Author Topic: New smart assets were added - GOOGL (Shares of Nasdaq&NYSE at Bitshares)  (Read 28670 times)

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Offline nasdaq

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unfortunately, practice showed that when smart assets are managed by one or two accounts, and quotes also gives one account - this leads to manipulation with both Feeds and with the asset itself. This was done with the smart assets of FACEBOOKCOM and APPLECOM

In order to get fully reliable smart assets - we create our own committee of seven accounts (in the future it is desirable to expand it to 15 accounts), which will independently publish quotations and confirm any change in the smart asset using a multi-signature account

Become a member of the committee Smart Assets Derivatives for Nasdaq shares.
We create the comet as a committee that controls the bit of Asset, bitUSD, bitCNY ..., which will manage smart  Assets for Nasdaq shares, as well as the account, issuer of the derivative.
 The account will be assigned multi-signatures, so that any action with smart assets will require the approval of the committee.
As a reward, the members of the committee will be divided by the profit from the volume of trades in Derivatives for the shares of Nasdaq.
Initially, I propose to gather a committee with 7 participants, in which there will be 3 votes to make a decision.
Initially, there will be one AMAZONCOM smart asset in the management, because Two independent accounts are publish Feeds to this smart asset.

Commission for transactions with a smart asset AMAZONCOM is 0.2%. It is she who will be divided among the members of the committee.

Obligations of the participant:
Publish Feeds for a smart asset AMAZONCOM (please., Learn how to do it yourself)
Confirm transactions (once a month to distribute profits between members of the committee)

Become a member of the committee, take part in the development of Bitshares

If you want to become a member of the committee, specify your account here and you will be added to publish the quotations and receive a share in the account of the issuer with a multi-signature

Further continuation of the topic will be here -

Offline akledirs

nasdaq, what do you speak about recent incidents with MCDONALDSCOM and APPLECOM?
These blackswan very similar on artificial created, last for grabbing debt.
Your transfers from derivatives-dex to oliverstone7 look suspicious especially after account nasdaq-bts give feedprice x9 from real price.

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Could you add MTCH (

And any way to make usd the main market for the shares? It's kinda strange to buy shares with bts. That's why we got usd and other Fiat :)

any news on MTCH? (and USD default markets)?

Offline nasdaq

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New smart assets were added - GOOGL

Alphabet Inc. Class A
Alphabet Inc.
Class A
1 GOOGL - Alphabet Inc. Class A by NASDAQ (GOOGL)
GOOGL is a derivative for the Alphabet Inc. Class A share. Feeds are assigned from the Nasdaq exchange.
Support and information -

If you want to publish feeds for smart assets - Nasdaq and NYSE shares, please specify the name of the account and you will be added to the white list for feeds.
If you want to support the launch more of the derivative for shares - transfer BTS to "derivatives-dex" account

Offline nasdaq

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Published a new report on derivatives for shares of Nasdaq and NYSE

If you want to publish feeds for smart assets - Nasdaq and NYSE shares, please specify the name of the account and you will be added to the white list for feeds.
If you want to support the launch more of the derivative for shares - transfer BTS to "derivatives-dex" account

Offline nasdaq

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New smart assets were added - TWITTERCOM
1 TWITTERCOM - Twitter, Inc. by NYSE (TWTR) TWITTERCOM is a derivative for the Twitter, Inc. share. Feeds are assigned from the NYSE exchange.

With the help of a smart asset TWITTERCOM, you can trade shares in Twitter without having to enter into an agreement with the Broker at the NYSE Exchange.
Smart asset TWITTERCOM is a derivative for shares of Twitter. Inc and its price is tied to the stock price of 1: 1

If you want to publish feeds for smart assets - Nasdaq and NYSE shares, please specify the name of the account and you will be added to the white list for feeds.
If you want to support the launch more of the derivative for shares - transfer BTS to "derivatives-dex" account

Offline nasdaq

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Published a new report on derivatives for shares of Nasdaq and NYSE

If you want to publish feeds for smart assets - Nasdaq and NYSE shares, please specify the name of the account and you will be added to the white list for feeds.

If you want to support the launch more of the derivative for shares - transfer BTS to "derivatives-dex" account

Offline nasdaq

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Account zapata42-witness is added to the whitelist for publication of feeds by all smart assets  - Nasdaq and NYSE shares


I think that even the difference in the feeds, much more stabilizes and diversifies the system

Offline zapata42

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Note tat I have created AMAZONCOM on testnet also, if others witness wants to contribute ('ALLOW WITNESSES TO PROVIDE FEEDS' has been enabled).

