. he could essential force the network to stand still in development ..
the information I get :
btser that oppose dilution proxy to baozi ,
it is reasonable , many of them do not know code , so they really does not know what the developer do , so they just consider the result (price )
though many people oppose, 1.14.17; 1.14.16; 1.14.30 are getting paid,
because others saw the really works developer do , like UI developing ,
though some oppose ,most of btser saw the hard works , so they can get paid
so I think :
I think if you do really useful work to bts, they must vote support to your worker.