Author Topic: Unclear future, missed opportunities  (Read 24629 times)

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Offline giant middle finger

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I think the future is pretty clear for BTS:

1. work out the kinks with Steem
2. merge best parts of steem + BTS into a next generation DEX
3. sharedrop + dev allocation

It is just a much longer roadmap.

This may be another case of people misinterpreting what is said, but what do you mean by a "next generation DEX", are you still adding to the existing one?

Also having to keep track and even more tokens is one thing that is frustrating about BitShares. Ethereum is not doing this - there is just Ether.

Yo, the token selection is a selling point, all we need is stealth, liquidity incentives, and bond market, all of which will be much easier to purchase when Dan's hourly rate goes down after he tires of wrenching on STEEM.

Have patience and enjoy the cheap shares in the meantime.

Offline Tuck Fheman

Also having to keep track and even more tokens is one thing that is frustrating about BitShares. Ethereum is not doing this - there is just Ether.

Are you saying my "UNICORNS" aren't real?

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Offline speedy

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I think the future is pretty clear for BTS:

1. work out the kinks with Steem
2. merge best parts of steem + BTS into a next generation DEX
3. sharedrop + dev allocation

It is just a much longer roadmap.

This may be another case of people misinterpreting what is said, but what do you mean by a "next generation DEX", are you still adding to the existing one?

Also having to keep track and even more tokens is one thing that is frustrating about BitShares. Ethereum is not doing this - there is just Ether.

Offline nomoreheroes7

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I think the future is pretty clear for BTS:

1. work out the kinks with Steem
2. merge best parts of steem + BTS into a next generation DEX
3. sharedrop + dev allocation

It is just a much longer roadmap.

But...but...that could take weeks!


Offline bytemaster

I think the future is pretty clear for BTS:

1. work out the kinks with Steem
2. merge best parts of steem + BTS into a next generation DEX
3. sharedrop + dev allocation

It is just a much longer roadmap.

For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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The future is uncertain indeed, however I can't see a clear direction, neither bad or good. Bitshares is the definition of an actual decentralized experiment (I don't consider Bitcoin an experiment anymore).

We have many problems and we are trying solve them all at the same time, which is pretty damn hard. At the same time we can't even fund the people that are working for our blockchain, so what would you expect? We have a long way to go and 6 months are not enough.

Offline lil_jay890

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we really just need a big boom in market cap and more money sloshing around our exchanges. we'll get there. i trade on the DEX daily to provide liquidity and i love it. i see it as a matter of time before we start getting some bigger money investors into the project. the big market downturns in BTS sure do suck, though...

Being so levered to Poloniex margin trading is probably what causes most of this... just look at some of the common moves in their popular coins.  hundreds of percentage moves based on little news.  It's all trader positioning

Offline yvv

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It saddens me that, at some point, it became acceptable to use centralized UIAs instead of Smartcoins, re-introducing the counterparty risk that was so hailed against before.

We can't get rid of these centralized UIAs. We need to trade them against BTS to keep Smartcoins pegged to underlying assets.

Offline cylonmaker2053

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we really just need a big boom in market cap and more money sloshing around our exchanges. we'll get there. i trade on the DEX daily to provide liquidity and i love it. i see it as a matter of time before we start getting some bigger money investors into the project. the big market downturns in BTS sure do suck, though...

Offline pam2

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the filled orders per day has been steadily climbing over recent weeks.  Transfers have also been increasing, but not at the same pace.

What say you Ken? Aren't you about to launch a new version of the POS that uses Smartcoins? Isn't this something to celebrate in regards to adoption of Smartcoins vs. UIAs?

BitShares Munich has hired Maurits and Valentin (lin9uxis) to build and run bots on bitCAD, bitEUR and bitSILVER markets.
We also update the OPENPOS thread almost daily with new milestones and apps we are building. Now that we are starting to get investors backing us, we are slowly expanding our team with devs for graphene, stealth (and blinded tx to start out with), bond market, scheduled and recurring payments, margin trading, rate limited free transactions, more POS system integrations, more mobile wallets (native), decentralized media (using ipfs, webrtc and such) and of course Echo which you will also find in the projects thread. Tons of work to do yet, but this is all stuff you guys have been requesting (me too!). So any of you guys sitting around complaining that you're not getting rich, please find something productive to do with what we have, or start building something yourself, or hell just hire people that are smarter than you are. Investors love what we are doing and they will love you too if you just get busy. /rant

 +5% +5% +5% no complaint!...We have everything to make our lifes better. This is everybody second chance.

Offline Tuck Fheman - The Largest Cryptocurrency Freeroll Poker Site in the World!

Offline kenCode

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the filled orders per day has been steadily climbing over recent weeks.  Transfers have also been increasing, but not at the same pace.

What say you Ken? Aren't you about to launch a new version of the POS that uses Smartcoins? Isn't this something to celebrate in regards to adoption of Smartcoins vs. UIAs?

BitShares Munich has hired Maurits and Valentin (lin9uxis) to build and run bots on bitCAD, bitEUR and bitSILVER markets.
We also update the OPENPOS thread almost daily with new milestones and apps we are building. Now that we are starting to get investors backing us, we are slowly expanding our team with devs for graphene, stealth (and blinded tx to start out with), bond market, scheduled and recurring payments, margin trading, rate limited free transactions, more POS system integrations, more mobile wallets (native), decentralized media (using ipfs, webrtc and such) and of course Echo which you will also find in the projects thread. Tons of work to do yet, but this is all stuff you guys have been requesting (me too!). So any of you guys sitting around complaining that you're not getting rich, please find something productive to do with what we have, or start building something yourself, or hell just hire people that are smarter than you are. Investors love what we are doing and they will love you too if you just get busy. /rant
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline Pheonike

It saddens me to see that after half a year since the 2.0 launch there is still no possibility for privacy.

