To have stable coins in a highly dynamic environment, we need dynamic parameters to protect the environment and traders better.
In an oversold market lower MCR are needed to compensate the outflow of money and in an overbought market the higher MCR prevents from over collateralize the system.
We had a long way testing with 175% and BSIP42, and both failed. To improve the ecosystem I support the way/idea of @clockwork with dynamic parameters.
Having a constant MCR in a dynamic market brings more trouble, than benefits.
Having a dynamic parameters MCR in a dynamic market will bring more trouble, it's a disaster to the system.
i think we have learned some lessons from BSIP42, GS and other rule,but i found we didn't.
The high MCR, The high MSSR, dynamic MCR, dynamic MSSR, dynamic feed price, low settlement offset, the GS, all these were wrong thoughts,these can‘t solve anything,just destroy the market more quickly, more deep.
Additional safety features are needed to lower the MCR and help against price suppression.
With a auto settle function for holders with a MCR of 1 from the fee pool, we could avoid a GS. These BTS can be spent afterwards to pay the worker.
i agreed with this thought, it's have something in common with mine, maybe we need to set a insurance fund of GS and use the TARGET COLLATERAL RATIO to handle the CR of 1.10, if the insurance fund of GS can't handle, then black swan protection, if the CR which 40% of the whole system debit is down to 1.10,
then settle the bitasset. 
i have gived a way to solve some problems:
use the settlement offset,
Make the settlement offset varied with CR;
The settlement can have the TARGET COLLATERAL RATIO.
1. CR below the MCR will get less settlement offset, e.g. if you CR is 1.7, you will have 0 settlement offset, if you CR is 1.6, you will have -0.5% settlement offset, the Minimum settlement offset is -2%.
the settlement Delay below MCR will be one hour or more less.
2. CR above the MCR will get more settlement offset, e.g. if you CR is 1.8, you will have 2% settlement offset, if you CR is 2.0, you will have 3% settlement offset. the Maximum settlement offset is 6%.
the settlement Delay above MCR still be 24 hours.