But I do think it would be beneficial to promote the use of the term DEX as "ours" in our marketing literature (web site, social media, and even the web wallet). I use this term all the time in telegram/slack, as do many others, to describe our trading network. So I suggest we keep BitShares to describe the coin and the chain and use "the DEX" to describe the actual market that runs on the chain.
As I've stated earlier, I'd keep the coin name as well, but start officially using the name DEX for the blockchain itself.
We could do it gradually and start with "BitShares DEX" and then at some point the BitShares prefix will be dropped naturally.
But please let us officially claim the name DEX before anyone else does it.
Or at least start using it on our website and coinmarketcap listings.
If we don't act now, sooner or later this will happen: our competition will claim the very name of our core activity.
And then they will be the DEX, not us. We will lose what remains of our identity.
Also, it will be a huge blow in terms of our future branding.
It's a shame we lack leadership and vision in such important areas.
Nobody seems to care or feel responsible for matters which are crucial in this competitive environment.