Offline zapata42

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account zapata42-witness is added to the whitelist for publication of feeds by smart asset AMAZONCOM
As soon as you manage to publish the feeds for smart asset AMAZONCOM, I will add you to the white list of all smart assets
Please try...

I have the price of the stock in dollars and multiply it by the exchange rate bts/usd.
I take the course of bts from the purse of the bitshares. Those. from a usd / bts pair on the bitshares exchange.

I have started the publication for AMAZONCOM.

Sorry for the delay I found another issue in bitshares-pricefeed.

I think the spread is due to the different USD:BTS price we use.
I use the current bitUSD DEX feed (= bitUSD settlement price), you seems to use the DEX BTS/bitUSD orderbook. Currently there is a big spread between the two.
I feel like the bitUSD current feed it's more appropriate.
Your opinion is welcome.

Offline nasdaq

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My bot price bts / usd considers as average with the top orders to buy and sell

I have updated xeroc's bitshares-pricefeed to be able to publish your assets (see this issue).

It currently support IEX, AlphaVantage, RobinHood and Google Finance as stock price sources.

When I try to publish using IEX for Stock/USD price and Bitshares DEX current feed for USD/BTS, I have a spread with your prices (see column blockchain):
Code: [Select]
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|    symbol    | collateral |  new price   |     cer      |         mean        |        median       |      wgt. avg.      | wgt. std (#) |      blockchain      |  mssr  |  mcr   |      my last price      | last update |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   FORDCOM    |    BTS     | 0.0158990901 | 0.0166940447 | 0.0158990901 (0.00) | 0.0158990901 (0.00) | 0.0158990901 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0169090580 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-101.59) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   VISACOM    |    BTS     | 0.0014277794 | 0.0014991683 | 0.0014277794 (0.00) | 0.0014277794 (0.00) | 0.0014277794 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0015184220 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.14) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| FACEBOOKCOM  |    BTS     | 0.0010173400 | 0.0010682070 | 0.0010173400 (0.00) | 0.0010173400 (0.00) | 0.0010173400 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0010817246 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.10) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  BOEINGCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0005206468 | 0.0005466791 | 0.0005206468 (0.00) | 0.0005206468 (0.00) | 0.0005206468 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0005539305 (-6.01) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.05) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   APPLECOM   |    BTS     | 0.0010035419 | 0.0010537190 | 0.0010035419 (0.00) | 0.0010035419 (0.00) | 0.0010035419 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0010670597 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.10) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   EBAYCOM    |    BTS     | 0.0047748571 | 0.0050135999 | 0.0047748571 (0.00) | 0.0047748571 (0.00) | 0.0047748571 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0050776123 (-5.96) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.48) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  ALIBABACOM  |    BTS     | 0.0009381138 | 0.0009850195 | 0.0009381138 (0.00) | 0.0009381138 (0.00) | 0.0009381138 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0008983187 (4.43)  | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.09) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   TESLACOM   |    BTS     | 0.0006056129 | 0.0006358935 | 0.0006056129 (0.00) | 0.0006056129 (0.00) | 0.0006056129 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0006353301 (-4.68) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.06) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  AMAZONCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0001142400 | 0.0001199520 | 0.0001142400 (0.00) | 0.0001142400 (0.00) | 0.0001142400 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0001214706 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.01) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| MCDONALDSCOM |    BTS     | 0.0011389438 | 0.0011958909 | 0.0011389438 (0.00) | 0.0011389438 (0.00) | 0.0011389438 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0011912059 (-4.39) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.11) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  NETFLIXCOM  |    BTS     | 0.0005335413 | 0.0005602184 | 0.0005335413 (0.00) | 0.0005335413 (0.00) | 0.0005335413 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0005088366 (4.86)  | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.05) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   BAIDUCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0007298418 | 0.0007663339 | 0.0007298418 (0.00) | 0.0007298418 (0.00) | 0.0007298418 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0007762339 (-5.98) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.07) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| MICROSOFTCOM |    BTS     | 0.0018929351 | 0.0019875818 | 0.0018929351 (0.00) | 0.0018929351 (0.00) | 0.0018929351 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0020129587 (-5.96) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.19) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| STARBUCKSCOM |    BTS     | 0.0033989221 | 0.0035688682 | 0.0033989221 (0.00) | 0.0033989221 (0.00) | 0.0033989221 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0036148342 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.34) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   CISCOCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0044245398 | 0.0046457668 | 0.0044245398 (0.00) | 0.0044245398 (0.00) | 0.0044245398 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0047064385 (-5.99) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.44) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+

Any idea why there is such a spread? As JohnR asked, could you give us some insights on your pricing mechanism?

I can setup a price feed if you white-list zapata42-witness.

