do you mean account number or device number? I ask this because many users maybe have multi accounts.
From the reply, seems the basic function is ready already, I prefer to develop more marketing.
And we need more suggest from users to improve the software.
for example, the blacklist function is very confuse me.
As I known almost all bank app use whitelist to avoid account name accident,
so why do you decide to use blacklist instead of whtelist?
In the current bear market, our total number of users is around 2,000, and the daily activity is around 500.
Yes, we have collected some user needs and made adjustments in our previous work.
1. Improvements have increased the display content of the proposal, allowing users to more intuitively understand the content of the proposal they are working on.
2, optimized the issue of the decimal point display and use of the Polish language
3, added a shield on the blacklist proposal
4, increased risk warning for important proposal content
5, according to user feedback, added a more professional k line
The first phase of the function is to develop and improve some of the basic functions of BitShares for existing community users, and hope to make more details and experience adjustments. We don't want to give users a bad impression because of some experience or lack of function, so that they give up using it, and even negate the entire function of BitShares as dex.
We will increase and promote its exposure more in the preparation of the first phase, and as the community's open source money we will promote the conditions for downloading at
At the same time, we will prioritize the development of the following functions in the second phase of the work plan based on the current user needs collected.
1, over-the-counter trading (acceptance system)
2, the design of p2p function is also developed
3, scan code login
4, add more gateway services
At the graphene conference in July, we will have deep communication with the community members attending the meeting to collect the demand and make corresponding increase and optimization.
After that, we will collect and publish the work plan content in the forum from time to time.
BitShares is a global community, and an easy-to-use open source mobile wallet is needed by the market and users. We call on community members and users around the world to give us feedback and suggestions. Our target service group is not only the existing 100w users in the community, but also more incremental users in the future. We need a good user experience and word of mouth. To gain trust and recognition, this is not just about BitShares Mobile's market evaluation of BitShares as DEX. We hope to take this responsibility and work hard for it.
1、这个数据是统计的设备数量。目前采用 SDK进行统计,新版本我们集成了 进行更详细的统计。
Thank you for your reply
1. This data is the number of devices. Currently using the SDK for statistics, the new version we integrated for more detailed statistics.
2. About the black and white list function. Due to the limitation of the blockchain, this function must be a lifetime membership to operate the black and white list, so ordinary users cannot set their own whitelist. We have now added some blacklisting to the proposal section. After that, we will carry out more systematic enhancements and improvements in terms of security, including transfers, transactions, proposals, wallets and more.
3. Market and marketing are really important. In this part, we are also considering how to better expand users, such as adding referrals and subsequent consideration of community gateway integration depth. And communicate with the core team, the official website team as the official mobile product release.
4. About the product function part. At the moment, we also list many necessary adjustment functions from the community feedback, such as French currency recharge.
If you have any other suggestions, please give us feedback.
Best Regards