I thought the point of Steem was to attract users to trade a hot new token on OpenLedger, and they just use Bittrex instead? 
What do you mean "they" just use Bittrex instead? Do you understand that any exchange can list any token at any time, as long as the blockchain is launched? All an exchange has to do is have a wallet, enable deposit and withdraw in their UI, and issue an IOU token on their platform. There's nothing the devs of a token can do about it. Having said that, it's hard to understand how OpenLedger was beaten to the punch by Bittrex.
Data Security Node, [04.04.16 18:50]
Steem will soon be available on BitShares in this market.
https://bitshares.openledger.info/#/market/OPEN.BTC_OPEN.STEEMThis exchange pair is brought to you by Open Ledger (aka. CCEDK).
If you want to trade for FIAT you can also trade this pair:
https://bitshares.openledger.info/#/market/OPEN.USD_OPEN.STEEMYou can place bids in these markets while we wait for Open Ledger to enable STEEM deposits / withdraws.
Data Security Node, [04.04.16 19:07]
any takers?
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,22139.0.htmlData Security Node, [04.04.16 19:23]
@ronnyb can't you get your video guy on this?
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:24]
already posted this to him
Data Security Node, [04.04.16 19:24]
getting in on the ground floor of a new currency like this is HUGE
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:24]
and I may have one or two more videos in my pacj´kage deal, this one is definitely worth working on
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:25]
but could be nice to have someone put together the information needed in it
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:25]
it could help him get done sooner
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:26]
it seems april will be a big month
Data Security Node, [04.04.16 19:26]
if he needs help can you hire someone else to help him?
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:26]
STEEM, LISK, Synereo, DGD(Digix) as open assets
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:27]
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:27]
I dont need to hire anyone else, he will fin out
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:27]
I am only saying if someone feels they have the golden thread of making sure all ins there
Data Security Node, [04.04.16 19:30]
sorry.. but when something is important to my business.. I hire and pay someone to get the job done.. all those other coins already has their ICOs.. all the volume passed.. this is volume IN FRONT OF US.. I am urging you to PLEASE treat this with some urgency and make sure this gets all the attention it deserves.. ultimately though it's your business
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:31]
why U think I dont want this
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:32]
I have already been asked for creasting media attention for this, and why should I hire someone if I have a contract for similar already
Data Security Node, [04.04.16 19:32]
because you are in here pandering for free help instead of putting hard resources behind it
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:32]
u think I am asking for free help, so far I have not received anything for free in here
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:33]
except stupid comments
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:33]
anything lese is paid for whenever a job is done
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:33]
I even paid 100k bts in order foryou to go online in daily decryupt
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:33]
how much did you pay
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:34]
what i am saying is, I ask but that is not the same like I ont pay
Data Security Node, [04.04.16 19:36]
Like I said.. its your business.. there is no room for delays on this... its your call
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:37]
everything has its prize, some o it for free, some dont even o it for money, some do it simply to support an idea, and those people needs rewarded, because thjose people are eventyually what makes this kind of project worthwhile. So I pay for whatever I have had done, and I am paying for this one also. I didnt really need you to tell me, but I guess you felt it was soemthing I did not know about, Well i did
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:37]
no delays indeed, its not the same as most important in this world
J St, [04.04.16 19:37]
Ronny try not to be defensive this could increase openledger buyback by 10x in one month
J St, [04.04.16 19:37]
I mean in the first month
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:38]
yes, and I will do all I can, as I have already posted, but sorry, the guy is sleeping
J St, [04.04.16 19:38]
STEEM with the right captain may be as big as bitshares
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:38]
I am going to deal with it, its just that its strange that anyone here thinks I will not act on it
J St, [04.04.16 19:39]
Poloniex became the biggest exchange because of ethereum, if this guy lists points of what he is going to do this could be huge
J St, [04.04.16 19:39]
I understand your position but Data Security Node is just trying to help
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:39]
why should I not, the guy is adding Steem to Open assest
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:39]
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:39]
so ofcourse it has top piority
J St, [04.04.16 19:40]
Ok perfect
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:40]
it is one of those things that I am constantly working for
J St, [04.04.16 19:40]
In this scenario time is of the essence
J St, [04.04.16 19:40]
Sorry to reiterate
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:40]
in any scernario
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:41]
np, I may have come out to hard o you data
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:41]
but its just becasue I care for all i do
J St, [04.04.16 19:42]
It takes a great man to admit when he is wrong
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:42]
and sometimes I feel nobody udnerstands how much
Ronny Boesing, [04.04.16 19:42]