The code is under MIT license so any one can use it to setup their feed, I hope this will help decentralization.

Offline nasdaq

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account zapata42-witness is added to the whitelist for publication of feeds by smart asset AMAZONCOM
As soon as you manage to publish the feeds for smart asset AMAZONCOM, I will add you to the white list of all smart assets
Please try...

I have the price of the stock in dollars and multiply it by the exchange rate bts/usd.
I take the course of bts from the purse of the bitshares. Those. from a usd / bts pair on the bitshares exchange.

I have updated xeroc's bitshares-pricefeed to be able to publish your assets (see this issue).

It currently support IEX, AlphaVantage, RobinHood and Google Finance as stock price sources.

When I try to publish using IEX for Stock/USD price and Bitshares DEX current feed for USD/BTS, I have a spread with your prices (see column blockchain):
Code: [Select]
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|    symbol    | collateral |  new price   |     cer      |         mean        |        median       |      wgt. avg.      | wgt. std (#) |      blockchain      |  mssr  |  mcr   |      my last price      | last update |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   FORDCOM    |    BTS     | 0.0158990901 | 0.0166940447 | 0.0158990901 (0.00) | 0.0158990901 (0.00) | 0.0158990901 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0169090580 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-101.59) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   VISACOM    |    BTS     | 0.0014277794 | 0.0014991683 | 0.0014277794 (0.00) | 0.0014277794 (0.00) | 0.0014277794 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0015184220 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.14) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| FACEBOOKCOM  |    BTS     | 0.0010173400 | 0.0010682070 | 0.0010173400 (0.00) | 0.0010173400 (0.00) | 0.0010173400 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0010817246 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.10) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  BOEINGCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0005206468 | 0.0005466791 | 0.0005206468 (0.00) | 0.0005206468 (0.00) | 0.0005206468 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0005539305 (-6.01) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.05) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   APPLECOM   |    BTS     | 0.0010035419 | 0.0010537190 | 0.0010035419 (0.00) | 0.0010035419 (0.00) | 0.0010035419 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0010670597 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.10) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   EBAYCOM    |    BTS     | 0.0047748571 | 0.0050135999 | 0.0047748571 (0.00) | 0.0047748571 (0.00) | 0.0047748571 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0050776123 (-5.96) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.48) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  ALIBABACOM  |    BTS     | 0.0009381138 | 0.0009850195 | 0.0009381138 (0.00) | 0.0009381138 (0.00) | 0.0009381138 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0008983187 (4.43)  | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.09) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   TESLACOM   |    BTS     | 0.0006056129 | 0.0006358935 | 0.0006056129 (0.00) | 0.0006056129 (0.00) | 0.0006056129 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0006353301 (-4.68) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.06) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  AMAZONCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0001142400 | 0.0001199520 | 0.0001142400 (0.00) | 0.0001142400 (0.00) | 0.0001142400 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0001214706 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.01) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| MCDONALDSCOM |    BTS     | 0.0011389438 | 0.0011958909 | 0.0011389438 (0.00) | 0.0011389438 (0.00) | 0.0011389438 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0011912059 (-4.39) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.11) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  NETFLIXCOM  |    BTS     | 0.0005335413 | 0.0005602184 | 0.0005335413 (0.00) | 0.0005335413 (0.00) | 0.0005335413 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0005088366 (4.86)  | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.05) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   BAIDUCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0007298418 | 0.0007663339 | 0.0007298418 (0.00) | 0.0007298418 (0.00) | 0.0007298418 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0007762339 (-5.98) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.07) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| MICROSOFTCOM |    BTS     | 0.0018929351 | 0.0019875818 | 0.0018929351 (0.00) | 0.0018929351 (0.00) | 0.0018929351 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0020129587 (-5.96) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.19) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| STARBUCKSCOM |    BTS     | 0.0033989221 | 0.0035688682 | 0.0033989221 (0.00) | 0.0033989221 (0.00) | 0.0033989221 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0036148342 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.34) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   CISCOCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0044245398 | 0.0046457668 | 0.0044245398 (0.00) | 0.0044245398 (0.00) | 0.0044245398 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0047064385 (-5.99) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.44) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+

Any idea why there is such a spread? As JohnR asked, could you give us some insights on your pricing mechanism?

I can setup a price feed if you white-list zapata42-witness.

The code is under MIT license so any one can use it to setup their feed, I hope this will help decentralization.

Offline zapata42

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I have updated xeroc's bitshares-pricefeed to be able to publish your assets (see this issue).

It currently support IEX, AlphaVantage, RobinHood and Google Finance as stock price sources.

