I have the same problem.
I created account wallet and as I understand, this is now called "cloud wallet".
I only have account name and password.
No brain key, no bin file...
Bitshares Online exchange URL was saved on few of my computers. I was accessing account on all of those
a few months ago.
Yesterday, I wanted to login, and bookmarked URL didn't work and there was a notice about new URL "
Ok, I go to "
https://wallet.bitshares.org" and there is login form. My password manager filled account name and password but I keep getting 'Incorrect password".
Ok, I go to settings, search for login type and I play around with different login types ("cloud login" and "local wallet")...try both and both don't work.
I go to my second computer (which also have saved the password, account name and URL), and the story is the same. I can't login to my account.
I just don't understand, what changed, since last few months. I never had any problem accessing my account. And the password is saved in MULTIPLE locations. Encrypted files, encrypted backup files, 2 different password managers, yet suddenly it is the wrong password.
So all of these was tried on Chrome and Edge web browsers on 2 computers (which both worked 2-3 months ago). Login was set to "Could Login".
Then I went to download bitshare2-light...and password is still incorrect.
Something else come to my mind.
I found this issue on bitshare github:
https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-ui/issues/177Looking at this, bit shares auto-create password nowadays when you create Cloud account.
So I created a new account, to get the format of the new password. It is WIF format, right?
But looking at my password I created many months ago, It is different by the look. As I remember, I created my password myself with password random generator and 20+ length.
Can there be a bug with cloud login, that it can only decrypt passwords that were auto-created on the new login form and not being able to decrypt old passwords, users created themselves?
Maybe some sort of character creates an exception in decoding process user-created passwords? My password is pretty hectic with characters.
This is just a thought since my login data is 100% correct and login type is correct too (cloud) as I said few times, BUT I still cannot get to my account.
Best Regards