@LOW HASHRATE:the console output is bugged, i missed the counter that is now skipped occasionally due to the rejection rate fix
actual hash rate is just like before, nothing has changed in the mining code, except that the miner is now updated correctly, when the pool spreads new work to the miners
not like with v0.1, which was just mining on stale blocks
i will fix that with the next release (
linux source code update on github
in a few minutes now)
if someone is interested, i can show you this in the code
@smith88 & feeleep & rando & co.@64 BIT & xxrforone & lzr1900 & co.:eta is about 11 hours on my side (i'm currently not on a windows machine) --- i think the other guy from the "nameless pool" (ptspool?) will be faster with compiling the miner today
but miners & pools are compatible (afaik)
you can already compile the miner for 64bit on linux machines, just use the common instructions for linux.
if you have a 64bit machine, a 64bit distribution, then you're compilation suite should be 64bit too and thus compile the 64bit version of the miner!
@LiteMine:you're probably right - man, i hate this thread managing
i need a PR manager
@donschoe:like always, thx for the help
- xolokram