Author Topic: Steemit's Plan  (Read 27139 times)

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This is madness!   :o :o :o

The DAO is in danger of being Steemed.  :D

Offline nomoreheroes7

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Subsidizing Liquidity - rejected because of dilution and some thought it should be done off-chain
To be honest, the original proposal made by Dan is not as good as he and some others expected. Same design got implemented on Steem already, as an experience, has been running for a week. The result, distribution of reward is highly manipulated as TonyK predicted, although spread is good at most time.

BitShares need stability. It's good that unproven features got tested on somewhere else first.

well... 20K USD per day  is a very nice return bot (even if you had to pay for the money you play trade with; even better in your case where you did not have to put them)

All that assuming you can cash out (at least several days of returns) before the new "most idiotic creation in crypto*" crash before our own "non-believing eyes"

*Steem beats NuBits by a wild margin of stupidity, imho... no matter what the indeed truly respected by me (and indeed expellant writer) donkeypong believes (or forces himself to believe)

I say we go back to Tony's original idea for BTS as "True Shares".   :D

Offline tonyk

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Subsidizing Liquidity - rejected because of dilution and some thought it should be done off-chain
To be honest, the original proposal made by Dan is not as good as he and some others expected. Same design got implemented on Steem already, as an experience, has been running for a week. The result, distribution of reward is highly manipulated as TonyK predicted, although spread is good at most time.

BitShares need stability. It's good that unproven features got tested on somewhere else first.

well... 20K USD per day  is a very nice return bot (even if you had to pay for the money you play trade with; even better in your case where you did not have to put them)

All that assuming you can cash out (at least several days of returns) before the new "most idiotic creation in crypto*" crash before our own "non-believing eyes"

*Steem beats NuBits by a wild margin of stupidity, imho... no matter what the indeed truly respected by me (and indeed expellant writer) donkeypong believes (or forces himself to believe)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 08:06:42 pm by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Subsidizing Liquidity - rejected because of dilution and some thought it should be done off-chain
To be honest, the original proposal made by Dan is not as good as he and some others expected. Same design got implemented on Steem already, as an experience, has been running for a week. The result, distribution of reward is highly manipulated as TonyK predicted, although spread is good at most time.

BitShares need stability. It's good that unproven features got tested on somewhere else first.

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Offline abit

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Subsidizing Liquidity - rejected because of dilution and some thought it should be done off-chain
To be honest, the original proposal made by Dan is not as good as he and some others expected. Same design got implemented on Steem already, as an experience, has been running for a week. The result, distribution of reward is highly manipulated as TonyK predicted, although spread is good at most time.

BitShares need stability. It's good that unproven features got tested on somewhere else first.
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Offline Erlich Bachman

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Such FUD.  And who the hell cares if he owns 110%?!

Nobody who is earning STEEM backed USD or bitUSD, that's for sure.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 08:49:31 am by Erlich Bachman »
You own the network, but who pays for development?

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

We have secured ~80% of the initial STEEM via mining.
80% before announcing, you gotta figure they added at least another 10% since that moment.

You guys don't even know what you are talking about! do you?

What do you mean by saying "80% before announcing"? I'm really curious! You know that the ANN thread is this one in BCT don't you?

Other than that, you took a phrase out of context from a post and you added your own false assumptions, here is some of the information you deliberately omitted...
We have secured ~80% of the initial STEEM via mining. Our plan is to keep 20%, sell 20% to raise money, and give away 40% to attract users / referrers.

While we love the BitShares community, we believe we can get more eyes by keeping the discussion over on bitcointalk until our own forum launches.
I will only answer questions on bitcointalk, so come visit us there.

But maybe you are an anti-dilutionist too and you believe only in the free work of others.

Thanks for reposting with the complete quote.

I don't understand where all this 'they are keeping 80-90% for themselves' came from when this was already posted long ago and I have always understood it as part of the whole roll out process.

There are several ways to do a startup, this is just one.. and probably was driven largely by circumstance.
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We have secured ~80% of the initial STEEM via mining.
80% before announcing, you gotta figure they added at least another 10% since that moment.

You guys don't even know what you are talking about! do you?

What do you mean by saying "80% before announcing"? I'm really curious! You know that the ANN thread is this one in BCT don't you?

Other than that, you took a phrase out of context from a post and you added your own false assumptions, here is some of the information you deliberately omitted...
We have secured ~80% of the initial STEEM via mining. Our plan is to keep 20%, sell 20% to raise money, and give away 40% to attract users / referrers.

While we love the BitShares community, we believe we can get more eyes by keeping the discussion over on bitcointalk until our own forum launches.
I will only answer questions on bitcointalk, so come visit us there.

But maybe you are an anti-dilutionist too and you believe only in the free work of others.

Offline mint chocolate chip

Not bad at all...

actually it's pretty bad for a coin that premined 90% of them .
In my experience , coins have that much premine would increase 100x in value at least .
Not sure why you insist on the 90% number while people repeatedly claim a way smaller percentage .. the quote kind of just proofs the fact that they dont have 90%

Not sure why you don't?
We have secured ~80% of the initial STEEM via mining.
80% before announcing, you gotta figure they added at least another 10% since that moment.

Offline Pheonike

Some ppl just can't see past their bitterness.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

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Not bad at all...

actually it's pretty bad for a coin that premined 90% of them .
In my experience , coins have that much premine would increase 100x in value at least .
Not sure why you insist on the 90% number while people repeatedly claim a way smaller percentage .. the quote kind of just proofs the fact that they dont have 90%

Offline btswildpig

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Not bad at all...

actually it's pretty bad for a coin that premined 90% of them .
In my experience , coins have that much premine would increase 100x in value at least .
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Not bad at all...

Offline btswildpig

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Get Rich Quick Steem

Waves, Lisk, Ethereum, Augur... every half-as-skilled-as-me dev was being thrown boatloads of money at, it was time for Dan to get his. Plain and simple. By owning 90% and selling it off, he can walk away anytime without being beholden to investors like he was with BTS.
I actually cant .. to sell his stake he needs to divest over 2 years while PUBLICLY showing that he is divesting over 2 years ..

Not if he implement worker scheme on STEEM and dilute it again and vote with his 90% vote.   
这个是私人账号,表达的一切言论均不代表任何团队和任何人。This is my personal account , anything I said with this account will be my opinion alone and has nothing to do with any group.

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Get Rich Quick Steem

Waves, Lisk, Ethereum, Augur... every half-as-skilled-as-me dev was being thrown boatloads of money at, it was time for Dan to get his. Plain and simple. By owning 90% and selling it off, he can walk away anytime without being beholden to investors like he was with BTS.
I actually cant .. to sell his stake he needs to divest over 2 years while PUBLICLY showing that he is divesting over 2 years ..

i am pretty sure all his accounts are public know "ironic out"