It saddens me that there are so little options and in so little currencies to get in and out of bitshares.

It saddens me that, at some point, it became acceptable to use centralized UIAs instead of Smartcoins, re-introducing the counterparty risk that was so hailed against before.

It saddens me that simple UI bugs such as the equivalent in FIAT being outrageously wrong in many cases (and what's up with the N/As?), or hovering the mouse near the ok at the lower right corner shows a "blockchain is synced" (something to that extent) message even though right next to it there's a giant red warning saying the blockchain isn't synced. .. or the horrible loop of "Application initialization issues" .. with zero visual feedback and zero error messages to help troubleshoot (was it a connect timeout? was it a socket read/write timeout? did dns resolution fail?)

..that good suggestions (,21908.0.html) for UI improvement go unanswered.

..that simple bugs (,21053.msg272866.html#msg272866) go unresolved, and end up yielding what is essentially a 100% linux-based network ..

.. that access to the forum is made unecessarily difficult for privacy-conscious users ..,21695.msg290904.html

.. that, while in the subject of privacy, zero effort has been put forth to implement proxying support in the light client .. coupled with the absolute lack of financial privacy in the platform, and considering that at this stage most bitshares users are necessarily crypto enthusiasts, I'd bet this is keeping thousands of users at bay ..

Bitshares could be THE platform for FOREX trading, yet Smartcoins mostly go unused.
.. and the absolute lack of privacy will keep most traders at bay.

Bitshares could be THE platform for DIY banking, yet Smartcoins mostly go unused.
.. and the absolute lack of privacy will keep most users at bay.

All these ideas and suggestions being thrown around here... and all this time, I ask myself... does it really have to be any more complicated than allowing traders, savers and investors to manage their own finances without the need for a third party, and do so privately ?

The banks have failed us. Bitshares could've been the answer. Unfortunately, it appears to drift further and further away from that every month ..

Increasingly I find the prospect of a future powered by Bitshares, Smartcoin-backed debit cards, FOREX trading on the DEX, and Smartcoin-backed online payments, remote..

And that's a damn shame.

It is always the darkest hour before the break of dawn.

 +5% +5% +5% :'(

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

While I agree with you, that phrase has been making the rounds on this forum for the last year and a half.

As a positive though, the filled orders per day has been steadily climbing over recent weeks.  Transfers have also been increasing, but not at the same pace.

@kenCode What say you Ken? Aren't you about to launch a new version of the POS that uses Smartcoins? Isn't this something to celebrate in regards to adoption of Smartcoins vs. UIAs?

You can see the horizon ahead when you got your sites set on the ground in front of you.
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Offline lil_jay890

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It saddens me to see that after half a year since the 2.0 launch there is still no possibility for privacy.

It saddens me that there are so little options and in so little currencies to get in and out of bitshares.

It saddens me that, at some point, it became acceptable to use centralized UIAs instead of Smartcoins, re-introducing the counterparty risk that was so hailed against before.

It saddens me that simple UI bugs such as the equivalent in FIAT being outrageously wrong in many cases (and what's up with the N/As?), or hovering the mouse near the ok at the lower right corner shows a "blockchain is synced" (something to that extent) message even though right next to it there's a giant red warning saying the blockchain isn't synced. .. or the horrible loop of "Application initialization issues" .. with zero visual feedback and zero error messages to help troubleshoot (was it a connect timeout? was it a socket read/write timeout? did dns resolution fail?)

..that good suggestions (,21908.0.html) for UI improvement go unanswered.

..that simple bugs (,21053.msg272866.html#msg272866) go unresolved, and end up yielding what is essentially a 100% linux-based network ..

.. that access to the forum is made unecessarily difficult for privacy-conscious users ..,21695.msg290904.html

.. that, while in the subject of privacy, zero effort has been put forth to implement proxying support in the light client .. coupled with the absolute lack of financial privacy in the platform, and considering that at this stage most bitshares users are necessarily crypto enthusiasts, I'd bet this is keeping thousands of users at bay ..

Bitshares could be THE platform for FOREX trading, yet Smartcoins mostly go unused.
.. and the absolute lack of privacy will keep most traders at bay.

Bitshares could be THE platform for DIY banking, yet Smartcoins mostly go unused.
.. and the absolute lack of privacy will keep most users at bay.

All these ideas and suggestions being thrown around here... and all this time, I ask myself... does it really have to be any more complicated than allowing traders, savers and investors to manage their own finances without the need for a third party, and do so privately ?

The banks have failed us. Bitshares could've been the answer. Unfortunately, it appears to drift further and further away from that every month ..

Increasingly I find the prospect of a future powered by Bitshares, Smartcoin-backed debit cards, FOREX trading on the DEX, and Smartcoin-backed online payments, remote..

And that's a damn shame.

It is always the darkest hour before the break of dawn.

While I agree with you, that phrase has been making the rounds on this forum for the last year and a half.

As a positive though, the filled orders per day has been steadily climbing over recent weeks.  Transfers have also been increasing, but not at the same pace.