If you 're so certain the small amount of dilution we're currently spending to get all this accomplished will be worse than taking the hard-line, absolute zero dilution position, then show us your data that makes your case. Stop claiming you know it will hurt our rep AND marketcap despite the evidence to the contrary that others can dilute FAR more and grow. Show us the numbers that prove your point and we will listen.
Actually BTS has grossly underperformed the market since dilution was introduced despite spending much more on development than 90% of our competitors and despite the quality of that development being among the best, when you take into account how much money many cryptos spent on POW during that time, BTS under-performance is even more remarkable.
Even competitors like NXT with poor initial distribution, unpopular POS and no dilution since we started diluting (& spent CNX money on Graphene) are worth just 20% less than BTS.
This does not prove dilution for development is negative, but perhaps that the current model of dilution is bad and/or that BM/CNX, while among the best developers are not the best at understanding what the blockchain market needs.
My impression is that some are upset that CNX has yet to deliver users/revenue/profit but constantly seeks to justify continued dilution to sustain relatively high cost development mostly in the areas they prefer while chastizing 'speculators' for not giving them the long term resources to continue down this road.
As you say a lot of the pieces of the puzzle are in place and personally I believe if we adopt a system that allows the network or a BTS fund to sell BitAssets, perhaps with a daily limit at 1-1, our fortunes could rapidly change.
While BM is pushing for max 5BTS/Sec dilution with this post
http://bytemaster.github.io/article/2016/02/09/The-Currency-Distribution-Problem/I think a lower but locked in max rate may be optimal, if CNX need more than that they will have to look to FBA's/Be more frugal/Raise the value of BTS. A lower max rate which is 'locked in' as much as possible may give the market more certainty, stability, confidence and trust that BTS isn't simply there to maintain CNX with $X per year regardless of the value they add to the share price or users they bring in. (I also like that if you google 'currency distribution' that blog post is a first page result, for me anyway.)
Personally I'm fairly interested in DECRED which attempts to allow more consensus on changes than BTC but locks in its supply structure via the DECRED constitution
https://wiki.decred.org/Decred_Constitution which is what I advocated for BTS back in the day -
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,10828.0.html. Also unlike BTC, 10% of the block subsidy goes to a development organisation
in order for it to be self funding. So we'll see how that does.