When I try to publish using IEX for Stock/USD price and Bitshares DEX current feed for USD/BTS, I have a spread with your prices (see column blockchain):
Code: [Select]
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|    symbol    | collateral |  new price   |     cer      |         mean        |        median       |      wgt. avg.      | wgt. std (#) |      blockchain      |  mssr  |  mcr   |      my last price      | last update |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   FORDCOM    |    BTS     | 0.0158990901 | 0.0166940447 | 0.0158990901 (0.00) | 0.0158990901 (0.00) | 0.0158990901 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0169090580 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-101.59) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   VISACOM    |    BTS     | 0.0014277794 | 0.0014991683 | 0.0014277794 (0.00) | 0.0014277794 (0.00) | 0.0014277794 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0015184220 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.14) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| FACEBOOKCOM  |    BTS     | 0.0010173400 | 0.0010682070 | 0.0010173400 (0.00) | 0.0010173400 (0.00) | 0.0010173400 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0010817246 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.10) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  BOEINGCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0005206468 | 0.0005466791 | 0.0005206468 (0.00) | 0.0005206468 (0.00) | 0.0005206468 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0005539305 (-6.01) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.05) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   APPLECOM   |    BTS     | 0.0010035419 | 0.0010537190 | 0.0010035419 (0.00) | 0.0010035419 (0.00) | 0.0010035419 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0010670597 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.10) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   EBAYCOM    |    BTS     | 0.0047748571 | 0.0050135999 | 0.0047748571 (0.00) | 0.0047748571 (0.00) | 0.0047748571 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0050776123 (-5.96) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.48) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  ALIBABACOM  |    BTS     | 0.0009381138 | 0.0009850195 | 0.0009381138 (0.00) | 0.0009381138 (0.00) | 0.0009381138 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0008983187 (4.43)  | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.09) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   TESLACOM   |    BTS     | 0.0006056129 | 0.0006358935 | 0.0006056129 (0.00) | 0.0006056129 (0.00) | 0.0006056129 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0006353301 (-4.68) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.06) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  AMAZONCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0001142400 | 0.0001199520 | 0.0001142400 (0.00) | 0.0001142400 (0.00) | 0.0001142400 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0001214706 (-5.95) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.01) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| MCDONALDSCOM |    BTS     | 0.0011389438 | 0.0011958909 | 0.0011389438 (0.00) | 0.0011389438 (0.00) | 0.0011389438 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0011912059 (-4.39) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.11) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|  NETFLIXCOM  |    BTS     | 0.0005335413 | 0.0005602184 | 0.0005335413 (0.00) | 0.0005335413 (0.00) | 0.0005335413 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0005088366 (4.86)  | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.05) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   BAIDUCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0007298418 | 0.0007663339 | 0.0007298418 (0.00) | 0.0007298418 (0.00) | 0.0007298418 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0007762339 (-5.98) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.07) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| MICROSOFTCOM |    BTS     | 0.0018929351 | 0.0019875818 | 0.0018929351 (0.00) | 0.0018929351 (0.00) | 0.0018929351 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0020129587 (-5.96) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.19) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM| STARBUCKSCOM |    BTS     | 0.0033989221 | 0.0035688682 | 0.0033989221 (0.00) | 0.0033989221 (0.00) | 0.0033989221 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0036148342 (-5.97) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.34) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM|   CISCOCOM   |    BTS     | 0.0044245398 | 0.0046457668 | 0.0044245398 (0.00) | 0.0044245398 (0.00) | 0.0044245398 (0.00) |  0.00 ( 1)   | 0.0047064385 (-5.99) | 110.0% | 175.0% | -1.0000000000 (-100.44) | unknown ago |
6/10/2018 3:03:32 PM+--------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------+----------------------+--------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+

Any idea why there is such a spread? As JohnR asked, could you give us some insights on your pricing mechanism?

I can setup a price feed if you white-list zapata42-witness.

The code is under MIT license so any one can use it to setup their feed, I hope this will help decentralization.

Offline JohnR

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Would be happy to publish price feeds (and of course submit for white-list) but I would like to study the pricing mechanism you use.  Is there anyway to view this?

Offline nasdaq

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All smart assets derivatives for shares are launched without using donations from the community. Donations are just an extra possibility. Since there are several thousand shares in the stock market, derivatives will not be launched for all shares.

(If you want to publish feeds for smart assets - Nasdaq and NYSE shares, please specify the name of the account and you will be added to the white list for feeds.)

First of all - I think this is a great project that is not getting nearly the attention it deserves.

I would love to help arrange more price feeds for greater stability of these coins.

Is this how you've done all the other tokens you listed (with donations)?  I have associates very interested in working with you in a business capacity on this project.