He has no longer any significant stake in BTS.
Is this proven or just rumored?
BM sold several millions of BTS back in March and also transferred 6M BTS to onceuponatime as a compensation for failing to deliver STEALTH - this is visible on cryptofresh.
It's true that BM sold off some significant portion of his BTS holdings prior to formally announcing his departure to Steemit, but I guess it's been obvious for some time that he was dumping shares (with BitShares being so transparent, moves by whales are usually noticed within hours and BM's accounts were closely watched).
Dan has to pay his bills Jakub - he sold his personal holdings. Cryptonomex (the company) and Stan personally still own plenty of bitshares.The money Dan paid me for STEALTH was a very appreciated gesture of goodwill since the project couldn't be completed safely within the given timeframe in a way that I would get the income from it I was expecting. That would have been disastrous because I was expecting that income to fund other BitShares projects (which I have been working on while you were (somewhere?) on hiatus from BitShares activity (not answering Committee enquiries etc and leaving people in the lurch).
He sold his personal shares, which many others still here bitching have done long ago. And this HAD TO BE DONE in order partially to end the stalemate here at BitShares of those unwilling to pay workers. How was he supposed to hold a team together?
And how can you be so blind as to not see that a good deal of development money will go into the hands of BitShares project developers who simply take the trouble to post their projects and their progress on steemit.com? Or do you begrudge this workaround to get funding to the likes of KenCode and Fuzzy? (and others). Have you not noticed how well Cryptoctpus (known as rgcrypto here on this forum) has done on steemit.com? He has earned over $20,000 in just two weeks (after beating his head against the wall trying to online market BitShares earlier). I am pretty damn sure that he will be bringing his newfound funds and experience back to BitShares in the future (as will all the rest of us taking advantage of Dan's newly created opportunity).
Posting negativity here in this forum does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to add value to BitShares - but hey, it is helping to keep share prices down and I have been buying up bitshares on the cheap continuously for weeks. Thank you (I guess).
It's amazing how you've manged to twist my words.
Where did I say that Dan had done anything wrong? Where did I say he had any obligation to stay with BitShares? Where did I express any frustration directed at Dan?
All I said is that Dan is gone and that for me
it's a good thing provided the community is able to acquire another leader and rebrand.
Does this really amount to "posting negativity"?
Is it really such a secret that Dan has been quite terrible as a community leader? Everybody knows this, including Dan himself.
Regarding my "disappearance" - this is none of your business. The only person affected by this was abit, not you or any other person here. So please mind your own business.
Regarding your faith that "rgcrypto has earned $20,000 in just two weeks" - well, keep dreaming, man.
This might be true, provided Steem becomes another reddit in 1-2 years. It's not completely impossible, but not very likely either I would say.
Look at yourself, onceupontime. Your interpretation of my words is negative, not my words themselves.
EDIT: I've noticed that you were so proud of your reply that you have even published it on
steemit and referred to me as a "troll".
It's quite telling how you guys behave.