I think a better option would be https://99designs.co.uk/
You set a budget and make a contest. Digix did the same for their current website https://www.dgx.io/
A bunch of designers create the mock ups then the community votes for the best one.
This way you can probably get the most out of any budget is approved for this
I know 99 designs but I personally had no good experience with that until so far. Most of the offers a templated designs, designers response slowly and do not offer anything unique that would match our vision. I will consider the option.
Nice idea and timing. With steem gaining traction, it should point new users to the bitshares website.
But then they download client or go to openledger and what they see is shitty, laggy chart that doesn't show what you want when clicking period and candlesticks buttons. If we must dilute to attract users better focus at trading experience.
The light client design is another topic that I would like to address in a sperate project. This worker proposal is for the first impression of BitShares only! The site should be informative and be welcoming for new users. It should be super clear with a few clicks what an awesome platform we have!
svk is already aware about that and i think everyone who actually using DEX is. If you read his latest worker proposal:
Some specific things that I would like to implement in the short-term are:
Replace Highstock charts with react-stockchart (http://rrag.github.io/stockcharts-demo/)
Maybe bitshares could pay him more or hire someone with skills to help?
I think money should go to improve trading experience and accelerate GUI improvement.
Couple days ago i was witnessing trollbox user biasing at some buttons (not specified, but i think chart buttons), he was angry and said he'll be back in 3 months to check again.
How many potential users we're loosing daily because something not work as should?
I know marketing is important, but when you have unfinished product...
Many things is much better. Last GUI relase was more than i could dream (very nice work), but chart is still shitty
Talking about the GUI and the Lightclient. We have to separate the official BitShares Lightclient and the OpenLedger Online client. These are two different GUI´s and responsibilities. We as BitShares Community can only build a better Lightclient. OpenLedger is currently working on his own version.
I see the following problem with the current GUI development. We don´t have a goal how the Bitshares platform should look like right now. SVK is doing a great job and adding features like the Chat, Logos, moving buttons etc.
But we don´t have a goal. He is doing all that alone, and he is not a designer. The interface is organical growing right now and I see a big problem that we are growing into the wrong direction and waste time, money and svk power.
The BitShares Community needs to set up another worker to get a clear cool multi-functional interface for the Bitshares Lightclient.
Here is my roadmap for those projects.
Worker: a-d)
a) Get a Mockup for the Bitshares.org website
b) Develop and launch the Bitshares.org website
c) Get a Mockup for the official BitShares Light client
d) Hire svk +(others) to develop the BitShares Light client according to the agreed Mockup
These design guidelines have been done by BM in the past. Since we are on our own as a community, we have to make those decisions.I'm very please you could find the time to go forward with this Chris 
I think it's much more important for our image, reputation and MC that some ppl realize.
This "dilution" (ridicously low), IMO, has a huge ROI ! A better website is crucial to attract new people curious about cyptocurrencies and entrepreneurs. Right now, the website only give information for ppl that already have a deep understanding of BC tech.
Come on everyone, let's vote this. It doesn't cost much and will certainly have a very positif effect on all the new visitors we'll have in the future !
Right now, if I was checking some cryptocurrencies projects to create my portfolio and look at bts.org. I would have the feeling that it's an overly complicated project that seems dead ... no investment.
Yes, I need to push this project forward. Time is running too fast for all of us and a worker also need some time

Please vote for the worker!!
I would like to invite you all to a discussion about this worker this Friday's mumble. I am open to your feedback!