Author Topic: [ANN] [STEEM] Introducing Steem, Looking for Witnesses / Miners  (Read 154875 times)

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Offline xeroc

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what's the account name?
Since the webpage is not open source, I can't really tell what it is doing in that case .. maybe @valzav can help

Offline Tuck Fheman

Hey @xeroc @bytemaster

I think I just really messed up. Is there any way to recover a password on Steemit? 

I setup an account for someone else and before I transfer it to them I wanted to change the password from it being the private key to the BitShares account I created the Steem account with. The problem is, I was using KeyPass to keep track of these passwords and it clears the clipboard after 12 seconds. I still had the private key as the main "Password" in KeyPass and was setting up a new stored field for the new password which I generated from elsewhere within KeyPass and thought I had pasted it and clicked OK. It turns out, it did not paste and the field is empty and I have already updated the "Owner" password with it on Steemit and now cannot login to the account.

Is there anything I can do?  Thanks!

I can't believe I did that. I've been very good about passwords in my online history and I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've boneheaded my way out of access to an account. I even had the new password pasted into a text file, but closed and did not save because I thought I had it saved in KeyPass prior to that. I really feel stupid at this point, but I will never be sure I've saved a password again unless I see it saved. lesson learned. :(

If nothing else, since this was just setup and I've yet to email Mr. Carreras, I guess I can just redo it all under a new account, but any funds going to the current post will be lost forever I presume, so I need to know pretty fast before others upvote that post so I can make a new one and prevent funds needlessly going to an account that no one can access. - The Largest Cryptocurrency Freeroll Poker Site in the World!

Offline Tuck Fheman

Why didn't my evil twins tell me Steem was a social media platform, sooner? Is this forum even relevant any longer? Why am I still here?

Update : Question ... how can us morons who use Windows vest more STEEM (after the 100 for account registration) without creating another account for 100 OPEN.STEEM?  Say I want to Vest 200 STEEM (using OPEN.STEEM), what are my options as a Windows user?

Answer: You upgrade to the latest BitShares wallet and withdraw OPEN.STEEM, then on move it to vesting balance.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 10:01:15 am by Tuck Fheman » - The Largest Cryptocurrency Freeroll Poker Site in the World!

Offline nextgencrypto

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Hi all-

I have set up a witness node located in Los Angeles, California that includes DDOS protection, automatic backups, and can easily be scaled up to meet the needs of the network.
Being one of the top public VEST holders, I am committed to providing long-term support to the STEEM network and am fortunate enough to have plenty of time to react to updates and other situations as needed. Additional plans to support STEEM will be announced shortly.

Account: nextgencrypto
Seed URL:

To vote in support of my witness, please use the following command: vote_for_witness youraccount nextgencrypto true true

Thank you in advance for your support!

Everything's up and running smoothly after the update last night!  I'm in for the long haul and would appreciate the communities support!

To vote in support of my witness, please use the following command: vote_for_witness youraccount nextgencrypto true true

Offline liondani

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Witness: liondani and seed node (based in Switzerland & Germany) are updated to the latest STEEM release.

I am running the following witness node:

  • Witness Name: liondani
  • Witness Node IP: CONFIDENTIAL
  • Seed Node IP & Port:

I can scale up all seed node and witness resources on demand in real time very quick.

witness node located in Germany:
CPU: six cores, 30 GB RAM, 2000 GB disk space, SSD boost, UNLIMITED traffic

seed node located in Switzerland:
CPU: four cores, 8 GB RAM, 2000 GB disk space, SSD, UNLIMITED traffic

About me:

Member of the bitshares community from the early days
Delegate on bts1
Seed nodes running for bts1,bts2
Worker delegate and support for bts Developer James Calfee

and so it begun...,6406.0.html

Please vote
Please vote for my witness:

vote_for_witness youraccountname liondani  true true

will update with more details the next days.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

DataSecurityNode witness updated with the latest version and upgraded to new dedicated server.

Vote! :D
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Offline wackou

witness wackou and seed node updated to latest master
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at


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Seed and Witness nodes have been updated to the latest code on "git checkout master"

Offline pc

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Steem witness xeldal and seed node updated to latest master.

"steem_revision": "3bb37ad275d35f1cb9181beb0d8773fb137e023a"

Offline cube

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Witness bitcube and seed nodes are updated to the latest STEEM release.

Please vote for witness bitcube.  I appreciate your kind support!

Seed node:

Edit: Updated again to latest

Code: [Select]
  "client_version": "unknown",
  "steem_revision": "3bb37ad275d35f1cb9181beb0d8773fb137e023a",
  "steem_revision_age": "3 hours ago",
  "fc_revision": "b34e8584ae8f2667dcdfa5b53b1a372fe2c41a89",
« Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 05:48:38 pm by cube »
ID: bitcube
bitcube is a dedicated witness and committe member. Please vote for bitcube.

Offline Bhuz

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« Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 11:14:10 am by Bhuz »

Offline pc

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Bitcoin - Perspektive oder Risiko? ISBN 978-3-8442-6568-2

Offline puppies

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My witness node is updated and ready to go.  I will have my seed node updated as well before the fork. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads