巨蟹的认识很清楚,锚定偏差很大的确不是这些参数决定的。主要还是bitcny的市场需求和bts 的价格之间脱节了。应该是bitcny需求大,那么喂价随之升高才对。bitcny过剩那么喂价降低才合理。应该随着bitcny 的需求动态调整喂价的价格才是根本解决办法。bitcny的市场需求目前从鼓鼓的充值费看的比较清楚,所以鼓鼓给我们提供了bitcny的供求状况。那么我们应该参照鼓鼓的充值费率来动态调整喂价,是时候让喂价掌握在内盘系统手里了,不应该伸长脖子被外盘割了。
bitcrab knows very well that anchoring bias is not really determined by these parameters. The main reason is that the market demand of bitcny is out of line with the price of BTS. It should be the demand of bitcny, so the price of the food is higher. Bitcny surplus, then the price reduction is reasonable. It is the fundamental solution to dynamically adjust the price of feed with the demand of bitcny. At present, the market demand of bitcny is clearly seen from the drum charge, so drum provides us with the supply and demand situation of bitcny. So we should adjust the price dynamically according to the drum charging rate. It's time for the price to be in the hands of the internal disc system. We shouldn't stretch our neck and be cut by the external disc.
Relying on cancer and capital saving is not a good way to change the mechanism. As long as there is a linkage between bitcny's demand and feeding prices, the penalty for bursting can be reduced to 20%, or higher, to be stable regardless of the bull-bear anchor. So BTS succeeded. My suggestion is that as long as the charging rate is positive, the feeding price will be raised continuously and adjusted dynamically until the charging rate is zero and can not be raised.
The current problem should be unreasonable market pricing, which leads to "feeding" not well linked to bitcny demand. Therefore, it is urgent to adjust the feed price so that the feed price can reflect the demand of bitcny very well. That is to say, according to the needs of bitcny, the price adjustment is dynamically adjusted. The anchor of the smart money bitcny will be more accurate and the fluctuation will be very small.